Both sides of the isle are at fault because they're simply interested in undermining the other side of the isle instead of actually REPRESENTING what the people want. They have their own interests (read as how can the put more money in their bank accounts and keep getting elected at the same time). They are ALL a bunch of egotistical, unethical, blowhards that like to hear themselves talk but say and do nothing unless forced into it. This country is in bad shape and is swirling around the drain. I only hope I don't live to see the final flush, but I don't think it's far off. The majority of the people (
), with the exception of the far left AND far right, are getting seriously fed up with these bozos and sooner or later, all h*** is gonna break loose.
But back to the topic, there ain't no free lunch. "Free health care" is a total myth. Someone is going to pay for it and that's those of us who aren't freeloaders and are, or have worked for a living. Free healthcare for illegal aliens is absolutely stupid. Don't people understand what ILLEGAL means any more? Welfare is stupid! It doesn't encourage people to work, it encourages people to have more dependents so their monthly paycheck goes up. BS - bring back WPA - you need help? That's fine and we're willing to help; do something to EARN what the PEOPLE give you. Pick up trash along the roads, plant trees, work on road crews, DO SOMETHING. Wanna bet you'd see people suddenly finding jobs who "couldn't" before?
I'm sorry for the rant. I really try and not get involved in this crap but sometimes I just can't stop my fingers.
It's just so sad to see the idiots "in charge" trying to pull the flush handle - The other problem is; I'd bet you could take the most honest people in the country and replace the current idiots and within 6 months - they'd all be corrupt. It's called greed and everyone today has a bad case of it.