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Galaxy Note4

Try restoring to factory settings.

Its cool, We like to port and mod :) FCs and bootloops are the risk we take. If we get it right it all wirth it. Its like a big puzzle and we learn from are mistakes and are successes. :) Thank for your imput. AF is about helping each other :)
13 weeks and 13,644 views, The old Note 4 still draws attention lol !!!

It was you who made all of this possible, Javi..if it wasn't for that very first response you answered my inquire with..it wouldn't happen..hope more than one individual or there is learning with the master of the masters..YOU!!!

Thanks my friend but Im still learning. Looking at what I did with the .zips, I dont think I could easily explain it in writing. However, if I screen recorded a video would be an effective tutorial of my crazy mods and ports. I think even the attempts on video would also be valuable to other moders. "This is what I tried and it ended in bootloop" lol.
For one, many of the developers on XDA dont take kind to extracting parts of their roms. After all, they put lots of time and hard work into a custom rom and some more than others. If I developed a custom rom Id feel the same way. On thhe other hand, I can't help but see some hypocrisy in the views of the developers. For instance, the N7 camera apk is a com.sec.android.app.camera. The "sec" stands for "Samsung Electronic Corporation".
In the same way the developer of the custom rom took Samsung firmware is the same way I extract rom software.
I'm certainly not going to post my mods on XDA as I didn't develop them. Im simply locked on fused 5, binary 4 and unable to downgrade my aboot or modem. To be quite honest, I was piss off about it but in retrospect its motivated me to step out side the box. Im no master, Im one of the "common folk".
I will look back into a cloud sharing service again. You could look threw the moded .zips, extract them or flash them.

It was you who made all of this possible, Javi..if it wasn't for that very first response you answered my inquire with..it wouldn't happen..hope more than one individual or there is learning with the master of the masters..YOU!!!

Thanks bro, I've aldo learned from you too. :)
Oh, I know your into tasker. Im not sure if I mentioned it before but have you tried Xposed module AppContent?


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Thanks bro, I've aldo learned from you too. :)
Oh, I know your into tasker. Im not sure if I mentioned it before but have you tried Xposed module AppContent?

I just tried again..I ported it into system app..and I just noticed the phone is running a hair faster then 15 minutes ago with this AppContext..I wonder why..not that I'm complaining..to the contrary..but I always like to know the reasoning for things happening around me..specially what's going through my phone's head..specifically to be two steps ahead of her..you know.
No its an improvement to the GPU programming and related in some way to the kernel.

I've been considering this..but first I have to make a better back up..and for that I have to disable the finger print and its data..other wise if I ever needed the back up will never let me get into my phone after the back up is restored(did you know that???)
I've been considering this..but first I have to make a better back up..and for that I have to disable the finger print and its data..other wise if I ever needed the back up will never let me get into my phone after the back up is restored(did you know that???)

Never happened to me with all my flashes or bootloops. Always wise to make a backup. If something like that were to happen just boot into safe mode. At least with mine Tthe Xposed fingerprint Enabler lets me swipe apon boot, however the code setting remains on the lock screen anyway. I also recommend adding 3 different fingerprints of the same finger. Make your Sammy recognize your swipes with less attempts.
I just tried again..I ported it into system app..and I just noticed the phone is running a hair faster then 15 minutes ago with this AppContext..I wonder why..not that I'm complaining..to the contrary..but I always like to know the reasoning for things happening around me..specially what's going through my phone's head..specifically to be two steps ahead of her..you know.

I never used tasker but I know you do and I remember reading about that Xposed model and many were pleased with the results.
Yea, I was a little hesitant flashing my modified 420 drivers .zip . At least with camera the S7 (insanity) cam resulted in FCs. So extracting the Dtux N7 camera and repacing it with the software of the S7 wasn't too risky. After all the camera didn't work anyway lol.
I neglected to take some pics and upload them. I'll definitely do that tomorrow
My dear friend just wanted to keep you updated on my Note4 since we haven't touch base from the beginning of the pandemic(approximately).

Just yesterday and after all this time I've had my Note4..I just learned/figure/realized the reason why the phone reboots on its own a few times a day(some times even very very very several occasions a day..even 2 seconds after it just reboots it self..one after the other after the other after the other)..some times I even felt I was dunne and was thinking to change the mother board again(since I already changed when I first got I this phone).

I think is a memory issue..apparently the memory in my Note4 is very limited..and I wasn't thinking since I've been procrastinating lately so much in many aspects in my life..I let the device storage accumulate files over files over files that later I needed to deal with..so the download, the two cameras on the phone, the DCM, the whatsapp and several other folders had too much..

Well it seems to be this was the reason for..
The memory some times was @400s or lower..

Now I've dealt with those messy folders and cleansed them away..(fingers crossed)..I hope that was the reason of those unwelcome, annoying and unexpected reboots..because if that's not it I do not know what else could be..

What could I do to have a better memory in my phone, though?..keep in mind I have the swap done on my phone with the Minitools..so that should've gave me better memory, right??.

I'm so glad to read all you've done to help others around, Mr Javi..


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@Xavier Black , always good to hear from you my good friend. :)

Yes, that just might be the reason your N4 reboots on its own. Generally, I try to keep 20% free memory on my N4. Let me know if cleaning some memory solves the rebooting issue.

@Xavier Black , always good to hear from you my good friend. :)

Yes, that just might be the reason your N4 reboots on its own. Generally, I try to keep 20% free memory on my N4. Let me know if cleaning some memory solves the rebooting issue.

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I haven't had any for about two or three days since I did the mayor cleansing I told you about..

At first I thought it was because of some of the xposed apps I installed as a phone system apps(remember that I converted them?)..so I uninstalled them..but still the same issue..so it was just about three days ago that I kept thinking what could've be..so I decided to started putting files and things and videos and pictures and documents I've downloaded for over a year ago..so far has not reboot once..and now I put back the xppsed apps and so far so good..that rebooting issue had me in my last nerve!!, brother..
@Xavier Black , always good to hear from you my good friend. :)

Yes, that just might be the reason your N4 reboots on its own. Generally, I try to keep 20% free memory on my N4. Let me know if cleaning some memory solves the rebooting issue.

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Some times when I've done the "clear cache" from where you took that picture in settings..it deletes some work I've done on the phone so I have to start all over again..so the only way I have to keep it clean is by manually moving one by one file to the external sd card..
Try deleting some unused apps beginning with force stop, clear data and uninstall or moves some to external sd.

Heres whst my file explore showed when Im above 80% internal memory.


and heres what it shows below 80% internal memory

Javi, to my experience moving apps to the external makes the phone act slower..and without counting you can't really remove the card..right?
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