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Galaxy S5 receives Marshmallow Android 6.0.1 update!

Incidentally and finally my Galaxy S5 by Samsung with Verizon just received the ver. 6 Marshmallow update..
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You will get to know some attractive features of Android Marshmallow. It will help you to understand this android OS version better.
Well I finally got marshmallow about a month ago but just got an advisory from the forum so thought to tell you I do have it now. I waited all that time and except for a feature or 2 Lollipop was much better.
However I am learning to work with Marshmallow.

A real good feature is optimizing battery; setting>battery> optimize all apps.
Since I have been doing that a couple of times a week, my battery is lasting twice as long. I charge about every 2-3 days.
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yeah, some of the new features in Marshmallow are for crap... and I don't like them.
Thinking of rooting my Note 4 and going back to 4.4.4 and be done with it.
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AT&T's own Marshmallow update, Android 6.0.1, on build G900AUCU4DPC1 came out back in April according to this....


Strange, but AFAIK, AT&T have STILL not updated to Marshmallow and have just been issuing security updates instead. They seem to have abandoned their model, G900A. :(

I chatted with an AT&T rep who said that Marshmallow will be coming to the S5, but was not able to provide a timeframe.
I chatted with an AT&T rep who said that Marshmallow will be coming to the S5, but was not able to provide a timeframe.

My international model received Marshmallow 7 months ago. That means that on a 2 year contract, AT&T owners have spent almost a third of the time just waiting for Marshmallow. Even Verizon managed to issue Marshmallow 2.5 months ago. If AT&T have not abandoned their model, G900A, then their support for it is most definitely lacklustre. Lets face it, it's not like you can say @:%~ 'em and root your phone and install a custom Marshmallow or Nougat ROM as they have even screwed you on that. :mad:
Personally I'm not too concerned on getting Marshmallow for my G900A. It is working fine as is. So long as AT&T supports with security updates for as long as S5s are in use I'll be satisfied. Right now I have no plans to change phones and I have been using it since it first came out.
IMO, you will be a LOT better off not getting MM on your phone....
they took away too many features that I consider necessary to my daily experience.
What features did they take away?

the most important one is being able to turn DATA on/off with an app, any app. :mad:
I use MacroDroid to control the internet...

that one feature is the pitts for me,

the other is removing the once lustrous and brilliant colors and 3D icon colors and outlines. :mad:
that is a huge deficit for me as I am Pastel Color Blind, and MM stinks, I can't see the screens for crap.

there are other things I used to do, and can't anymore... but that will soon be resolved "real soon now", as @The_Chief has graciously allowed me to buy his rooted Note 4 and it is still on 4.4.4, totally AWESOME :D:D:D
Well now, ironass, it doesn't pay to rush into these things. :p

Bad as the situation is for AT&T S5 owners, it's even worse for the Note 4 owners who are still waiting for the Marshmallow update, and the Note 4 is newer than the S5, so go figure. ;)
Well now, ironass, it doesn't pay to rush into these things. :p

Bad as the situation is for AT&T S5 owners, it's even worse for the Note 4 owners who are still waiting for the Marshmallow update, and the Note 4 is newer than the S5, so go figure. ;)

The Galaxy S4 Note international edition received Marshmallow nearly 5 months ago. The T-Mobile USA version got it 2 months ago, Verizon 2.5 months ago and Sprint, nearly 5 months ago. Canada got it 3 months ago. I cannot find an AT&T specific carrier model though!
Meanwhile, AT&T Note 4 owners, still waiting for the Marshmallow update, are very disappointed, and I don't blame them a whit.
Meanwhile, AT&T Note 4 owners, still waiting for the Marshmallow update, are very disappointed, and I don't blame them a whit.

Neither do I Lilybell2. The likes of AT&T and Verizon would not last 5 minutes in Europe with their ersatz firmware and totalitarian control... not to mention their abysmal firmware update record. :rolleyes:
I am totally fed up. Samsung has released a couple of unlocked phones for the US of late (model numbers ending with U) that will work on all the US carriers. AT&T for one will not permit the use of certain features on those phones. For example, you can bring an unlocked Samsung device to AT&T, a device that's quite capable of WiFi calling, and AT&T will not permit that feature to be enabled on their network. Ironically, the very same phone, if it's carrier branded for AT&T, will have the WiFi calling feature enabled.

I will not buy another carrier branded phone. I don't give a rip how nice the phone appears, if it's carrier branded, I won't have it.
Speaking of WiFi calling on an AT&T phone, the setup on my S5 went without a hitch. On my wife's S5, I wasn't so lucky setting that up. I had to call an AT&T rep to get it to work. She stated the LTE feature was blocking the WiFi setup. Sounded like a lame excuse, but she temporarily disabled the LTE on the wife's phone and the WiFi setup completed. LTE was re-enabled and everything appears to be working well. It may have taken AT&T some time to roll out Marshmallow, but the update on the 2 phones went smoothly and they are both working well.
ummm, no, I always turn OFF DATA.... then it works like a champ every time.

the reason is, the cell towers get overloaded with customers, and then they try to switch your data connection to a different channel/tower, and that screws up the works, right there.

always turn OFF the DATA radio.....
So, when are we getting Nougat?


I just do NOT understand why some folks "just have to have" the latest thing that is pushed out???

I have gone back to 4.4.4 on my Note 4, and happy as a lark.... now everything works, unlike with 5.x and 6.x where they turned off the ability to control DATA and some other things with apps.
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