How is it a bank or employer's fault if I don't contribute to my retirement? My employer could go under today and I'd still have my retirement money. It's my money, not theirs. My bank could go under tomorrow and I'd still have my money.
Boy! I
really need to explain this?
The banks destroyed the economy. This either put employers out of business or made them drastically cut pay and benefits. That in turn drastically affected people's ability to save for anything. Many had to dip into retirement savings to pay their way.
What responsibility did the vast majority of people affected have for all that? Absolutely none at all.
It's really not that complicated.
The government provides a stable ecosystem in which I can succeed or fail on my own
And part of that ecosystem is a health care system that allows people to be ill or involved in an accident - through no fault of their own - without it bankrupting them or just being left to die.
That is their purpose. It is not their job to create an environment where I face no consequences if I fail
Which no-one, anywhere, ever has proposed. Really, there's no point at all in raising false arguments to knock down.
So to you, the ideal society is one in which I can behave as irresponsibly as I want
Again. Not anyone's idea ever. Stop making s*** up.
It's not a fictional character. It's a character every single one of us know or have known. You probably know the guy right now
Nope. I guess there may be one or two. Thing is: you don't make policy based on what an infinitesimally small minority might do, you make policy based on what has happened to millions, people who have financial problems because the company they faithfully worked - very hard - for went bust, often taking their retirement plans down with them.
Again: stop demonising. It really doesn't help anyone.
My dad .. a co-worker .. kid learning to tie his shoes
Again (FFS!), not everyone is a waster.
Again, most of the people who are struggling would be working hard and being sensible if they could.
Again: projecting the actions of a few exceptions across the entire population is nonsense.
Why did you not build the house out of sturdier stuff in the first place?
So you're saying that people should have built their own - sturdier - banking system? They should have created their own - sturdier - system of international trade? They should have saved their employers companies all by themselves?
I've fallen flat on my face financially before. When I did it was my fault and my fault alone.
And millions of other people have fallen flat on their faces through absolutely no fault of their own. What exactly is your point?
my mistake.... I didnt realize lack of insurance was a medical condition that effects the human body
which part specifically does it harm? does it cause you to stop breathing? does it destroy your blood cells? does it make body parts fall off?
Come on! I really need to spell this out? I know the Republicans are the party of the willfully ignorant, but that's taking it too far ..
OK! OK! Here we go: what kills them is not being able to afford the medical care they require.
See how simple that was?