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Firemen watch as sucidal man drowns

Dont you think he should be drug tested before receiving help from taxpayer money though?

I knew a guy who tested positive for thc and was on meds for bio-polorism. They stopped giving him meds until he could test clean. For that 30+ days, he was off his meds. I don't know if that made things better or worst for him.
I knew a guy who tested positive for thc and was on meds for bio-polorism. They stopped giving him meds until he could test clean. For that 30+ days, he was off his meds. I don't know if that made things better or worst for him.

My wife is a Nurse Practitioner at a Pain Management clinic. They regularly drug test the patients. Both for illegal substances, and for their prescribed meds. If they fail the tests for the illegal drugs, they get cut off. If they don't have the prescribed meds, they get cut off. One of the many reasons I dont like her at her job. Some crazies, and a lot of them are pretty well off.
The guy wanted to die. So what's the problem?:confused:

I can't say I agree with that statement sir. He wasnt in a logical mind and perhaps there is a prescription drug that could have balanced the chemicals in his brain to help him try and get better. A wasted life is a wasted life no matter how you spin it.
I can't say I agree with that statement sir. He wasnt in a logical mind and perhaps there is a prescription drug that could have balanced the chemicals in his brain to help him try and get better. A wasted life is a wasted life no matter how you spin it.

Better for him to kill himself than to go in to a crowed of people and open fire or kill a group of school kids then kill himself. When someone is mentally unstable you don't know what they are capible of.
So no I don't feel sad that he died. I feel he got what he wanted. I feel sad for the family that has to endure this.

So be the typical person that hastily passes judgement on a person you don't know.

I must agree. Too many people seem to want out and I do not really care either. The family, as you point out, will likely suffer because of this poor soul's death.

Too much to worry about these days without shedding copious tears for every person who decides to kill himself. It is sad to a point, but it is also a choice in many cases.

I'll just say it is sad, and perhaps he needed help his own family did not provide., Sometimes, the death of a person is due to his family and friends.

First off I didn't say he deserved to die. I said if he wanted to kill himself then that was his choice. He is a grown human being. So if he felt the need to end it. Who am I to say his choice is wrong? It don't make me uncomfortable what I wrote. Society it self would say he was mentally unstable. Kinda go hand and hand with wanting to kill ones self right? Society thinks they can fix anything but they are wrong. For some people the best out is suicide. So if what I say is cruel to your ears (well eyes) then maybe you should stop reading my posts on this thread. You have pointed out people has the right to voice their opinion. So stop stepping on my freedom to say what the helll I want. I am not infringing on anyone's elses rights with what I say.

The man died by his own doing. Big whoop. Thounds die everyday trough out the world. Do we hear about them? Nope. So why should we treat this guy any different? He did what he wanted end of story.
I am a Fire Captain in So Cal. The fact of the matter is this man WANTED to die! If a firefighter or a police officer tries to RESCUE this man, he most likely will fight against being rescued! If they are untrained in swift water or ANY water rescue, this man would possibly take the rescuer with him and BOTH drown! They didn't have a rescue boat nor the trained personnel because of BUDGET CUTS and THATS why this man drowned!
Reminds me of a story where firefighters showed up to watch a house burn with 3 dogs inside because the residents were late on their public services payment or something. As the man of the house offered them the money. I cant remember where i saw it though

You know personal attacks are against the rules. The forums rules will be strickly enforced. Next time infractions will be issued. keep it to the topics. As soon as someone makes it personal infractions will be given out. Read the site rules and get to know them. As someone in this section said, ignorance of the law is no excuse.

I would say that ANYBODY that wants to commit suicide is INSANE. Insane is a lgeal definition showing an inability to determine right from wrong. So the fact the guy WANTED to die, is a moot point.
I would say that ANYBODY that wants to commit suicide is INSANE. Insane is a lgeal definition showing an inability to determine right from wrong. So the fact the guy WANTED to die, is a moot point.

I don't think that's true, I had a buddy commit suicide, he was out of work, no insurance, no help for medical bills, no disability (even though he tried to get on it) and he constantly was in agonizing pain with no way to stop or ease it off. He was suffering all the time and none of the Dr.s or hospitals would help due to no insurance. So... in that situation, I can see why my buddy did it. I ain't saying it was right or wrong, just saying that not all that want to commit suicide are insane.
Well, we will just have to agree to disagree. I cant see how anybody that commits suicide does it in a sane mind. Unless, it is because you dont want to die a slow painful death, due to an untreatable, terminal illness. To me, your friend was mentally ill, and the fact that he was only not treated because of his lack of insurance kinda proves it. Seeing as how, if he would have had insurance, he would have had treatment. For what? His mental illness.
He had chronic pain that would never go away. He was suffering.
And he couldnt get on disability? Sounds either like a failure of the system, or he had some mental problems. Either way, to take his life, over something that is treatable, is an insane move.
So, he had a debilitating disease, not related to his mental state. Maybe I should have said any PHYSICALLY HEALTHY, that isnt suffering from a terminal illness, person that commits suicide, is insane....
I have had my knee rebuilt 4 times, and I am in constant physical pain. Do I commit suicide? No, why? I am NOT insane.

As for it happening more times than not, I would like to point out, that people get help for their issues, wether it be physical or mental, more often than people commit suicide. So yes, sometimes the system fails certain people, but not to a higher percentage than it actually works. I woud say, this is an instance of the system failing. Because if the tax dollars were there, this man wouldnt have died needlesly.
Because if the tax dollars were there, this man wouldnt have died needlesly.

Thus we reach the ultimate failure of capitalism, that a dollar has more value than a man.

It doesn't have to be this way, it's only greed that makes it so.

Before the neocons pile on about socialism, I think micro-capitalism, the idea that by working hard and being productive you can do well and be rewarded, is commendable. But at the same time I detest the unrestrained corporate-industrial capitalism that eliminates competition and redirects tax revenue - that is supposed to be used for defense and the general welfare of the US - into private profit.
G.Armour, I am very sorry to hear about your friend

Nlsme, you do not have to be insane to commit suicide
Most people commit suicide to get out of suffering, physical and mental, often a combination of both
While its illegal, doctors often help elderly suffering patients to overdose - patients in sound mind - the suffering is too much

Also to many, insane is an awful word... however it just means not sane, what you are when depressed.

Oh, and drowning oneself takes a helluva lotta courage - those fire crew were right to do what they did - they wouldve been putting themselves in far too much danger with little chance of success
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