I am not intimately familiar with Islam or Judaism so I won't presume to try to quote their doctrines. Christianity clearly states "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes on him should not perish, but have everlasting life." It also says that God did not send his Son to condemn, but to save the world. It's very clear in the Bible what it's stated purpose is.
But you did presume. You said "any religious tome", you did not limit it to your own. At any rate, what Jesus' purpose was or even what the bible's purpose is, is not the same as what the religion's purpose is.
I belong to the same denomination as my parents, but I don't practice my religion in the same way they do. I am happy with my religion so I have never considered other religions although I have been to services for other religions. My religion is not identical to my parents. My religion works for me. I see no harm in that.
So you did not, in fact, choose. Or at the very least, you did not make an informed choice. You decided you were satuisfied with what you were given and left it at that. In itself, there's nothing wrong with that. I will ask the same question I asked byte: If you were born hindu or budhist, do you believge you would have found your way to christianity?
I've never lost a friend because of religion. I've seen marriages forbidden because the two people were of different races, financial status, social status, ages, nationalities, etc.... Are all those things wrong too?
Of course all those things are wrong too. What does that have to do with what we are discussing?
This is a thread about religion and god. So, I am discussing things that relate to religion and god. If you want to start a thread about race, social status, etc I'll be happy to give you my opinions on those topic in there. I will also refrain from giving my opinions on religion and god in those other threads.
Did you know that there are people in the US who believe that black people are a lesser species? I guess that means everyone in the US thinks that. As for Christians trying to get creationism into science curriculum, they're just idiots. There are idiots of every stripe in America, not just religious ones.
I don't see how what you said follows at all from what I said. As I said above, I am limiting my discussion on religious idiots (your word, not mine) and ignoring other kinds of idiots.
Back to the topic at hand, I personally lost a woman I loved, who claimed to love me, who admitted that we did not disagree on any significant issue of morality or lifestyle, except for the fact that she is catholic and I do not believe in god. I am certainly not the only person this has happened to. I also will not claim that it has never been the atheist who was the one to end similar relationships. I am sure that happens too, and in those cases, the atheist is just as wrong to do so.
However, I do believe it is much more likely that a religious family would forbid a child to marry someone because of a different religion or lack thereof, than an atheistic family would forbid their child to marry a religious person.
I myself am actually a child of mixed religion. My mother is catholic and my father is jewish. Both sides of the fmily were vehemently opposed to the marriage. My parents simply chose to ignore that and marry anyway. But, the only time in my entire life I ever saw members of both sides of the family in one room at the same time was my sister's funeral.
One can become a social outcast in any of the countries you listed above if they choose to become a Goth as well. Can you imagine if a Goth ran for President? How many votes would he get? Probably not very many. Society pressures us all to conform in a ton of ways. Is not being Goth bad? Society pressures us to not dress in black and only go out at night therefore those must be good behaviors.
A goth who identified himself as christian and claimed Jesus as his lord and savior would get more votes than an atheist who otherwise actually lived his life closely following christian ideals.
Polls are anonymous. They also have a margin of error. Do you really think that when a poll says that 90-95% of Americans believe in God that the vast majority of those polled are lying through their teeth?
How do you read the words "a non-trivial segment" and translate that into "the vast majority"??