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Galaxy Nexus Watering Hole

I like how my battery magically gains charge while I'm asleep.
I don't get this paragraph (from the link):

What's the difference between the two settings? I'd like to know instead of being told what to do. A lot of the movies I want to convert are dramas with action in it (Star Wars, etc.), so it's not all breakneck-fast scenes.

I don't want to use HQXT because I want the best quality possible.

I think there are two reasons for the different settings. (HQ!,HQ2,etc).
It has to do with the compression ratio and the format size for the phone.
I am using HQ2 as a standard until I learn more about it.

I have to say DVD Catalyst is the best $10 that I have spend for any software.:)
I tried downloading Franco's kernel in that link, but the link is dead.

Anyone know of another link? I tried rooting around XDA, but that place is a mess.
Wow! That's nuts!

Fastest I've gotten is 29MB down with full bars.

Huntsville, AL network. (all IP and location stuff was erased in paint)
Edit: Ignore the 3G in the signal, I didn't take the screen shot till several minutes later while on the road.


  • speedtest.JPG
    70.4 KB · Views: 90
My Nexus just MIGHT be here today! It was on the truck (again!) this morning at 7:48...yesterday it didn't get on the truck until 11:28! (yes, I'm stalking the Fed Ex tracking site!)...it's snowing again, but let's hope they can make it today!!
Merry CHRISTmas!

Verizon Wireless hinted at the varying signal strength in their 4G LTE service based on factors such as where the device is within the array of towers providing the signal. Verizon Wireless concurred with some tech site findings in that the signal strength indicator on the Samsung Galaxy Nexus is actually more accurate than other devices.

Raney told Computer World that the forthcoming update “will adjust the signal strength indicator to more closely match other Verizon Wireless devices”.

What? So basically they are taking away the accuracy ? Am I reading that right?
My Nexus just MIGHT be here today! It was on the truck (again!) this morning at 7:48...yesterday it didn't get on the truck until 11:28! (yes, I'm stalking the Fed Ex tracking site!)...it's snowing again, but let's hope they can make it today!!
Merry CHRISTmas!

A cautious happy dance has commenced on your end hasn't it?
Argh. Wiped data/cache/dalvik, flashed Kang's 4.0.3, wiped dalvik again, flashed soft key mod, rebooted, and no notification bar and no soft keys!!

What the frak!!
Had a friend call last night, was sitting in my basement looking at a signal bouncing between -110 and -120 dbm with 99 asu and zero bars..........

Talked for 14 minutes, crisp clear sound for whatever it's worth, still have never been unable to send a txt either, even with zero bars.

But data connectivity is far, FAR weaker than the other phones in my house, and both my Nexus ands my son's Thunderbolt are set to CDMA only (no 4G here yet)

Thank God for Wifi!!!!!!!!!

Morning everyone -- working from home today. I absolutely love that I can WFH at this job if I want/need to.

Gonna flash gummyNex 0.2.6 over my 0.2.3 in a bit -- the changes for 0.2.6 are awesome -- especially the 1% battery mod, although I do love my Circle Battery Widget.

BTW wifi power management is awesome -- this is left unplugged overnight.


I'm having intermittent wi-fi connection problems. I was literally 2 feet away from my router, and my phone wouldn't connect. It said "out of range". But my laptop was working just fine. I haven't been able to connect to my work wi-fi all week, then magically today, I can. Aside from that, 4g and 3g have had intermittent connection problems. Maybe I should try to exchange?:confused::confused::confused:
What? So basically they are taking away the accuracy ? Am I reading that right?

yep, the bars are in no way, shape, or form standardized and its been long known that they have them over state the signal strength. Apple is the most notorious for this but everyone has been getting bad of late. The Nexus is being honest but users are complaining even though the still get the same data and voice connections they got on their old phones, just the signal bar is lower.

So VZ instead of saying in a press release that the bars are like dumb lights on cars is adjusting the Nexus to lie like all the other phones.
Does anyone recommend a good kernel for 4.0.3 ROMs? I'm currently on Pete's nightly and looking for something maybe OC'd but more for battery life.

As an aside, just picked up a Kindle Fire for my folks for Xmas (I know, better late than never for shopping). Will have to scope out the threads over there since I know they'll have no idea how to use it.
Argh. Wiped data/cache/dalvik, flashed Kang's 4.0.3, wiped dalvik again, flashed soft key mod, rebooted, and no notification bar and no soft keys!!

What the frak!!

I have had that happen too often... that's why I'm sick of all those dang kangs..


All 4.0.3 builds are NOT created equal... Grand theft auto will not run on any 4.0.3 build except Pete's... fwiw I think that's why there are do many issues with those mods
What? So basically they are taking away the accuracy ? Am I reading that right?
The findings from the "tech site" mentioned (AnandTech's expose, located here) are as follows:
The issue here is that on basically all of the LTE/CDMA Verizon handsets, the field under “Signal Strength” refers to EVDO signal strength, and not LTE signal strength. The two aren’t comparable at all for a host of reasons - different spectrum (800 MHz and 1900 MHz for 1x/EVDO as opposed to 700 MHz for LTE), and different cells (there’s some correlation, but not every Verizon base station has LTE onboard). The end result is that if you’re comparing 1x/EVDO signal strength to LTE signal strength, you’re making an absolutely meaningless apples to oranges comparison.

The Galaxy Nexus (and really just Android 4.0) now correctly reports and accommodates LTE by reporting its signal strength under “About->Status” and visualizing that as bars appropriately. [...] The only real issue that exists is that the Galaxy Nexus (and really just the stock Android 4.0 signal strength to bars mapping) doesn’t line up with what Verizon has shipped on other devices, thus leading people to make apples to oranges comparisons and imagine an issue.

There’s a CDMA and LTE baseband update coming with the LTE Galaxy Nexus’ 4.0.3 update as shown above, but this will likely do more to address connection stability than change the way anything is reported. Given how much attention this has gotten, however, I would not be surprised to see Google make a change to its signal strength to bars mapping for LTE and placebo away an issue that never really existed to begin with. That's also an unfortunate change, since from my perspective the Galaxy Nexus is one of the first handets that doesn't have an unrealistic mapping.

As predicted, Verizon has made a statement to The Verge and Computerworld stating that there's nothing wrong with the RF performance characteristics or baseband firmware on the LTE/CDMA Galaxy Nexus. Instead, they will upstream some changes to Android to make the device report its bars visualization in line with the rest of its 4G LTE hardware portfolio.
So, basically yeah, because of the stink people have raised about this, Verizon is changing the Nexus' signal reporting to more closely match the reporting meter from previous phones, even though it's technically less accurate. The only real question in my mind is why the less accurate method was used in the first place.
So first of all...

In May, it is our Anniversary, Mother's Day, and her Birthday, in that order, within a ten day period. So I got her a Spa Treatment/Massage, diamond earrings, and a Nook Color. I had been planning on getting her the Samsung Stratosphere as her big gift but her LG Ally pooped out two months too early! I know she wants cozy boots from Target she pointed out but that is hardly thoughtful. I am actually at a loss and Christmas is four days away! Help me BB...you're my only hope. Help me BB, you're my only hope...


Missed this earlier. A not so common gift I've found is to have a star named in someone's honor. It's not 'official' but still very cool. And with Google sky map you can show them where the star is too!

Don't have the link handy, but google international star registry, should come up.
I have had that happen too often... that's why I'm sick of all those dang kangs..


All 4.0.3 builds are NOT created equal... Grand theft auto will not run on any 4.0.3 build except Pete's... fwiw I think that's why there are do many issues with those mods

Is Pete's "bugless" 4.0.3 pretty stable?
Missed this earlier. A not so common gift I've found is to have a star named in someone's honor. It's not 'official' but still very cool. And with Google sky map you can show them where the star is too!

Don't have the link handy, but google international star registry, should come up.

I did that for my parents when my daughter was born.
BB - I am LOVING the new sassy Santa avatar!!

So first day at the office in a few weeks and first day here with the Gnex. I'm getting -84 dbm and it reads full bars of 4g. Further reminding me how crappy reception is in my house! I really think I need to look into extenders or something :(

Oh and I'm at 9 hrs and 56 mins on my extended battery (although much was overnight and therefore in standby) with 75% battery remaining. I'm guessing its not fully calibrated for the extended battery just yet so I am going to use it till it runs out today like someone suggested a while back. Seems to be a smart buy for me though!
Does anybody else have a faint "shadow" or blotchy dark spot on the screen?

I have this little area that almost looks like a smudge on the screen. It's barely noticeable, but I can see it when I'm scrolling text on a white background.

I asked about this on another forum and someone said it was a defect and I should take it back. But if this is a common thing with these screens, I'm not sure I want to bother. I feel pretty attached to this phone, and I really don't like the thought of starting over with another one (which might have its own problems).

On the other hand... having a perfect white screen would be nice...
I'm having intermittent wi-fi connection problems. I was literally 2 feet away from my router, and my phone wouldn't connect. It said "out of range". But my laptop was working just fine. I haven't been able to connect to my work wi-fi all week, then magically today, I can. Aside from that, 4g and 3g have had intermittent connection problems. Maybe I should try to exchange?:confused::confused::confused:

I would do it if I were you. I have no problems with wifi connectivity or 3G/4G issues.
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