Hi everyone. First post here so here it goes.
I have just taken delivery of an atv3000

plugged a 2tb WD green caviar hdd into it and plugged it into my old onkyo amp which goes to my old crt tv using the rca plugs, (yellow red and white ones). And well nothing, couldn't get any picture up on screen
I then tried using the digital connection, orange coaxial and optical output. and again nothing.
Do I need to change the output settings from the atv3000?
So next I tried to connect using my laptop, (windows 7), first via blueetooth, then via the USB. Sadly both methods again failed.
Can anyone walk me through this connection problem please?
PS there are a few changes to the 3000 from the pictures on the box/geniatech website.
- it's black not white, cosmetic I know
- to plug in the hdd in you open the top of the box
- there is an adapter to make installing 2.5" hdd's easier
- there is only one button now, ands its on the front