A few of my favorites.
Right now I'm very impressed with AirDroid.
Network Signal Info works great if you want to check your network connection strength.
Brightness Profiles is my favorite for setting up and easily controlling my screen brightness settings.
Android Lost for lost or stolen phone.
Parkometer for keeping track of the time on parking meters and finding your car if you don't remember where you left it. This has become more of a problem as I've gotten older.
PlayerPro is my favorite music player at the moment. I try others and always go back to it.
I like mahjong and Random Mahjong is my favorite.
Backup (I'm not rooted), My Backup Pro
Password Manager, LastPass.
Bookmarks, XMarks, now owned by LastPass. Lets me sync and access all of the bookmarks on my computer from my Android phone.
Best weather app I've found is Weather, Radar, Alerts, Quakes by Elecont software.
Volume Control + Pro if you want to control and lock your different volume settings.
Favorite grocery list is Mighty Grocery. I love being able to just speak what I want and have it added.
Keyboard. I didn't use to care for swype type keyboards, but it didn't take long for Flext9 to become my favorite keyboard and I've tried most of them.
Browser. Lots of good ones, but I still like Dolphin HD the best.
Calendar: Business Calendar
Scheduler/Planner: Pocket Informant. I like the different views it gives me. It's always synced with Google just fine for me. I hope they make it compatible with ICS before I get the update. Kinda' pricey, but it's about half price right now on Amazon. ($4.99)
Amazon.com: Pocket Informant: Appstore for Android
I almost forgot Taskos. Still playing with it since it's fairly new to me, but I do like it so far. Another one that uses speech to text.
Network connection app is LTE onOFF. I know Verizon says not to use it, but it gives you more options than their built in network switch and is basically a shortcut to dialing *#*#4636#*#* on your keypad which takes you to Verizon's own advanced settings.
LastPass and XMarks are bundled for $20.00/year. To me it's well worth it, but others may disagree.
Probably one or two more I'm forgetting, but I use these every day. Most of these are the Pro, or paid versions, but most have free versions available. If I like an app I try to buy it and support the dev.
Hope these links work.