Mind if I solicit you all for some thoughts?

A couple days ago, christmas, I posted a photo I called dark light, this one:
Dark Light AKA: Christmas Sunset by
slitherjef, on Flickr
Well, that shot, was not quite what I had in mind when I took the images (yes, images) I took 3, one at +2ev one at 0ev and one at -2ev (#ev is the exposure value. Meaning, I over exposed one image, shot one at the middle value and underexposed one image)
Well, the idea was to put the images together to make the image more closely to what I saw. When I tried to put the images together to make the HDR (high dynamic range photo) I did not like the result so I posted the one above after a little bit of tweaking. Tonight I decided to try the newest version of photomatix trial and run the images again.
After some messing around with sliders I just went through everything until I got something I liked and looked closer to what I saw when I took a photo. Here is the result:
Dark Light / Christmas sunset HDR by
slitherjef, on Flickr
I guess both images would be equally valid but the bottom photo is more what my eye saw when I took the photo.
I thought I would ask my friends here what they thought. I like the image. I like both of them actually

I just want to figure out if another piece of software added to my kit would help my photography. Sorry about the water marks, but I wanted to try the software to see if it was better then the previous version
