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Galaxy Note4

Odex is faster to boot but resistant to changes (mods), while Deodexed isslower to boot but less resistant to chang.

Javi, what sot of changes resistant were you referring specifically and examples??..I'm concern now because I just got into the odex and totally have forgot about this particular detail..
Well if you find that asvannoying as I do then theirs an Xpoded module that eliminates that popup. ILike Samsung things were so freaking st st st st stupid its a necessity to define Airplain mode ever single time. LoL Not to mention redundent and totaly unnecessary. With the modul theres just a popup icon that appears in the header, simply as an idica

What is that module by the way?
All I need to do is find the file or foulder (3g/LTE ) fron N7 kernel port it to bestmod kernel. Well , Im hopeing its that easy. Time will tell.

Question, why do you wanna go back to 3g/LTE when you are in 4g/LTE? Isn't that a downgrade?? Won't the 3g/LTE run shower???
I discovered this by accident when snooping around custom roms .zips :) and even on the roms I had installed were all do the same when debloater by the developer.
Try searching the reason why and could never find an answer. I still don't know. All I know is it works better than any other way I've tried.

I may know the answer to why the folder is left alone and empty..

Here's my theory:

When the system app used to live in the folder..that's where the actual system used to check and snoop when ever the app is "called"(you know when you hit it or when ever a process needs the assistance of the app in question)..but now that the app isn't there any more..the system that knows as a fact that's exactly where the app lives..just that it does not know it just yet that doesn't live there any more..the system was taught that's where it should look for the app when ever it needs it..but if it looks for it and doesn't find it..that's when glitch and instability and force to close starts..so by leaving the folder empty is a way of tricking the system telling it not too dig any deep into it so it won't take too long..other wise would be digging and digging and digging trying to fund it..and still spend a lot of time doing that..

Does it make sense???
Anyway, Google PS decided that if ApkEditor wanted to remsin on the PS it would have to remove rebuild and install functions from the app. At some point Google PS made changes to its security policy that forced the developer to make the app less functional. Without the ability to rebuild,sign and install what good is it?
The best one is ApkToolX android app but its tricky to get it working properly. Root is required but it requires going into system framework app and importing it as framework and a few other system app to import and few other processes are involved. Its by far the best for reverse engineering an app (even systems apps).

As far as programming, I don't know java or simali. I can't even spell that good :)

I think I just found a good copy of the Apk Editor Pro..
Try downloading another file explorer first. Then check to see if you still have the same issue. At one poit it will ask you to choose and grant external sd. Choose the root directory of your external sd.

So I downloaded astros file manager..plus the native file manager that comes with the phone..the external sd appears in those but not in the FX which is the only one i wanna use..
If you went back to stock, then google downloads updates automatically for Google PS and Google play services for instant apps. It does this in the background. It doesn't matter if your Play Store setting is set to no automatic updates. Google just updates these regardless of your acceptance, or your consent.


That's why I uninstall Google play store & Services..then install a different version of them..plus I keep them out of range of my internet data..is like keeping them in the freezer..inactive but still watching and agreeing to what's going on around them..
This is today!


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Remember this was one of my mayor complaints..some how is fixed!, I think the problem was the deodex..

So this odex has brough already two things fixed..this, and the hot spot..even I still need to fix the speed on it..

Odex is the way to go!!!


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Javi, what sot of changes resistant were you referring specifically and examples??..I'm concern now because I just got into the odex and totally have forgot about this particular detail..

It can cause conflicts with Xposed but I did notice a post on XDA from the rom that you installed where a member states they had no such issues with exposed with that odexed rom. However, it may be different if you decide porting or deleting syatem apps. The general concert is deodexed is better suited for modifications. That's why the developer made an odexed and a deodexed rom.


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So I downloaded astros file manager..plus the native file manager that comes with the phone..the external sd appears in those but not in the FX which is the only one i wanna use..

I noticed you had thought I recommend FX but I mention I used ES file manager. However, I would recommend it as it was band from Google PS for a reson. I just like the set up, ease of use and the fetures. I also use ZArchiver for one specific feture that ES lacks and that the ability to copy and past from and to .zip's. It helps when porting parts of others roms to my current rom or replacing boot.img from one custom kernel to another while leaving the other software in the .zip intact. Thats how I have an overclocked kernel and data connectivity fully functional. If I had just flasher the r57 kernel as is, I'd have overclocking but poor data connection. If I flashed the r61 N7 ZeroLemmon kernen as is I'd have good daya connection but no overclocking ability. To get both, I ported the r57 boot.img and replaced the r61 boot.img within the .zip and then flashed it via TWRP. I now enjoy the best of both kernels.
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Remember this was one of my mayor complaints..some how is fixed!, I think the problem was the deodex..

So this odex has brough already two things fixed..this, and the hot spot..even I still need to fix the speed on it..

Odex is the way to go!!!

The hot spot issue was caused by the Xposed wanam module "XTouchwiz" not from the deodexed rom. If you don't believe me try reinstalling that module and when you reboot your phone your find the hotpot has disappeared from your phone settings. The other Xposed module known to do this is "FuildKits [MM]". I'd avoid them both if I were you, that is if you still want the abiity to cast hotspot.
I suspect, your data connectivity issue is related to the custom kernel. You could try flashing the stock custom kernel with int.d support.
I noticed you had thought I recommend FX but I mention I used ES file manager. However, I would recommend it as it was band from Google PS for a reson. I just like the set up, ease of use and the fetures. I also use ZArchiver for one specific feture that ES lacks and that the ability to copy and past from and to .zip's. It helps when porting parts of others roms to my current rom or replacing boot.img from one custom kernel to another while leaving the other software in the .zip intact. Thats how I have an overclocked kernel and data connectivity fully functional. If I had just flasher the r57 kernel as is, I'd have overclocking but poor data connection. If I flashed the r61 N7 ZeroLemmon kernen as is I'd have good daya connection but no overclocking ability. To get both, I ported the r57 boot.img and replaced the r61 boot.img within the .zip and then flashed it via TWRP. I now enjoy the best of both kernels.

Yes I read that meticulously in a previous conversation..I think I'm ready to do that
But you still don't answer my question what do you do with the other files that are inside the folder where the system apps you are about to delete and change rights..you know the lib and the arm?, do you do with them?, you change the rights to those too?, or what?
I edited this post but it may be hard to understand do to my poor writing skills :) Just so you know .jar files are much more finick than system apps/priv-apps. Where most of the time i can delete them from the folder and coppy and past a replacement from external sd. However, the few times I have replaced system framwork folder and the its various .jar files if I delete first my device immediately shuts off and goes into bootloop. Thats why I change the name of the replacement to "1.jar" and set the proper permissions before I delete the original.

Now I do understand very well this..before I couldn't..
As for the not as fast as internal, thats where App2SD comes into play. Amongst other things it alows to set priorities and mount scrips/bash at boot and........ Making the things you run less frequently and less likely to be called run on simulated ram partition. Beautiful! !!!
Of couse its not going to be as fast as internal but on a 3Gb phone its a testosterone /horsepower boost , yea youll notice it.

I'm just getting awared of this..so where is that the apps2sd come into play to help with the extra stimulated 1g of ram and how??
But you still don't answer my question what do you do with the other files that are inside the folder where the system apps you are about to delete and change rights..you know the lib and the arm?, do you do with them?, you change the rights to those too?, or what?

Fot the most part "No", I leave them as is and just replace the app, set the proper permissions and reboot. Thats usually all it takes. Why fix what is not broken.
If that doesn't work and depending on how inportant the mod is to me, I will replace the other folders, files, libs and the rest or flash a .zip that may or may not be compatible, a roll of the dice so to speak. For instance this is a moded clear Google apps (Velvit). It comes as a flashable .zip. I just ported the app rebooted and everything works.


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Yes I read that meticulously in a previous conversation..I think I'm ready to do that
I'm just getting awared of this..so where is that the apps2sd come into play to help with the extra stimulated 1g of ram and how??

I'm just getting awared of this..so where is that the apps2sd come into play to help with the extra stimulated 1g of ram and how??

I have set that down for now. Some of the methods are a little to risky even gor me. I take calculated risks. To much time, to much risk and l chances of success minimal at best. Besides, I'm connecting my other Note 4 tomorrow. Its in almost new condition but the best part is its not lock on the fused 5 aboot. Its on fused 4. Ill have no problem flashing LP firmware and no problem mounting scrips at boot on a system root device. :)


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I should make a correction, I would not recommend ES File manager. I just noticed a mistake will editing my post I inadvertently omitted "Not". I use ES but I would not recommend it to other.

So you see we tend to make mistakes when typing..in fact the mistakes don't come from our fingers..actually they come from this stupid f****(my own asterisks) keyboards that always typing opposite of what we intend and have on mind..
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Fot the most part "No", I leave them as is and just replace the app, set the proper permissions and reboot. Thats usually all it takes. Why fix what is not broken.
If that doesn't work and depending on how inportant the mod is to me, I will replace the other folders, files, libs and the rest or flash a .zip that may or may not be compatible, a roll of the dice so to speak. For instance this is a moded clear Google apps (Velvit). It comes as a flashable .zip. I just ported the app rebooted and everything works.

Let me refrace my question(since just noticed this f**** keyboard didn't type what I really wanted to say..

So you know like in the knox apps I deleted manually..inside the folder that contains the knox app..so I delete the app..then there's a folder arm and there's a lib and inside the lib there's an odex file(which isn't a file..or what ever it is)..

So what do I do with those??

Should I delete them?, change rights??

in one of our previous conversations you said to delete everything inside the folder where the system apps is at..meaning the App and the folders next to it..except the folder that contains the actual app and the subfolders..

Please tell me exactly what should I do..I'm just trying to follow your lead..and going as smoother as possible in the rom..
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