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free health care

This healthcare bill forces you to have health care and "taxes" those who do not comply
Isn't it the same as auto insurance? You have to to have at least Liability insurance and will be taxed (fined or whatever you call it) if caught driving without it.

Now if you don't own/drive a car, then you are exempt, but are forced to comply if you drive one, at least the owner does.
Isn't it the same as auto insurance? You have to to have at least Liability insurance and will be taxed (fined or whatever you call it) if caught driving without it.

Now if you don't own/drive a car, then you are exempt, but are forced to comply if you drive one, at least the owner does.

No, these are not even close analogies.

I can choose to not drive a car. I'm not going to choose to not live.

If you have to pay to live, is it even a "free" country anymore? Stop towing the (insurance) company line.
No, these are not even close analogies.

I can choose to not drive a car. I'm not going to choose to not live.

If you have to pay to live, is it even a "free" country anymore? Stop towing the (insurance) company line.
That is my point, you can choose to drive or not...as long as you live, you will need health insurance, it's just a matter of when!
That is my point, you can choose to drive or not...as long as you live, you will need health insurance, it's just a matter of when!

another myth........ almost as big as the word "affordable" in the name of this debacle

not everyone is going to need health insurance at some point

and for every case where someone has dined and dashed Im sure theres a case where someone has paid their way
It's amazing the amount of cool aid being drunk in this country. Even after the truth about millions being canceled and the cost doubling or tripling they still cannot believe O leader is a devout Socialist and has dedicated his life to transforming America into a full out Socialist county. These cool-aid drinkers have been taught this crap is good from our education system and the media.

Hopefully the news about Cuba will get out and the Cubans will continue to find freedom with the new lax rules that lets people work for themselves and prosper because of it. Hopfully the truth will be told and the cool aid drinkers will then understand that Socialism and all it's shootoffs don't work, never have and never will. It defies human nature. Everyone is created equal and should have equal opertunity, NOT EQUAL RESULTS !!! Under Socialism everyone is equally miserable, but that would be perfect for dear leader and the like.
another myth........ almost as big as the word "affordable" in the name of this debacle

not everyone is going to need health insurance at some point

and for every case where someone has dined and dashed Im sure theres a case where someone has paid their way

Don't forget and dont let them confuse the real issue. It's not about health care, it's about control and transforming this country to Socialism.
It's not about socialism. Don't congratulate yourself on some "breakthrough realization". It always has been and always will be about corporatism, Democrat or Republican.
While there is a mess of negatives in this bill there are a few things that are positive, one thing in particular is no one can be denied for preexisting problems.. But why not just push that by itself if you think that's necessary..

Not that I like Obamacare, but without forcing coverage, allowing for preexisting conditions would destroy insurance companies. People would only sign up once they were sick, and then they'd pay $400 a month to get $10,000 a month in benefits.

Even so, not allowing for exclusions for pre-existing conditions takes the insurance element out of health care, and makes it merely wealth transfer. Signing up to get paid to cover something that has already occurred is not insurance. There is actually a middle ground--not allowing screening for certain things that are more likely to result in a condition in the future. They didn't go there.
Good God, I cannot believe some of what I read here. Health care is not a right. Nor should it be. Before you flame me, allow me to explain:

If you believe in the concept of self ownership (you own your body and mind and all that comes from that - notably your labor) then healthcare cannot be considered a right or you have just shown yourself to be a hypocrite. Why, you may ask?

Well, if you own your labor (irrespective of what it is you do for a living) then other people claiming to have a right to your labor at no cost to themselves (or having the cost at least heavily subsidized by others) are advocating the age old sin of slavery.

If you are in the medical care industry (doctor, nurse, lab tech, whatever) and others claim that healthcare is a right in the same vain as life, liberty and the pursuit (but not guarantee) of happiness then they are really saying that they expect you to provide the service of the field that you are employed in to them at no cost, at least to themselves. This is morally and ethically reprehensible to human decency and completely contrary to human nature.

Think of it this way. No man "makes" life or liberty. Sure, man can take those things away all too easily by killing or imprisonment, but they are rights inherent in your existence as a human being. This is true whether you believe that humans are a product of God or of Nature. If someone kills you or imprisons you (unjustly at least) then they have violated your rights.

Now, healthcare is a service (or in many cases a product) made by man. It did not exist when man was created. If you got sick or injured prior to the development of modern medical science, you probably died and that's just how it was. Thus, it is not a right inherent simply in your existence as a person.

In basic terms, healthcare is a consumer commodity just as is a smart phone, car, television or cheeseburger. The right to own/consume those items is not automatically conferred upon anyone simply because they were born and are a living, breathing, sentient being. How can some product or service that is a relatively recent development (modern medicine) be a right when it is a creation of man that did not exist at the time man was created (by whatever means you believe that occurred)? See the problem here yet?

It is also rank hypocrisy that those most aligned with the notion of healthcare as a right (progressive mindset) are also generally the strongest proponents of legal abortion on the basis that a woman owns her body and is free to make that choice. Ok, so you can accept and even endorse the concept of self-ownership in that instance but in the same breath will advocate the functional enslavement of an entire sector of workers (and whether you will admit that to yourself or not, that is what you are calling for) so that their labor can be taken by force for the so called common good? Wow, I truly admire your logic and consistency (no, not really).

Can any of you clamoring for "free" healthcare see how dangerous and unworkable this attitude is? By this logic one could state that eating is a right. What then? Will restaurants and all their staff will be expected to toil all day preparing and serving meals, cleaning tables, flatware and dishes for customers who come in but don't pay? Can you just go take what you want from the grocery and tell the cashier to sand the receipt to the taxpayers? Oh, and yes, this is exactly what SNAP (foodstamps) is.

I am a plumber. Is modern sanitation a right? After all, no one wants to be knee-deep in their own shite. Do you really think I would come repair your toilet for free because you claim to have a right to a clean odor free household and avoidance of a cholera outbreak? Guess again. You want a freebee, I'll stick your head in the toilet. Might even flush it first if I am feeling charitable. Otherwise, you WILL pay me for my labor. And if you claim that isn't fair, I'll tell you to piss off.

I'd like to claim the right to an Italian sports car and an orgy with a couple of supermodels. After all a man has needs and my inability to afford to fulfill said needs does nothing to obviate their existence! Yet, somehow I don't think Lamborghini will be sending me a freebee, nor will a fashion show divert their top talent from the catwalk into my bedroom. Oh well, girls lit up on cocaine are a drag anyway. Guess I'll be driving a Buick forever.

Let me break this down: rights are very basic, ethereal concepts, not things you can buy. One cannot claim a service or product produced by the labor of others as a "right" without implicitly seeking to strip others of their labor without proper compensation. This is idealistic utopian fecculence that has not and will never work on this planet. You can wish and hope to no end, reality of human nature (i.e. nobody works for free, and there is endless demand for anything given for "free") is going to bust your misguided dreams.

Anyone who posted in this thread stating healthcare is a right: what do you do for a living? Would you consider it acceptable if the fruits of your labor (whether a service or product) were suddenly deemed a right to basic human existence? If not, then you can stop calling for others to whore out their productivity and expertise for your benefit, with you acting as the pimp who gets not only the product/service but collects a cut of the profits from it.

Here is the key thing: no one works for free. No one. So, all products and services have to be paid for somehow. Either the individual who desires the product or service comes up with the funds to buy it themselves, or they find a way to force others to subsidize it's cost for them. This is where we now find ourselves as a society.

In the latter instance above, they are stealing [by taxation] the income of others (and that income of course most often is the compensation those others have received for their labor) so that they might enjoy a product or service that they could not otherwise afford or simply wish not to pay for themselves. This is still slavery as stealing the income others receive for their labor to pay your expenses is functionally equivalent to telling them they have to work for free (or at least much reduced compensation in the equivalent of how much you are taking from them through taxation).

So, we have an untenable situation. Too many think that things they cannot afford but really want should be redefined as rights, as this somehow makes it acceptable to demand others share in the cost of providing whatever -it- is they want but cannot afford.

In addition to being a form of slavery and theft, it takes the form of abuse by proxy. Those who wish to create new "rights" (that really aren't) for themselves are using the force of government to extort others by way of taxation to pay the costs that they themselves cannot or will not bear. How many times in an election do the takers vote themselves (once they have achieved the majority needed to do so) more subsidized/socialized largesse at the expense of their friends and neighbors who they feel no shame in extorting (oh, it's just a small tax increase, it's for the children, it will make things "more fair", on and on with the excuses) to provide them with services or products that they would otherwise have to buy for themselves.

Well, good luck with that. As can now be seen every major country on earth is in financial straits due to the laziness, greed and stupidity of it's respective inhabitants, too many of which expect something for nothing and there are no longer enough producers with enough "extra" money to cover the bill. Despite that, the demands never end, and governments are all to willing to use force to effect the extortion that the masses are demanding for their collective benefit. Add to this the monetary and fiscal manipulations enacted by governments and their banking/finance cohorts that serve to inflate the price of everything, and it is about to blow up in spectacular fashion.

Attitudes and expectations have to change - and they will either by collective realization that many promises that were made cannot and will not be kept, or by brute force. The latter entails much destruction and suffering that needn't be aired out here, but if you think lack of access to affordable healthcare is your biggest problem, you have seriously underestimated the gravity of your (and our) situation.

My money says we do this the hard way (again) as - for most - human thinking at an individual level is simply riddled with too many false beliefs and too much self interest to accept the things that have to be done to lessen the impact of what is going to happen if attitudes and expectations do not adjust to reality. And note that I say " lessen the impact" as there is no preventing the consequences outright. We have long since passed the point of saving the ship. We are now speculating on how many people survive the blast in the hull, avoid hypothermia and drowning and can manage the grueling swim to shore. Fact is, many of us will not make it.
I had put this on the funny pictures thread, however maybe it's more suited to here?


  • IMG_129631933097202.jpg
    16.9 KB · Views: 95
cute cartoon........ its a good thing they have universal healthcare or the UK might develop a drug problem.... DERP
Well, if you own your labor (irrespective of what it is you do for a living) then other people claiming to have a right to your labor at no cost to themselves (or having the cost at least heavily subsidized by others) are advocating the age old sin of slavery

Fair point - absolutely nothing to do with the Health Care debate, of course :rolleyes:

People will still be paying for their healthcare. The only difference is how.

If you are in the medical care industry (doctor, nurse, lab tech, whatever) and others claim that healthcare is a right in the same vain as life, liberty and the pursuit (but not guarantee) of happiness then they are really saying that they expect you to provide the service of the field that you are employed in to them at no cost.

Nope. Nobody expects medics to provide anything for free. This is simply an argument about the best and fairest way to pay them.

In basic terms, healthcare is a consumer commodity just as is a smart phone, car, television or cheeseburger. The right to own/consume those items is not automatically conferred upon anyone simply because they were born and are a living, breathing, sentient being. How can some product or service that is a relatively recent development (modern medicine) be a right when it is a creation of man that did not exist at the time man was created (by whatever means you believe that occurred)?

See the problem here yet?


In fact, I don't see what any of that has to do with the price of fish :confused:

Of course you can argue against a right to healthcare. Problem is: nobody's arguing against you.

The debate is about how best to pay for healthcare services. There is no new 'right' :rolleyes:

It is also rank hypocrisy that those most aligned with the notion of healthcare as a right (progressive mindset) are also generally the strongest proponents of legal abortion on the basis that a woman owns her body and is free to make that choice

Not sure how a consistent set of beliefs is hypocritical :confused:

Ok, so you can accept and even endorse the concept of self-ownership in that instance but in the same breath will advocate the functional enslavement of an entire sector of workers (and whether you will admit that to yourself or not, that is what you are calling for) so that their labor can be taken by force for the so called common good? Wow, I truly admire your logic and consistency (no, not really) [..] you have seriously underestimated the gravity of your (and our) situation.


Reality check: no-one is suggesting bills not get paid and certainly, no highly paid medical profession is coming anywhere close to being enslaved. Very, very far from it. That Italian sports car? Don't worry: they'll still be able to afford it.

The idea of enslavement is solely and entirely fantasy.

My money says we do this the hard way (again) as - for most - human thinking at an individual level is simply riddled with too many false beliefs and too much self interest to accept the things that have to be done to lessen the impact of what is going to happen if attitudes and expectations do not adjust to reality

Note: reality and the BS talked by the likes of Fox News and right wing shock jocks are two entirely different things - with virtually nothing in common.

And note that I say " lessen the impact" as there is no preventing the consequences outright. We have long since passed the point of saving the ship. We are now speculating on how many people survive the blast in the hull, avoid hypothermia and drowning and can manage the grueling swim to shore. Fact is, many of us will not make it.

Not quite sure how you get from a plan to help address the problems of paying for healthcare to the imminent death of civilisation. Seems like something of a leap.

Try not to worry: most of the rest of the developed world has used similar methods of paying for healthcare for the best part of 70 years and last time I checked, the world hadn't been consumed by flame.
Just scanned this thread. I, for one, am LOVING my insurance/Obamacare or whatever you want to call it. Do I pay more? Yup. From $0.00 (meaning that my fellow Americans were paying for me if I had to go to ER and if I couldn't afford to pay) to just under $400.00/month. Before, I was uninsurable because I had what insurance companies like to call: pre-existing conditions. Basically, I'd once had to have emergency brain surgery - so they didn't want to take any chances.

I'm for Universal Health Care. Just let me pay taxes to have nice things like HC, roads, schools, police, military, border security, fire, EMT's, etc... Call me a socialist if you want. I just don't want a private company to deny me my basic human rights because their CEO can't make a billion dollars a year.
Just scanned this thread. I, for one, am LOVING my insurance/Obamacare or whatever you want to call it. Do I pay more? Yup. From $0.00 (meaning that my fellow Americans were paying for me if I had to go to ER and if I couldn't afford to pay) to just under $400.00/month. Before, I was uninsurable because I had what insurance companies like to call: pre-existing conditions. Basically, I'd once had to have emergency brain surgery - so they didn't want to take any chances.

I'm for Universal Health Care. Just let me pay taxes to have nice things like HC, roads, schools, police, military, border security, fire, EMT's, etc... Call me a socialist if you want. I just don't want a private company to deny me my basic human rights because their CEO can't make a billion dollars a year.

First off, I'm sorry you had to have major surgery but glad that you're ok!

But... if you think there are no private companies who can deny you care under BOBs plans, you'd better think again. If your doctor says you need procedure "xyz" and your insurance company doesn't think you do, you don't get it, period.
not to mention your entire premise makes no sense...... you cant afford to pay any more now that you have a plan than you could before........

youre still going to leave everyone else on the hook for your medical bills

and since deductibles have gone through the roof (especially for those with pre-existing conditions).... my guess is you wont even be able to cover that

so $400 a month for the ability to get $20 physicals and routine services like flu treatment seems a bit steep doesnt it?

when you consider if something catastrophic happens youre in no better financial position than you were before

youll probably fair worse with insurance than you would have without..... when you consider what 03bluecoupe stated

without insurance..... you go to the ER .... theyll give you treatment and send you on your way

with insurance.... you go to the ER...... sorry your insurance company says they wont pay for arm reattachment because youre an at risk customer already..... hope it wasnt your sex arm
This was almost.... tl;dr. But, I will tell you that my deducible is 1K, I'm covered for almost everything except an abortion and (for some reason) acupuncture. The last time I tried to get the same plan (or similar, from the same company) I was given the quote of:

$2,200.00 per month

So, I'm happy. Yay Obama or whoever. I don't give a rats ass. Eventually we will have single payer like every other civilized country. But it'll take time.
Oh and btw, those $20 checkups you complain about? They save lives! Last month my mammogram showed something and I had to get an ultrasound. Turned out to be nothing. But if it had been cancer, I'd like to know sooner than later. Paid $0.00 for that.
I dont recall complaining about $20 checkups...... and Im happy your tests turned out negative

but lets play a little math game.... since youre giddy about a mammogram.... which you can often get for free even without insurance

lets pretend for a minute that it was positive (god forbid and I certainly wouldnt wish that upon you)

so lets just pretend you did have breast cancer

you couldnt afford medical treatment before and you couldnt afford insurance.....

now you can afford insurance which will pay (assuming you got a great plan, which I doubt) 85% after the deductible is met.... and you still couldnt afford medical treatment

based on current pricing your out of pocket expenses to get treatment are going to be somewhere on average of $1000-$2000 per month

so I ask you this........ knowing you cant afford that much per month....... does it really matter if you have insurance and you cant afford $2000....... or if you dont have insurance and you cant afford $10,000 a month

if you cant afford treatment.... you cant afford it.... insurance or not

so in the end youll get the same treatment...... and the same result.... someone else is going to pay for it (and thats on top of the subsidies theyre already paying so that you can get a crap plan)

the only difference is....... so that you can have a $20 physical instead of a $60 physical........ everyone else is getting screwed because of obamacare
I dont recall complaining about $20 checkups...... and Im happy your tests turned out negative

but lets play a little math game.... since youre giddy about a mammogram.... which you can often get for free even without insurance

lets pretend for a minute that it was positive (god forbid and I certainly wouldnt wish that upon you)

so lets just pretend you did have breast cancer

you couldnt afford medical treatment before and you couldnt afford insurance.....

now you can afford insurance which will pay (assuming you got a great plan, which I doubt) 85% after the deductible is met.... and you still couldnt afford medical treatment

based on current pricing your out of pocket expenses to get treatment are going to be somewhere on average of $1000-$2000 per month

so I ask you this........ knowing you cant afford that much per month....... does it really matter if you have insurance and you cant afford $2000....... or if you dont have insurance and you cant afford $10,000 a month

if you cant afford treatment.... you cant afford it.... insurance or not

so in the end youll get the same treatment...... and the same result.... someone else is going to pay for it (and thats on top of the subsidies theyre already paying so that you can get a crap plan)

the only difference is....... so that you can have a $20 physical instead of a $60 physical........ everyone else is getting screwed because of obamacare

Exactly. You just made the argument for single payer, universal Health care. Kinda like public schools and highways. We all pay, we all benefit! Glad we agree. As the majority of Americans overwhelming want it, I know we'll get it soon. Just need to get those in Washington off their asses. This has been the lamest Congress since.... I don't know when. :argh:
Exactly. You just made the argument for single payer, universal Health care. Kinda like public schools and highways. We all pay, we all benefit! Glad we agree. As the majority of Americans overwhelming want it, I know we'll get it soon. Just need to get those in Washington off their asses. This has been the lamest Congress since.... I don't know when. :argh:

I'm so tired of hearing that for various things. "The majority of Americans want to outlaw guns...", "the majority of America wants to outlaw abortions", "the majority of Americans want to outlaw {fill in yours here}"... How about we take these issues OUT of the Washington idiot's realm and put them on National Referendum Votes. Show up and vote or don't complain and the vote is final. Then we'd see what the majority of Americans really want.

Nothing personally directed to you LizMac, that phrase just trips my triggers.
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