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Fun Post: What's Your Phone History?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking, I've had cell phones since 1996, Freshman year of College. Back then nobody knew of OTA updates, much less cared. My first cell phone had no camera, didn't have a color screen, wasn't a touch either. There was no need for flashing or rooting or waiting to "improve" what was then an incredible feature set. Obviously things have changed. So as Vibrant owners today we arguably might be one of the highest end phones on the market. My question is how did we go from 9oz monochromatic pocket weights to phones that connect us to the world at large? What's your progression?

1996 (Freshman Year)
Audiovox MVX480 AT&T
I found it cleaning out my Grandmothers old apartment, don't remember the model and it's impossible to find on the web. Thing to note though, The Motorola StarTAC came outaround that time. I gave it up switching from AT&T to Bell Atlantic. (When AT&T was still originally AT&T and well before Bell Atlantic became Verizon)

Samsung SGH-1910 on Bell Atlantic
I finally got a 9oz flip phone, meaning keypad covered phone. With the battery in, I needed the side holster because this wasn't fitting in my pocket and cargo pants weren't popular yet. Gave it up switching to VoiceStream. Thank you Jaime Lee Curtis.

Nokia 3310 (Grey Brick) on VoiceStream
This thing was top of the the line back just before Nokia went on a spree of designing designer phones (Nokia 8110) . First and only phone I've ever been able to change body plates on. The thing was also one of the sturdiest phones I've ever played catch with. After 2 years I just got bored with it.

Motorola V300 On T-mobile
I wanted a color phone with a camera that could play music. Bonus the rubberized blue exterior. I was also down with getting a small flip phone as people grew tired of my incessant pocket dialing. Got rid of it because I wanted something called bluetooth. (I still have this phone and it works rather well)

Motorola V330 On T-mobile
First phone I ever flashed firmware in, which if memory serves me was a whole lot easier then. Got rid of this one because it fell in a stand up urinal mid stream.

Motorola U6 (AKA PEBL) On T-mobile
This phone just looked cool. It was small, light, played mp3's and was really, really reliable in damn near whatever hole I was calling from. One of the best, if not the best phone I've ever owned. I still have it to this day, and used it recently when I found a sucker to buy my Samsung Behold 2 while I was waiting for the Vibrant to come out. I wanted to buy the ROKR U9, but it's technology is a bit dated. The only reason I stopped using it was because my contract was about up -again- on T-mobile and they gave me another phone just to stay with them, so....

Motorola RIZR Z3
Not an awful phone, but the build quality was crappy. The center dial wore off after while and it had a bad overheating thing going for it. The battery ultimately went on it from overheating and I just gave up the phone, thus supporting my new phone every year practice.

HTC Shadow On T-mobile
It was my first "smart phone" When I went to look at it in the store I was even more blown away by how cool a smartphone was. However after just under 2 weeks, my girlfriend hated it and she routinely used it more than I did so I turned it in. Oh, yeah and windows mobile was REALLY REALLY bad. Turned me off to Windows mobile forever.

Motorola ROKR E8 On T-mobile
One of the worst phones I've ever owned. Sure it was thin and played music. It's not worth it if the UI sucks, and the key lock is buggy as hell. Everything about this phone made me mad. I got rid of it out of frustration. Funny because I loved Motorola. (I still have it, and it still works to some degree if anyone wants it)

HTC-G1 (AKA HTC Dream) On T-mobile
Having been a long time Linux nerd and Google disciple/slave, I knew I wanted an Android phone. I preordered it after seeing one of the T-mobile workers with it in the store next door. Huge screen, fast, full internet. It's only setback was that the damn thing was huge. Small price to pay as it turned out to be the 2nd greatest phone I've ever owned. Sold it to the same guy that bought my......

Samsung Behold 2 On T-mobile
Christ. You know what bothered me most about this phone, it kept unmounting the SD card while it was on and corrupting it. I lost lots of music, data, random files that were kind of important on a 4gb card! The thing was awful. The whole being forever stuck on Android 1.6 was inconsequential because an OS update wouldn't fix an inherent OEM Samsung firmware flaw. I tried to hold out on this thing as long as possible, but one day after it corrupted my SD card and erased my resume I decided to sell it and either go without a phone till the Vibrant came out or use one of my old ones. So the guy that was lusting after that phone, because lets face it the screen was awesome and he only watched movies on his phone, bought it. I went back to 2005 technology and used the PEBL, still an awesome phone.

Samsung Vibrant On T-mobile
Time will tell what this phone is going to be like, but considering where I've come from over the past 14 years this phone is a great improvement. It restored my faith in Samsung to a degree, and I'm sure that I'll have this phone till it either becomes outdated or unusable due to the constraints of its hardware and software. The next phone will probably be a dual core with whatever iteration of 3.xx possibly 4.xx software available.... edit... Took the first best offer I could get on this POS phone. Never again will I ever buy another Samsung device. This phone actually turned me off to Samsung as a company. DVD players, AC's, TV's, you name it. Samsung is dead to me. I wish I knew how much trouble this phone was before I lost a year to it. Thank god for HTC.

T-mobile MyTouch 4G aka HTC Glacier
Officially the 3rd best phone I've ever owned. Hell, it just works. The WiFi hot-spot feature alone was worth it. This is one of the phones I'm holding onto in the event the LG G2X doesn't work out for me.

Updated: 4/27/13 Just because I'm procrastinating from what I really should be doing, and someone reminded me about this 3 year old post

I had to give my MyTouch to my then girl friend as she desperately needed a phone, and I wanted an excuse to buy a new one. She insisted on having a phone with a keyboard, and I loved having it. I went with the G2X just to have a 100% pure vanilla android device. I missed it so much after all the TouchWiz, SenseUI, MotoBlur... There was one big issue with it that ultimately lead me to drop it. The Battery life was atrocious. If I got 3 hours on this thing it was a great day. Ultimately that phone just died for some reason, still under warranty, but no longer offered by T-mobile, they gave me...

HTC Sensation
When it was brand new, it was awesome, as it wore on it, like so many other phone's I had rooted, it slowed down quickly. Like literally, the phone took about 3 minutes to boot, then it was just laggy as all hell. I loved the Hardware, probably one of the best built phones I've had since the PEBL, the screen was incredible, and the camera was outstanding. It was the total package in a phone, but the damn thing was just too slow. I factory reset the hell out of it and eventually it just crapped out. What ultimately did it in though was actually another warranty issue that may or may not have involved the phone at all, but the reception in my area as it was the worst phone I've ever owned when it came to reception. After returning it 4 times, they offered to send me another phone...

Samsung Galaxy S3
I really tried to resist and gave them all kinds of reasons as to why I hated Samsung phones based on my history... It didn't stop them from giving me the damn thing, and initially I was kinda surprised. It wasn't a bad phone. Apparently Samsung has come a long way since the Vibrant. Doesn't change the fact that it's still a plastic phone with TouchWiz. I couldn't quite see past it though, there were just too many little things I found wrong with it to really enjoy it. Besides at this point, I had had a different phone every 6 months for a while, I had my eyes set on the Nexus 4.

Nexus 4
Officially the best phone I've owned since the G1. It now makes for the 3rd best phone I have ever owned. (See previous phones) It's vanilla Android. It's got the Snapdragon S4 chip & 2Gb Ram, so there's little lag ever. If I had to come up with a con, it would have to be the 16Gb internal memory cap and lack of removable battery. But they're really not cons. Owning this phone was really taught me to cut down on the crap that I have downloaded and never use, and how to manage battery usage. I think from here on out I can really say that I'm comfortable with giving up size and weight for a lighter slimmer phone. I would rather carry a charged battery pack in my bag than another battery, bonus it powers my Nexus 7 if need it. What really makes this phone special though... I've had it since launch day, and while I've thought about it, I haven't rooted yet. I haven't had the need. Sure it would be great to loose adds, but really, since I only use apps that I use, generally they're all pro versions and I've paid for them. The few that I haven't, don't bother me enough. I don't need to over clock, the phone is plenty fast. I don't need a different ROM, I've always kept it stock anyway. Really, the only thing I would do is change the font. In any event, this will be the last phone I buy till the Nexus 5... Or maybe the Motorola "X"

This should have been an internet blog article, not a post. Sorry I got carried away. So what's your history?
I don't have a vibrant yet.. but I'm planning to get one soon.. I'm so excited!
so far i've had:
Motorola v300
Motorola Razr (silver)
Motorola Razr (pink cherry blossom edition)
Blackberry Pearl (white)
Sidekick Slide (red)
Blackberry Curve 8300(pink)
Blackberry Curve 8900
Blackberry Bold2 9700
*coming soon* Samsung Vibrant
I don't know why, but I love these kinds of posts :).

My parents bought me my first cell phone after I got stuck in the snow on my drive back to campus after spending a weekend at home. It was that nokia phone with interchangeable faceplates that everyone had.

I was issued a free "upgrade" to the same model phone, only with a pull out antenna

Cheap kyocera flip phone. Hated that thing.

Motorola flip phone

Samsung flip phone

Sidekick 3. My first smartphone. It's the phone that started my obsession. Up til that point I didn't care about features. That phone changed everything.

Sidekick LX

Sidekick LX 2009

Blackberry 9700. Got this after the Great Sidekick Outage. Loooooved that phone! It showed me what I had been missing out on while using Sidekicks for so long. I kinda wish I had kept it as a backup phone instead of selling it to pay for:

Samsung Vibrant. Best phone of the lot, hands down.
I have a fairly decent list of phones, I will only go as far back as I can remember

Nokia 1100 on Tracfone
Come on, who didn't have one of these things! It's like an obligatory first phone ;)

Samsung SGH-A117 on AT&T
Basic flip phone, had this bad boy for a few months, extremely basic, prepaid still at the time

Apple iPhone 3G on AT&T
My very first smart phone, bought it about a month after launch, and entered into my first cell phone contract. I did enjoy it when I first had it, but after a while the lack of being able to find quality apps(at the time it was mostly shite) I held onto this phone for roughly 6 months before I got a...

Samsung Blackjack 2(SGH-i617) on AT&T
First phone I ever bought off contract, and for $125 it wasn't too bad, but boy oh boy was it slow and underpowered. After not being able to customize anything on my iPhone I started searching for my perfect phone. This clearly was not it, and I only had this phone for 3 months before I sold it

Sidekick LX 2009 on T-Mobile
Ditched my contract on AT&T and joined T-Mobile, while the carrier move was a good one, the phone move not so much. Very limited in terms of ability, couldn't have more than 100 sms in your inbox, and no apps. I got this phone on a recommendation from my friend, while it worked as a temporary solution, it still didn't satisfy me, so off searching I went for my perfect phone

HTC Hero(Unlocked GSM version) on T-Mobile
I came so close to finding that perfect phone with this one. If it wasn't for the lack of 3G bands for T-Mobile I would have probably kept this longer than I did.

Samsung Behold II on T-Mobile
Joined the Even More Plus program, and started buying phones with their Equipment Installment Plan, this was my first forray into T-Mobile's Android lineup, and one that didn't last very long. I returned this sucker on day 14 of my 14 day remorse period, I really just couldn't get past the fact at how badly Samsung mangled the user interface with this one. Not to mention I am now haunted by the "TaDa" SMS ringtone that was the default for this thing. I shudder everytime I hear it.

Motorola Cliq on T-Mobile
Got this after returning the Behold II, was somewhat satisfied with it, but the lack of custom ROMs was annoying the crap out of me. I have always had a custom ROM on my device since I got that HTC Hero, and the fact there was no recovery or anything for it really turned me off of this phone.

T-Mobile G1 for T-Mobile
Traded someone at my workplace my Cliq for the G1 and some cash, this was actually not that bad of a deal, same processor, but less memory. I would trade a little less memory for the vast amount of custom ROMs the G1 had. It served me well up until I got my...

HTC HD2 for T-Mobile
Badly needed a hardware upgrade after seeing my friend's Nexus One. Since I couldn't afford the $530 up front for a Nexus, I got the best phone in T-Mobile's lineup(at the time). Got it on launch day, went on my break to be the first person in line at the store before it opened. Loved this phone even though it was Windows Mobile. WM is actually not that bad provided you have hardware that can run it well, and the custom ROMs were very nice. Unfortunately I had a terrible accident with this phone. I was dropped from the insurance for making 2 claims within a 12 month period(happened to be 11.5 months apart :rolleyes:) I had my HD2 sitting on my desk while cleaning my room up. Ended up knocking it off my desk into a half full glass of Lemonade. :( Quickly fishing it out of the glass I tried to see if it still worked, and it kind of did, but at the same time it kind of didn't. The volume rocker became stick and would act as if someone was holding down volume up constantly and wouldn't allow the use of the phone. I turned it off, took the battery out, and grabbed a can of electrical contact cleaner... Worst thing ever! It ate through all the plastic it touched and totally killed the phone....

Samsung SGH-T259 on T-Mobile
Knowing the Vibrant was just around the corner, I decided I could wait a month without a smartphone. So I went to radio shack and bought a cheap $40 prepaid Samsung slider and threw my sim card in it. I swear going from an HD2 to this thing was the most painful switch I've ever had to make. Luckily I didn't have to hold onto it too long before...

Samsung Vibrant on T-Mobile
Again, bought this bad boy on launch day. Was as giddy as a school girl to see the screen in action and have been loving this phone since. I hope to have this for a while, and probably won't buy another phone until the Spring. I will probably be looking at Windows Phone 7 devices then, as I always love to try new tech, as well as back the underdog(which is now MS and not Google anymore)
1999 - i had Mitsubishi phone with voice stream
2001 - Motorola flip phone voice stream
2001-2002 - Nokia with Cingular
2003-2006 - Virgin mobile audiovox flip phones with and without camera
2006 - audiovox - cricket wireless
2007- samsung flip phone t mobile, Motorola flip phone t mobile nokia bar phone t mobile
2008 - Motorola flip phone - Alltel lg flip phone - alltel (work phones) nokia flip phone - t mobile blackberry 8120 t mobile
2009 - blackberry 8120 t mobile iphone 2g - t mobile
2010 - samsung behold 2 t mobile and now samsung vibrant - t mobile
Samsung T something- it was a slider phone, didn't have it long bc i got jacked =(

Replaced the Samsung with a Motorola Rokr E1. It had itunes! POS.

Sony ericsson W810i- omfg i LOVED THAT PHONE i honestly wish i still had it, i'd STILL use it today! memories man....

Sidekick LX 07- Got it for free with unlimited everything for $20 a month so i was happy with it for a while...still the best IM software ive ever used.....i really miss that keyboard. Worst speaker in history though. Had its run sold it for $160 in 2008 so it was a score.

Iphone 3G-had it for a week then sold it.

Sidekick LX 07 again until...

HTC dream/G1- my baby......i could not stop putting it down for the first few months...the cr
Motorola Droid X
Samsung Omnia
Verizon VX6800
Motorola Q9m
Palm Treo
Motorola V710
Motorola MicroTac

And a whole bunch of phones I can't even remember anymore.

My first cell phone:
Fujitsu Commander installed in my truck back in the 1980's
Motorola Droid X
Samsung Omnia
Verizon VX6800
Motorola Q9m
Palm Treo
Motorola V710
Motorola MicroTac

And a whole bunch of phones I can't even remember anymore.

My first cell phone:
Fujitsu Commander installed in my truck back in the 1980's

Jesus! For real, A Fujitsu Commander!? That's awesome, my mothers boyfriend at the time had one installed in his Mercury Cougar! Damn, that's some years back. :eek:
Not a lot of Nokias in this crowd, which is kind of surprising giving their history. Perhaps I'm that old, but in the late 90's early 2000's I could have sworn that they were the best phones in terms of variety and reliability. The people I know that have ever owned one always say it's the best quality phone they've ever owned. Perhaps it's a generational thing.

Motorola rose to prominence simply by creating the RAZR, unfortunately you can only ride a horse for so long. They had to figure out the hard way that to stay ahead they had to innovate once in a while. (READ: iPhone)

Blackberry's are/were business devices, my guess is that over the term since they weren't able to adapt quite the way Andriod is able to, they will fall out of favor.

A lot of people on this list have had a lot of Samsung phones. (myself included) Funny thing though, not a lot of people are every happy with them. Apparently they're good at the whole innovation/feature thing, but their hardware and execution sucks big time. I promise you that after I'm done with the Vibrant I will never own another Samsung phone.

Anyway, the mark of a good phone in my opinion is one that you actually manage to keep. It doesn't look like anyone on this list still has any of their old phones. Damage aside, some phones can just last. If anyone told me that I could fully use a Motorola PEBL 5 years past it's prime in an age of smartphones and it's far more reliable than the newest tech, I would have thought they were nuts. Good thing I kept it. Anyone else have a time line of phones to share?

Motorola RAZR V3

First phone of my own. Not inherently terrible, but not great either. You had 8 MB for everything, including the OS. Which is unheard of nowadays. I had a lot of fun modding it though. You could make themes for it, fonts, and change system behaviors, and remove stock bloatware and sounds. If you got rid of 2 MB of clutter, it made tons of room. I even took it apart, used a paperclip to create a short circuit on the board, so you could flash an alternate bootloader. Great battery life too. But it had its problems, like the terrible VGA camera, and the fact that it would restart if you had it in your pocket too long due to body heat.

RAZR again.


Nokia E63

My first smartphone. Granted, I didn't have a data plan yet, but I took advantage of its vast amount of features as best as I could. Especially the much loved wifi. I finally had a phone where putting a ringtone on it wouldn't strain it for memory storage. I didn't do much modding to it, but since Symbian S60 was so flexible, you really didn't have to. Although signing apps got really annoying. Full QWERTY was welcome, and made typing text messages not a chore anymore. And the battery was even better than my RAZR. I mean, near eternal. Or at least a 4 days. It was also a good music player and actually had a pretty good video recorder. Even the flashlight button on the spacebar was useful. There really wasn't much I DIDN'T like about the phone.


Blackberry Pearl Flip

So our local GSM carrier got bought out by T-Mobile, so we were provided a free upgrade. I suppose it introduced me to Blackberry. Once again, no data plan. It wasn't terrible to use, but it left me wanting. It didn't have a very good processor so it could be bogged down incredibly easily. I tried it for a few days, but I couldn't stand it. So I just went back to my Nokia. We ended up leaving T-Mobile anyway due to them being unable to port our number properly.

HTC Droid Eris

So we were forced to go onto Verizon, forcing me to permanently retire my beloved Nokia after only a year. :( But since I had already tasted the wonderful world of smartphones, I couldn't go back. I got an Eris, after Verizon successfully ported our numbers. 1.5 was decent, but left me wanting. It still left me quite impressed with Android though. And having data everywhere made having a smartphone infinitely better. I rooted, installed the 2.1 leak, unrooted, exchanged for a new phone (trackball problem), cried as I went without root for a month, rooted again and rejoiced, installed ROMs and have been happy. The only real compaint about the phone itself, is that it doesn't take as good of videos as my Nokia did. The Eris has pretty terrible audio quality on videos. Still, I'm quite happy with it and with xtrSense, I think I can live with it until my upgrade.
Jesus! For real, A Fujitsu Commander!? That's awesome, my mothers boyfriend at the time had one installed in his Mercury Cougar! Damn, that's some years back. :eek:

Gee... thanks for making me feel ancient! :eek: Oh wait! I'm about to turn 50 therefore I am... :p

BTW it actually was a darn good phone given that it's base unit was huge! I'd swear that thing was about the size of an after-market car stereo amp.
Good post! :)
My 1st phone was a Nokia 5110 (the throwback phone with the Samba ringtone and the changable faceplate and antenna). I had a clear faceplate on it with a disco-ball antenna. It was with Tmobile (Voicestream at the time)

2nd was a Nokia 3310 (the one with the ringtone composer) - Still with T-Mobile

3rd was a Nokia 3585 with Metro PCS. The screen had no color but it had Polyphonic ringtones!

4th was a Nokia 3586i with Metro PCS. I got it after my 3585 went dead and they were forced to give me another. This one had a color screen!!!

5th was a Nokia 3205 with Metro PCS (the one with the bubble looking buttons that they had on American Idol) - I loved how I could make my own faceplates too. Too bad it was stolen.

6th was a Nokia 6015 with Metro. After my 3205 got stolen I needed another phone but didn't have alot of money so I was forced to downgrade. :(

7th was a Kyocera Rave with Metro... I liked the phone but dropped it in a glass of water and it was no more.

8th I had a Nokia 2270 with Metro... A MAJOR downgrade! I hated that phone!!!!!!

I then got a Nokia 6255i with Metro (Nokia Flip Phone) which I loved but some goon asked to use it at the train station in ATL and then took off with it.

After that I got a Nokia 2865. No flip, but it had a color screen.

Later I finally upgraded to a Nokia 6265i (slider) with Metro, which was my favorite phone they released. I still have the phone to this day and it still powers up.

When I moved to Louisiana, I switched to Tmobile and got a Sidekick 2008. It was OK but I hated the fact that I was forced to purchase ringtones from that market.

About a year later I switched to Sprint and went with the Samsung Instinct, Not too shabby but I hated the full touchscreen! I needed some type of keyboard for my big fingers.

I then moved up to the Samsung Moment which I had for about 6 months and recently purchased the Samsung Epic 4G.

As i'm sure yall can tell, I was a Nokia FANATIC! I dont know what it was, but those phones were the best IMO. Now it seems I've jumped on the Samsung boat.

Phone stories:

The MicroTac was my first mobile phone and because at the time i was driving extensively for business, I always justified the need as a safety measure for my wife. Ironically, one of the first calls I ever made was when I hit a patch of ice and slid into a ditch. First the tow truck, then the wife. She said i jinxed myself.

The Nokia 6110 was always on my belt in a leather holster. I dropped the thing so many times that the antenna broke off. I was able to glue and duct tape the antenna back on and it worked.

The 3360 was my solution to the dropping and breaking the antenna off issue. It was an okay phone and the first that was able to sent SMS messages.

The 6800 with the flip out keyboard was to permit me to text more rapidly and accurately. I never got the hang of texting on a keypad. In theory it was good, in practice i never really used it that much. I did accidentally drive over this phone in a Home Depot parking lot (it must have fallen out of my pocket) and other than a few scratches and some gravel embedded in the screen, it still worked.

The shine was a beauty. All metal and glass, it felt substantial but was still small enough to pocket (yeah, and it was only three years ahead of the iPhone 4) . Its design made very hard to text with, but I am not a heavy texter.

The incite ... um ... WinMo 6.1 ... um ... WHAT WAS I SMOKING???

Each phone was an improvement and I expect that trend to continue up to the point where I get a quadband GSM transmitter implanted subcutaneously. At that point we will no longer text people, we will "thought" them.
I have had a few over the years, and here is most of them.

Novatel Bag phone (as big as a desktop computer :eek:)
Motorola Bag Phone (Not as big as the Nova, but still a lot to carry)
Motorola DynaTac
Motorola MicroTac
Motorola MicroTac Ultra
Motorola MicroTac Elite
Motorola StarTac
Nextel i600
Nextel i90
Nextel i95
Nextel i88
Nextel i730
Nextel i880
Motorola RAZR
Sony T630
Motorola RAZR V3M
Blackberry Pearl
Blackberry Storm
Motorola Droid
Motorola Droid 2
Motorola Droid X
- BEEPER ERA! Wow...that sucked! Everyone typed 911 after their phone number to make every page seem like life or death. God, I don't miss those! I even had the dorky bungy cords attached to the belt loop! :eek:

- Had a couple of Nokia pre-paid phones (personal)

- Some ugly ass Qualcom phone (personal)

- Samsung SGH-S105...first color phone...woohoo! (personal)

- Nokia 3650 (personal)
- Nokia 6650 for the wife (personal)

- Silver Moto Razr V3 (personal)
- LG VX4650 (work)
- Magenta Razr V3 for the wife (personal)

- Motorola Q (work)

- Motorola Rizr (personal)
- Motorola Q9M (work)
- Samsung Blast for the wife (personal)

- Verizon VX6900 aka HTC Touch, aka HTC Vogue

- Motorola Droid (personal)
- Motorola Droid for the wife (personal)

- HTC Touch Pro 2 (work)
Since high school:
Some crappy Motorola phone
Another crappy Motorola phone
Envy 2
LG Versa
Blackberry Storm 2
Blackberry Tour
Samsung Fascinate (for like 3 days)
Droid 2 :)
I feel like I have had nothing compared to most of you.
My first phone was a Samsung flip phone with a color screen on AT&T, don't remember the model.
Then I moved to a Motorola V3C Razr on Verizon
Motorola Q
New Motorola Q that was just as sucky
Blackberry Curve 8330, had this for the longest of any of them.
Finally, moved to Android and my Droid 2
Had too many phones to remember all of them.

First one though in 1993 was a second hand Nokia Mobira Cityman.

Recent years it's been various Nokias and a first gen iPhone, which I kept only a short time.
2003 - T-Mobile - 2 motorola phone (can't find them anymore)
2004 - AT&T Nokia 3560
2005 - VZW Motorola V710 --> E815
2006 - VZW Samsung SCH-a950
2007 - VZW LG EnV
2008 - VZW HTC Touch
2009 - VZW BB Storm
2009 - VZW HTC DROID Eris
2010 - VZW Motorola DROID X
Samsung SGH-X427M :rofl:
(click to enlarge)

Motorola RAZR (Black)
(click to enlarge)

iPhone (1st Gen)
(click to enlarge)

iPhone 3G
(click to enlarge)

HTC Evo 4G (OG Evo) - Still missin that kickstand. :D
(click to enlarge)

HTC Evo 3D (3vo)
(click to enlarge)

Nexus 5 (Black)
(click to enlarge)
Motorola Razr V3M


Samsung Captivate


HTC Evo 4G


HTC Evo 3D


Samsung Galaxy S2


Samsung Galaxy S3


LG G2 (miss this phone like crazy)


Moto G

Not bothering with pictures.

Motorola RAZR (VZW)
Some Samsung keyboard feature phone
LG Optimus V
HTC Wildfire S (VM)
PCD Chaser
Kyocera Rise
Samsung Galaxy Victory
HTC One (m7) (with a brief interlude of an HTC G1...)
ASUS PadFone X (with a brief interlude of an HTC G1 and a HTC Wildfire S GSM)

Side devices:
Acer Iconia a500 (FIRST Android device I've ever owned)
Nexus 10
HTC Nexus One
iPhone 3G
iPhone 3GS
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