I haven't read all the posts in this thread, but just wanted to throw in my $0.02 worth on health care in general.
I've been plagued by serious health problems throughout my adult life. Despite having excellent health insurance through employers over the years, I've paid well over $300,000 out of pocket for medical expenses. Consider that a major medical plan typically includes 80/20, 70/30, or perhaps 90/10 coverage, meaning the insurance covers 80% of hospital expenses and the person pays the other 20%, etc. Do you have any idea how much 20% can be?

I do. One of my recent hospitalizations was 8 days for removal of a brain tumor; my lead brain surgeon's fee alone was $65,000; the total for my hospital stay was around a quarter of a million dollars. Do the math.
When I first became disabled and had to convert my employer-subsidized health insurance to COBRA, I was shocked. I was paying ~$650/month for what used to cost around ~$200/month. The irony is that when I was paying ~$200/month, I was making six figures; when I was paying ~$650/month, I had no income. When COBRA ran out, the only way I could get insurance was through the state's high risk pool. EXPENSIVE!!
Something really needs to change. I've seen firsthand how medical expenses can absolutely bankrupt good, hard working, honest people. I believe that the primary reason people file bankruptcy is medical bills. That's just not right.