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Root Froyo Source!

I thought Bugless Beast V1.0 (and the updated V1.1) were both built from source. They were both ESE81 builds. Wasn't that the souce build? I could be wrong, though.

when you see built from source it means that the dev actually complied the source themselves. There are several devs that build from ESE81 source or 2.1 update1 and there are others that just use the files from the OTA. The OTA 2.1 OTA we got was ESE81. I know its entirely confusing but I have never actually seen Pete say he built a rom from source so thats why I said that. I could very well be wrong.

Really what I am saying is you can use the ESE81 as a base for a rom without compiling from source on your own.
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when you see built from source it means that the dev actually complied the source themselves. There are several devs that build from ESE81 source or 2.1 update1 and there are others that just use the files from the OTA. The OTA 2.1 OTA we got was ESE81. I know its entirely confusing but I have never actually seen Pete say he built a rom from source so thats why I said that. I could very well be wrong.

Really what I am saying is you can use the ESE81 as a base for a rom without compiling from source on your own.

Actually, it's not confusing at all. It makes sense (to me at least). You're right, I've never seen Pete say his build was "from source." I just assumed it was because it was an ESE81 build. Thanks for the clarification.
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well a straight compile, ie. stock android 2.2, on the nexus 1, not (i'm assuming) a version of cyanogen 2.2. Gonna take a bit more time to integrate the CM features/tweaks with the upgraded source from 2.2. Man I can't wait, I 've been holding off on the leak Froyo's for some freshly compiled code...

Tho I would imagine a good bit of the leak 2.2.s will be changed to use the "official" source, but then again I have no idea how many devs actually mess with Compiling code.
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I guess those of us that flashed Froyo Kangerade V1.1 will be flashing yet again in a few days, once a ROM built from source is released.

I said this before, but I'll say it again. THANK GOD I'm a teacher with the summer off. Otherwise I wouldn't have the time to do all this tinkering. And I get to take care of "Droid business" while my wife is at work so I don't have to deal with the "quit playing with your phone" comments from her.

That would be me. Just finished Froyo Kangerade V1.1! Now I want to get my google listen working again!
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Koush just posted some screenshots of 2.2 on Droid on Twitter:

What's up with that Model Number? Mine says Droid (on Kangerade 1.0). And, is that the new baseband? I haven't been following much of that since I nearly always have great 3G.
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Koush just posted some screenshots of 2.2 on Droid on Twitter:

What's up with that Model Number? Mine says Droid (on Kangerade 1.0). And, is that the new baseband? I haven't been following much of that since I nearly always have great 3G.

Yes that's the new baseband, it surfaced a couple weeks ago when Froyo leaked.
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