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Root Gingersense Roms

Good question. I don't love Sense but it'd be worth checking out so I've been milling through threads the past few days. Without experience at this juncture, I'd probably try Incubus or Nils versions. Nils is known for sticking with a project and getting a finished product that's the cat's meow.

I'm thinking about giving it a shot for the heck of it. Also thought about giving OMFGB a go since R2 is back on the scene. I've been having a few minor glitches lately with CM7 and they seem to be increasing in frequency.
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Failed to get past the splash screen both times I tried to boot. Full wipes both times of course. I'm still on hboot 0.77 and although many devs have recommended 0.92 for some time now, it may be a requirement at this point. I've never had any issue with 0.77 on 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3 Roms but who knows, this may be the turning point. Anyway, I'm running out of time so Nandroid back to CM7 for now.
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Danger, Will Robinson. For some reason I had trouble. I had to reflash Nils twice to get it to boot. Once I did it is very slick... One small problem. My Titanium backup didn't completely restore. I went back to my Nandroid, tidied up a bit, re-ran Titanium, created another nandroid, and now I'm going to try Nils Again...

For the little while I used it, it didn't seem as fast as CM7 N 89 with the stock kernel. I'll be back.

Update - I've had it running all day and I must say that Nils has done a great job! This ROM is very slick looking. Everything works well that I've tried with the exception of GPS. It worked at first, but then when apps called for a gps location (maps or nav), the phone rebooted. I tried off/on and several other variations, but it appears GPS is not working correctly for me. I'll try some other features and update later. Bottom line, if GPS isn't a big deal, give this one a shot. It's purdy.
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You should give Carbonite Fusion G v1.0 ***2.3.3 leak base at try.
Everything seems to work, great battery life and some wicked screen transitions.
Well worth a flash
get it here-http://forum.androidcentral.com/incredible-rooting-roms-hacks/53827-rom-carbonite-fusion-g-v1-0-2-3-3-leak-base-updated-5-24-11-a.html
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I tried again after the 1.1 release. As soon as I booted, I received a phone call. The phone.apk FC'd. Apparently there is a problem with the themed phone. There is a now a 1.2 and is said to address a couple more issues.

The bottom line is gingersense (Nils, anyway) with sense 2.0 and 3.0 mix is really a beautiful thing. Very, Very nifty. It does eat more battery and it does lag a bit more than CM7. CM7, even with the stock kernel, lasts quite a bit longer battery-wise but then we always knew sense was a bit of a hog.

I must say, Nils is doing a great job trying to create a stable ROM out of the leaked build. That said, it must be quite a challenge to fix things assuming one doesn't have the source code...
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I'm using Nils also. It's good enough to be a daily Rom for sure. Not sure if I can get used to it though. I hate having app shortcuts on my homescreen unless they are in a launcher bar but doing that kinda defeats the purpose of running a sense Rom. Also don't like the sense dialer. Specifically missing the integration of contacts into the dialer itself as in CM7. Battery is horrible although a few more full cycles would make for a more fair comparison.

There are some things I really like though. Unlock bar is cool. Especially like quick opening apps that way, that's one of the best features. Also, browsing seems smoother, screen presses are like butter and ulra reactive which is great. All things considered I'm kind of torn. Nils does great work though that's for certain.
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Also on Nils 1.4 and loving it. The one thing I miss from CM7 was being able to mute the phone from the lock screen. I go to enough movies and meetings where that was a nice feature to have.

I agree Nils seems smoother then CM7 for whatever reason. The dialer does suck, but I'm used to that since I've been using a stock unrooted incredible for over a year. It was hard for me to get used to making 2 button presses to make phone calls in CM7...too each there own I guess :)
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I'm actually downloading this as I type:

[ROM] Nils' Business GingerSense - (5/31/2011) Android 2.3.3 - Sense 2.1/ Some 3.0 - xda-developers

I have heard a lot of amazing things about it. It's worth a try! :D
I'm with ya bro! Nils Business_GingerSense v1.4 is by far the most stable Sense 2.1 (w/ a little 3.0 for good measure) that I've seen. However, I'm downloading Kingdom Stock GingerSense 3.0 [Android 2.3.3] [RLS1.1] [6/5/11] Stable Release to flash in the am so we'll see if it's ON!
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which one of these seems to be the best one? i am debating which one to flash and am leaning towards the synergy.

this will be my first time flashing. had the phone since it came out but just rooted yesterday. i am just doing my homework and hoping i dont do anything to brick my phone.

one question though. are there any advantages to flashing a rom with rom manager or manually.

thanks for your help.
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which one of these seems to be the best one? i am debating which one to flash and am leaning towards the synergy.

this will be my first time flashing. had the phone since it came out but just rooted yesterday. i am just doing my homework and hoping i dont do anything to brick my phone.

one question though. are there any advantages to flashing a rom with rom manager or manually.

thanks for your help.
Do it manually. Reboot into recovery and do a factory reset, wipe the cache and the dalvik cache (found under advanced). Then choose your ROM zip from the SD card.
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