If you do, then you're not saving. Who's fault is that? If you have a poorly funded pension and I have a well funded one, who's fault is that?
It could be their fault, but based on recent history, it's more likely to be their employer, the banks or the insurance companies.
Scrapping it for something that might actually work would be ridiculous
The problem is you have no viable alternative. Other than, let's destroy civilisation (i.e. helping one and other).
Let me guess: you believe the absurd notion that you don't owe any part of your success to anyone else and particularly not the government?
In what way does it make any sense to have the responsible members of society fund the irresponsible ones so they can continue being irresponsible?
It's basically the definition of society. Take that away and all you have is the law of the jungle. If you want to see how that works, try living somewhere like Somalia.
Let's say I have a hypothetical 25 yr old who is perfectly healthy and mentally sound. He is unemployed and lives with his parents and plays Xbox all day. He hasn't looked for a job in months and has no intention of ever doing so. When asked about it he comments that as long as he's unemployed his parents feed him and he can play video games all day. Why should he work? Do his parents do him any favors by continuing to feed, clothes and shelter this guy? Are they really helping him?
So you're saying we should base policy on your demonisation of a fictional, one in ten million character?
That's patently ridiculous.
The vast majority of people who are struggling are suffering because of the selfish, immoral and often criminal actions of people for whom profit justifies anything - that is Republican 'philosophy' in a nutshell - and who's greed and selfishness almost destroyed the global economy but 3 years ago: the attitudes you express
caused the problems faced by the people you choose to demonise.
The right wing needs to wake up, take a look at recent history and realise that they are the
problem not the solution. Something the electorate just told them. Again.