3rd. How can a collection of beliefs and ideas be "evil?" Ideas aren't "evil" people are. If you attribute every bad thing done by an individual Christian to Christianity, then I can attribute every bad thing done by individual Atheist to Atheism.
If I use your standard of measurement:
Mao Tse-tung, killed ~50 million, in the name of Atheism
Stalin ~60 million
Lenin a few hundred thousand
Pol Pot, One to three million (or between a quarter and a third of the country's population).
So, is that really the way we should measure the benefit/harmfulness of religion/non-religion?
Mao, Stalin and also Pol Pot were not Atheist's, they may have tried to exterminate Religion, but I never have read that they killed in the name of Religion, I have read though, that alot of Christians like to say they were into Social Darwinism.
That was the accept idea a few decades ago, but its being proved wrong. The world is becoming MORE religious.
Amazon.com: The Desecularization of the World: Resurgent Religion and World Politics (9780802846914): Peter L. Berger: Books
Europe is the exception to the rule
Dammit man, I already have a list of books I need to read from a Christian friend who says the books will change my life.
Europe has all kinds of debates about it going on..
No. Your statement that there is no middle ground is a fallacy. You're arguing that either slavery is evil or it is good. There is no middle ground. That's the fallacy. Byteware has very clearly spelled out the difference in slavery in modern times and slavery in Biblical times. Yet you claim slavery is evil no matter what and there's no middle ground.
Ok, so since they offered them selves to be slaves, that doesn't make it slavery, then what is it? How is slavery good?
A brilliant logical argument. If you do anything evil at any point in history, you are evil for all of time and nothing at all can ever fix it. By this logic, all Germans are evil and always will be evil. They perpetuated and supported the Holocaust which we can all agree was evil. Because they committed evil in the past they are henceforth evil forever.
If you meant to say Nazi's instead of Germans then yes, that is accurate. Otherwise, once again you aren't understanding what I am trying to say.
Prove it. Open up any religious tome and it states that it's goals are to change the hearts/lives of it's followers. If you are saying that is a lie, then prove it. Please point to a point in time where there was no religion. Everyone was atheistic. Then someone stepped up, decided that he/she wanted to control everything so he came up with a religion. Please point out when that happened. That's the logical conclusion of your "man created religion" argument - there was a time in the past when there was no religion. Please point that out to us.
So every single tome ever says that exactly? Nothing about murdering your spouse, or child, or stoning someone for a petty crime, nothing about committing genocide, nothing about any of that?
A point in time where there was no Religion... hmm, I would have to go with when mankind first started. I honestly cant point to the exact time because I am not sure of when that was exactly.
Annnnd once again, you are misunderstanding what I am saying. There was belief before religion, and that belief is what "man" saw and turned it into Religion for all to follow, or be damned for eternity.
Questioning whether a religion is the word of God or the word of man is fine and good. You're flat out stating that it's man's word and you have no proof of that whatsoever.
And as you cannot prove it is gods word. So we can just stop it there.

You may think the burden of proof is set on me, but he who makes the root claim, has the burden of proof.(and BTW, the root claim is that the bible is gods word)
Again, people said that over a thousand years ago. Hasn't happened yet. Doesn't seem to be happening now. The reason why? People choose to follow a particular religion. No one forces me to be a Muslim or Jew or a Christian or a Wiccan or whatever. No one forces me to abide by a particular moral code. If I don't like the moral code of a particular religion, I can reject it and go find another religion or I can even claim that I'm a member of a particular religious denomination and ever accept any of it's teachings. Maybe that's to my good and maybe that's to my detriment, but it still is my choice.
A gas is a gas, and there is no middle ground when talking about gas... I mean, there is no difference between Hydrogen and Helium. They are both gas.
Just because something shares a name, doesn't make it the same thing.
Slavery is bad all around, when was it ever good?
Explain your logic of how slavery then, was so much better then it is now/
Wow... I know a lot of Non-Christians who don't like Muslims after 9/11... so I guess that makes my post COMPLETELY VALID!!! (best doctor doofenschmirtz voice).
The fact that you think I was talking about people I know personally.. is quite amusing.
All sarcasm and joking aside. A lot of people in the US don't like Muslims after 9/11... terrorist attacks have that affect on people. It's not limited to a particular religion. The fact that you attempt to make it out like it is undermines your argument.
I meant to say Religion to be more broad, not christian.