There was some conversation in the past about screen protectors. Originally, I bought the Steinheil oleo-phobics and like everything about them except that they did not completely cover the screen but left about an eighth of an inch reveal all the way around (something to do with the curved glass). After a couple of weeks, one of the edges started to get a little "rough" and then it became something that bugged me. I put a new one on and in about two weeks, the same thing started happening again. So, I did a little more research and decided to try the Steinheil Flex. I was a little wary because a lot of the reviews talked negative about Wet applications. I have to tell you, this thing went on like a breeze, no dust, no air bubbles, perfect fit. It seems to have a similar characteristic to the Oleophobic one in that it does not show fingerprints. There is no drag on the screen when you swipe and only slight orange peel when the light hits it just right (that may dissipate over the next few days). So far I am very pleased and impressed and would encourage anyone else hesitating about the wet application to not let this hold them back from this great screen protector.