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Future phones for Virgin Mobile USA?

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Your understanding of retailing logic is right, but VM may or may not drop a new product for the holidays. If they do, it could be on a feature phone rather than a smartphone. (I'm just guessing - I haven't seen anything that suggests they plan to do this.)

VM and the other pre-paid carriers aren't in the newest/best/awesomest handset arms race by design. The post-paid carriers have to have lots of handset choices and offer the latest and greatest because it's an incentive to pay 2 to 3 times as much as we do for functionally similar service. If you could get the iPhone 5 or the HTC Super Awesome (or whatever) from VM and pay $35 a month, I'm sure many, many Sprint post-paid customers would defect costing Sprint hundreds of millions in revenue. As long as VM's prices are so much cheaper than Sprint's, I would not expect VM's handset offerings to get too fancy.

Good point. I wouldn't call the OB fancy. If the triumph keeps costing them money in returns maybe they'd put out the OB as a consolation.
Let others buy it and report the performance of the phone

That's the thing. It's already been done. A lot of news sites get test phones so they can do reviews.... several reviews are already available for the OB, and they don't look all that great. :cool:
I'm thinking about buying the Triumph but i've heard a lot of stuff about it being not so good. I really am just looking for an android phone with a big screen. I only have the rumor touch now and I hate it. there is not customizing, apps, or anything like that... I wish I had got the Samsung (I got the rumor touch when Optimus wasn't out yet). I'm hoping that the triumph will be lowered on Black Friday if not then I guess I'll end up getting the Optimus.
I'm thinking about buying the Triumph but i've heard a lot of stuff about it being not so good. I really am just looking for an android phone with a big screen. I only have the rumor touch now and I hate it. there is not customizing, apps, or anything like that... I wish I had got the Samsung (I got the rumor touch when Optimus wasn't out yet). I'm hoping that the triumph will be lowered on Black Friday if not then I guess I'll end up getting the Optimus.

My neighbor has the Rumor Touch, I have the Samsung Intercept and the Optimus V... The OpV is the best thing Virgin Mobile has offered thus far. Believe me, you don't want the Intercept.
My neighbor has the Rumor Touch, I have the Samsung Intercept and the Optimus V... The OpV is the best thing Virgin Mobile has offered thus far. Believe me, you don't want the Intercept.

Agreed on the Intecept and OptimusV.
The guy also does not want to get the Triumph. Mine worked fine for a week and a half to two weeks and started doing all the things that others were reporting.
The Triumph is only better than any of the other VM Androids in that it has better hardware but it is by no means a better phone than the Optimus V.
I will take stability over raw power and big screen, and the OV has stability. The Triumph does not and for 300.00 dollars this phone should be rock solid.
plus rooting a V and installing a nice CM7 build makes it a better phone... add link2sd or darktremor apps2sd and you don't have to worry so much about the internal storage
Copy, paste, and replace (DOT) ^^^^^

If you look at the second phone from the top it is the GelatoQ (VM701)
I hope it won't cost too expensive because it sounds like a really good phone.


  • GelatoQ(.jpg
    535.3 KB · Views: 82
Agreed on the Intecept and OptimusV.
The guy also does not want to get the Triumph. Mine worked fine for a week and a half to two weeks and started doing all the things that others were reporting.
The Triumph is only better than any of the other VM Androids in that it has better hardware but it is by no means a better phone than the Optimus V.
I will take stability over raw power and big screen, and the OV has stability. The Triumph does not and for 300.00 dollars this phone should be rock solid.
i purchased the triumph. worked great for 3 days. gps was flakey. no reliable support. returned it to keep my optimus v!!! very happy!:D
Well with a possible iPhone 4s to accompany the iPhone 5, which is supposedly a redesign, a $350 pricemark could be possible.
I hope the low end new iphone 4s rumors are true, my wife will jump ship and bye bye verizon! I love my optimus V....i hope the black rumors for next year are true.
I have not seen an update on the OB in this thread so here is what I have heard.
From the HoFo and articles on the web, the OB going by the LG Marquee will be released on Sprint on or around Oct 2nd. It is confirmed through the VM web sight (I have no idea how people find things on the VM sight but they have dug up up and coming phone listings and posted them on HoFo that show the OB is due to hit VM shores) that the OB will be coming to VM but it has not been stated as to when and what name it will be given or what changes to the ROM VM/Sprint will have done.
Couple sites reporting the JukeB from TCT. Saying it ships with Gingerbread, but those screens don't look like 2.3.

Virgin Mobile To Get JukeB Gingerbread Android From TCT Mobile

JukeB handset headed to Virgin Mobile | Ubergizmo


Kind of along the line of the HTC ChaCha. It's a cross between a Android and a Black Berryish kind of thing.


It has been reported that this ChaCha has loads of issues. So I hope this new JukeB has a better ROM on it than the HTC does.
well, i hope the htc wildfire is legit and real.
It was confirmed by Virgin Mobile, it isn't much of an upgrade either. Mostly HTC instead of LG. CPU is 600 or 800mhz, I've seen both listed. I haven't seen if it is ARM6 or 7. That would be the only real upgrade (with ARM7 I could run Firefox).
wildfire S has a Qulacomm MSM7227 chipset, which is ARMv6.
T-mobile started carrying it on August 3, lists it there as 600mhz, as well as most all spec sheets.
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