And Bob, you're so uninformed it's a joke. You praise the mormon church like it's the best thing to ever happen to this state. It's a plague. The church's number one mission is to push their religion on as many people as possible, and shun those that won't join. I mean, door to door preaching? Who does that? Families cutting out family members and turning them into the black sheep if they leave the church. It's absurd. We might actually have laws that put us into the 21st century, and be a place people wanted to visit more, if they didn't force their influence on government so much. Oh, and you DO have to be a church member to get employment services. And where do you get second to none? What are you comparing it to? It's a single location, inside another larger building downtown. Just because you're a member and can't see past the church to how it looks to others, doesn't mean it's the greatest thing ever.
And you still have to talk to a living person to get food stamps too. And you have to recertify every 6 months. I've worked for Workforce Services, you're wrong. Just because they do more online than in an office doesn't mean anything. It's called modern times. They are strict. If you start making income, your benefits get cut down or cut off entirely, depending on if you're working full time or not. Is it possible to outright scam the system, I'm sure, and theyre always working on ways to catch them. But that doesn't mean they just freely give them to anyone and everyone with no questions asked, on a permanent basis.
And why should a person have to feel shame, more than they already do, if they can't afford to feed their families for a time? Why should they have to suffer public humiliation in the store just to pick up a few things? And you're comment about junk food is offensive as well. Like all poor people eat nothing but junk? No, they're people, and like everyone else some will buy junk and some will buy healthy.
You should feel shame to some extent because you wanted something better and you failed. Nothing wrong with feeling shame, either. It is one of those things that makes (some) people down on their luck strive for something better. You feel bad so you want to change. This is a good thing, this going from shame to pride.
Most reasonable people are ashamed to be in need. Many cretins, however, simply want free crap regardless. These are the same people that smoke the cigarette butts they pick up from the sidewalk, sell their blood and eat from trash cans.
You simply hate the LDS Church and that colors your comments. Clearly, you do not understand them, just hate them like so many other Utah folks that do not know the Church. I have seen it before. You are one of those folks that simply thinks the Church is evil, period. I have worked with the Church so I know what I am talking about.
I do think they sometimes throw their weight around and because of who they are and it can sometimes be impossible to fight them. I certainly do not think they are perfect and I am not a member. Some things they do truly piss me off as well. They do cause some problems for some people and some members are truly deplorable people.
You clearly do not currently work for DWS or understand just how much the system is abused in this country. This is abundantly clear. I know for a fact that this is how it works:
1- Visit the web site and complete the online form. E-sign it and tell them if you have an EBT card. If you do, you are set. If not, they send you one. The only other contact you have to make is via telephone. You must authorize the card and select a PIN number. No human contact at all.
Before the recent change, you had to call DWS and talk to a live person. This person would ask about your bank, if you had a job, your rent costs and utilities; not to mention, where you derive income from to pay your rent. You told them about your assets. If you get help from friends or family, they had to contact the DWS and confirm that they help you. If you had too much income, your monthly allotment was lower and it changed as your income changed month to month. Next month, you had to do the interview thing all over again.
2- You will receive a letter telling you that you no longer have to call for an interview. Before the change, your letter told you who and when to call. Now, every month the funds are automatically added to your card. Again, you no longer need to go through the interview process with a live human. This is clearly stated on the documents you receive via return mail. Applying is done online and funds are added every month. No human contact required.
This is simply how it works now and because you do not know this, it is clear you are not currently a DWS employee. However, to be fair, you said you "worked" not currently work for DWS. Perhaps you once were an employee, so I'll forgive you for not knowing the new way things are done. Trust me, things have changed at DWS.
BTW, I believe if you also get financial help (monthly cash) it takes less effort to qualify. The funds--available via an ATM--are put on your EBT card as well. The money helps people that need smokes, booze or laundry soap. The EBT card will not allow you to purchase such items, but that matters not one bit. Just visit the ATM and take out a pile of cash you do not repay.
Not sure about the financial help part except my guess is it takes less to qualify these days and everything is done online or automatically as well.
So there you go. Apply for help and get a free plastic card that lets you get "free" cash from any ATM and "free" food without end, probably. It is a great time to be a societal drain.
One more thing: sure, if you start earning an income your benefits can change. This is how it should be. Don't you get it? Welfare works if it is not abused., Sadly, it is abused and that is why it must be reformed. That will not happen, so it grows larger. It is an evil system that should be torn down and reconsidered.