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Geniatech Enjoy TV

thanks to your forum have managed to successfully upgrade to Gingerbread and I put the new market. I accidentally uninstalled the app of Facebook in the hope of being able to put the latest version. Now I'm no longer able to use either the old or the last. Could you help me?
thanks to your forum have managed to successfully upgrade to Gingerbread and I put the new market. I accidentally uninstalled the app of Facebook in the hope of being able to put the latest version. Now I'm no longer able to use either the old or the last. Could you help me?

accidentally?! really?!? that is system app and it is not so easy to "accidentally" uninstall it.... what program did you used to do that? rom manager, titanium? do you have backup? probably no?!

what's happening when you try to use FB app? do you even see its icon?

look, it is little bit confusing when you first say that you uninstalled it, and later "...i can use it...".

did you try to download it from market? did you do a fingerprint and permissions patch? that's why you probably do not see you, and system after installation says that is not comatible or avaiable...

if that is happening, try 4-5-6 pages back find "fingerprint" and "permissions fix". it is written by GIO965, and maybe myself wrote few words about it.
OR, if this is hard for you, then do a hard reset, and easy later do a market upgrade. FB should be there after re-flash.
Below firmware verison has fixed ethernet issue
Some improves
-movie player is better, rooted, zoom in/out button works

Some issues:
-mouse pointer is not correct when you click
-after reboot the box ,sometimes the screen seems to be zoom in (1080 mode)


thank you ziczac i have flashed my device with latest firmware. there is still user interface problem and screen go right down corner. when i use 1080p and 1080i resolutions screen problem appears. i changed resolution to 720p then problem solved. i think there is a problem on firmware about hdmi output and resolutions.
thank you ziczac i have flashed my device with latest firmware. there is still user interface problem and screen go right down corner. when i use 1080p and 1080i resolutions screen problem appears. i changed resolution to 720p then problem solved. i think there is a problem on firmware about hdmi output and resolutions.

Read post below to fix the screen go right down corner

accidentally?! really?!? that is system app and it is not so easy to "accidentally" uninstall it.... what program did you used to do that? rom manager, titanium? do you have backup? probably no?!

Thanks for your quick response, I went to simply uninstall in the market and facebook is gone forever... No special handling, or root ... I saw that there aren't working alternative applications and now I want to restore only FB and not lose everything I have installed.

I've applied only update_market_new.zip for the new Play Store, and I am very confused about these fingerprints and if I update with the file-access-to-update_full market.zip?

I've already bricked once... a second would be very annoying

My firmware is attached...
Bye from Napoli


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Thanks for your quick response, I went to simply uninstall in the market and facebook is gone forever... No special handling, or root ... I saw that there aren't working alternative applications and now I want to restore only FB and not lose everything I have installed.

I've applied only update_market_new.zip for the new Play Store, and I am very confused about these fingerprints and if I update with the file-access-to-update_full market.zip?

I've already bricked once... a second would be very annoying

My firmware is attached...
Bye from Napoli
hm... your's version of box was some very clear android and w/o additional apps, and among them, FB app is NOT system app. ok. i saw few different versions and some of them have FB, tweeter and few more apps installed as system, some versions don't. if youre saying that you simply uinstalled it, than you have this second version.

if you didn't do some other modifications, than i very very suggest you to do stuf from this post:

before you can watch all on videos: VIDEO GUIDES

after that, it will be possible to find and install apps that now are unavailable or not working. i had same problem with tweetdeck.
so, permissions and .jar file are "must-to-do". fingerprint is NOT neccessary, but it gives more apps to be visible.

if you have some problems, ask here, or try directly contact member GIO965. if i'm not wrong, he's also from italy, like you, and maybe will be easy to talk directly on italian. ;-)

with this procedure you CAN'T brick device! the "tricky brick part" is only with SPI upgrade and upgrade android version from 2.1/2.2 to 2.3.4. if that go well, all of this is simply changing system files, and all can be undone with factory reset. all beside UNINSTALL with some root app.

finger cross, and hope you'll manage to install back FB. just follow the procedure!



is there admin of this topic/subtopic? i'm asking because it will be good to make some articles/posts/links as sticky. so, what to do? new subtopic or sticky?
vikidroid, i started something like that here, but i think people dont really read everything. so unless it is done sticky, most times it will be ignored.

regarding update_20120529_M1_4.0, is it truly fixed (network, audio+video sync, zoomed player, power off option)???
regarding update_20120529_M1_4.0, is it truly fixed (network, audio+video sync, zoomed player, power off option)???
Hi stasik, I can tell you that, with this new release, network works correctly
(there is no need to reboot, when we close network app and successively we want
to enter again)
-Audio and video (during network streaming) are always synchronized, even if
(watching more accurately), from time to time, there is a little glitch during video playing.
-Regarding to zoomed player, I have never noticed this issue
-Power off option doesn't work (it has never worked).

I suggest you to install update_full-access-to-market.zip that you can find here: http://androidforums.com/4346167-post1283.html
Inside Market you will find Facebook app

There's no SPI to upgrade for ICS releases
Hi stasik, I can tell you that, with this new release, network works correctly
(there is no need to reboot, when we close network app and successively we want
to enter again)
-Audio and video (during network streaming) are always synchronized, even if
(watching more accurately), from time to time, there is a little glitch during video playing.
-Regarding to zoomed player, I have never noticed this issue
-Power off option doesn't work (it has never worked).

I suggest you to install update_full-access-to-market.zip that you can find here: http://androidforums.com/4346167-post1283.html
Inside Market you will find Facebook app

There's no SPI to upgrade for ICS releases
""-Power off option doesn't work (it has never worked).""-----I think this is because your ATV1000 hardware is 2*256DDR=512M RAM, power off function works fine on my ATV1000 4*128DDR=512M RAM. ATV1000 4*128DDR is the latest one and newer hardware version than 2*256DDR.
The new firmware, I haven't test it, yet. Please post review if you updated



most stable ice cream version firmware. thank you ziczac. hdmi output 1080p 1080i works perfectly. there is only screen calibration problem with this firmware. i could correct this problem from settings menu. screen size a bit bigger all on the corners. there is performance inprovments also. my device getting 2192 points from antutu benchmark. gingerbreak 2.3.4 performance point of antutu was 1882. i think some usb drivers added but usb bluetooth drivers removed. my usb bluetooth was working before old ice cream versions. some new settings menu added on this firmware about phone system. may be for 3g usb modems.
i want to say one thing also about update20120529_m1_4.0 firmaware. it is about ram amount shows. gingerbreak 2.3.4 ram amount shows 414 mb with go task manager and antutu benchmark. but ice cream firmware shows total ram amount 358.8 mb. older ice cream versions has lower ram amount. in this version total ram amount groved. but my device has 512mb ram physically. may be some resources has using total ram amount.
vikidroid, i started something like that here, but i think people dont really read everything. so unless it is done sticky, most times it will be ignored.

regarding update_20120529_M1_4.0, is it truly fixed (network, audio+video sync, zoomed player, power off option)???

yes, i saw that, and it is good start, at least on that way because there is no sticky. but, aside those links, it will be good to add those fixes/patches that user gio965 wrote - permissions, fingerprint, adding google.jar file...

there is so many good advices and "how-to's", but they are scattered arround.
""-Power off option doesn't work (it has never worked).""-----I think this is because your ATV1000 hardware is 2*256DDR=512M RAM, power off function works fine on my ATV1000 4*128DDR=512M RAM. ATV1000 4*128DDR is the latest one and newer hardware version than 2*256DDR.
Surely, it's just as you said...
(I bought my ATV1000 almost an year ago)
Hi ,
a) Can anyone confirm if your Geniatech device can download torrents on SD card in standby mode . Iam running "tTorrent Lite" on my ATV4000 on 2.3.4 Gingerbread. Whenever I go into standby mode while downloading torrents, the downloading stops. I have had two standalone Media Players (non-Android) and they never stopped torrent downloads when in standby mode.

b) I can put my device into standby mode using air remote (Wii type) and also put it into shutdown mode. While in standby mode I can also wake it up for normal use. Can the latest ICS firmware do this ?
Hi ,
a) Can anyone confirm if your Geniatech device can download torrents on SD card in standby mode . Iam running "tTorrent Lite" on my ATV4000 on 2.3.4 Gingerbread. Whenever I go into standby mode while downloading torrents, the downloading stops. I have had two standalone Media Players (non-Android) and they never stopped torrent downloads when in standby mode.

If you go to settings, and hit menu in WIFI, you can tell power management to never turn your wifi off, even in standby mode. give that a try first.
Hi ,
a) Can anyone confirm if your Geniatech device can download torrents on SD card in standby mode . Iam running "tTorrent Lite" on my ATV4000 on 2.3.4 Gingerbread. Whenever I go into standby mode while downloading torrents, the downloading stops. I have had two standalone Media Players (non-Android) and they never stopped torrent downloads when in standby mode.

b) I can put my device into standby mode using air remote (Wii type) and also put it into shutdown mode. While in standby mode I can also wake it up for normal use. Can the latest ICS firmware do this ?

probably it's problem with wifi power management (turn off while...)

""-Power off option doesn't work (it has never worked).""-----I think this is because your ATV1000 hardware is 2*256DDR=512M RAM, power off function works fine on my ATV1000 4*128DDR=512M RAM. ATV1000 4*128DDR is the latest one and newer hardware version than 2*256DDR.

is there any way to find this data abowe aside opening box? i think not, but...
Originally Posted by gboijhpok
""-Power off option doesn't work (it has never worked).""-----I think this is because your ATV1000 hardware is 2*256DDR=512M RAM, power off function works fine on my ATV1000 4*128DDR=512M RAM. ATV1000 4*128DDR is the latest one and newer hardware version than 2*256DDR.

I think it' not a hardware problem , because I found a remote that turn OFF and ON my ATV 1000.
I have a HUMAX DIGI+C HD receiver and the remote of this , is capable to do this with the audio option button.
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