Because of this I made an update yesterday. Changed just the colour of the cursor.
The cursor is white.
Update as usual.
Great thanks for that.
It has made the update much easier to use.
i note that some of my Gingerbread apps that use flashplayer do runn and ask for flashplayer to be installed.
I have tried to install several versions with no avail.
Although You Tube is OK Crackle, Veetle and ABC 24 News TV keep asking for Flash Player. I had a similar problem with Gingerbread originally but was able to replace it with a version that worked with the apps.
Fortuneately Gingerbread was rooted and I was easily able to access the Root and remove and replace the versions until I got the one that worked.
I might have to learn how to write my own update.img to install.
As with the other apps that do not work, I recall the same happened with all types of Androids during the change from Frodo to Gingerbread. There are currently quite a few app out there that will not run on Gingerbread, only Frodo or earlier.
The problem is not unique to ICS.