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Not just tithing but offering in general. Of course all giving in optional but what is pushed is that by giving you are somehow absolved, and the sad part is people believe that and give more and more(money).

I've heard that practiced in the past with Catholics, but I've never heard of modern religions teaching that giving absolves your sins. I think you are vastly misunderstanding religion in general.

P.S. actually tithe is tax deductible so they do keep up :)

You CAN have them keep up, by signing your name on the envelope. If you are giving enough for tax purposes, I'm sure you would do that. Otherwise you just put the money in the plate as it comes around.

Seriously... people who are anti-religion telling US how it works. That's kinda funny.
I've heard that practiced in the past with Catholics, but I've never heard of modern religions teaching that giving absolves your sins. I think you are vastly misunderstanding religion in general.

It's not as bluntly promoted as it was before. But as someone stated earlier its a control/fear factor that if you don't give you will be punished. What i was talking about really has nothing to do with religion in general but on one specific aspect.
It's not as bluntly promoted as it was before. But as someone stated earlier its a control/fear factor that if you don't give you will be punished. What i was talking about really has nothing to do with religion in general but on one specific aspect.

I think you're reaching.
It's not as bluntly promoted as it was before. But as someone stated earlier its a control/fear factor that if you don't give you will be punished. What i was talking about really has nothing to do with religion in general but on one specific aspect.

Says who? Historically this was practiced by the Catholic church as recently as the 15th and 16th century. I've never heard this taught by any Christian religion in modern times. To be fair there are approximately a bazillion Christian denominations so it's entirely possible that one of them does teach that if you don't give you're gonna get it. It's not a mainstream Christian doctrine.
Not reaching. i do happen to have a chrisitan religion that i belong to but i have also researched many other for the simple fact that i don't believe you need to belong to a group to be saved. like A.Nonymous said there "a bazillion" denominations and each one their own practices. It's not unfathomable to believe that indulgences still exist.
Not reaching. i do happen to have a chrisitan religion that i belong to but i have also researched many other for the simple fact that i don't believe you need to belong to a group to be saved. like A.Nonymous said there "a bazillion" denominations and each one their own practices. It's not unfathomable to believe that indulgences still exist.

Not unfathomable to believe they still exist. It's quite a stretch to say that the majority of Christians engage in such behavior. There are Christians who are snake handlers. They are not even close to being main stream.
I love this topic even though there is no 120% sure answer.

I believe there is a greater being... it just makes more sense than not believing that there is nothing out there...

I mean just take a look around you... there is life, science etc etc there are soooo many things that you can see, touch, smell and hear.

To me it makes more logical sense that something made it all... to others or atheists they say we were always here and there is no such thing as a greater being... but my response is simple:

"Then where did we come from?"

Then the atheist's response is:

"Then where did the greater being come from?"

So... we both go round and round in circles never with a complete and satisfactory answer...

A major question is:

How did we get here?


Well to be 120% honest... nobody knows, and no body will ever know to be correct.

However.... the most important factor / point is this:

***Does it really matter????***

The answer:

Nope... because nobody will ever know the real answer... so why the hell argue about it like children trying to prove who's better than who????

... that is very childish.

So why not get on with your daily life and do something productive, practical, and contribute to society?????

Basically... we will never know the answer.... so the solution is really simple....

Why bother trying to answer the impossible and not continue doing something worth while with urself???? :)


Mao, Stalin and also Pol Pot were not Atheist's, they may have tried to exterminate Religion, but I never have read that they killed in the name of Religion, I have read though, that alot of Christians like to say they were into Social Darwinism.

Then do you see the error in attributing the actions of individuals to religion? Catholic priests didn't molest children in the name of Christianity. They were messed up people who happened to be priests.

Dammit man, I already have a list of books I need to read from a Christian friend who says the books will change my life.

Thats not a book that will "change your life." (I don't think.) Its a book by a world renowned sociologist about the resurgence of religions around the world, contrary to the previously held idea by most sociologists that religion would continue to decline due to a more logical and scientific understanding of the world.

And as you cannot prove it is gods word. So we can just stop it there.
You may think the burden of proof is set on me, but he who makes the root claim, has the burden of proof.(and BTW, the root claim is that the bible is gods word)

I don't think you understand what religion is, and you don't seem to know much about Christian theology.

wubbie075 said:
This is an extraordinarily naive and misinformed statement. Yes, an individual can make an individual choice. But, by and large, people take the religion of their family or culture or region. It is fact borne out by every statistical examination.

But again, I'll play. Please describe the path you took to choose your religion. Please list each religion you considered before making your choise. Please explain in detail how you compared each one to make this choice. Did you make "Pro vs Con" lists? Did you attend services for each of these religions? Observe their respective holy days and ceremonies?

Finally, answer one more question. Is the religion you finally settled on the same one of your parents?

This is not unique to religion. Do you have a moral understanding similar to your parents? You were born into Western culture, and have been "brainwashed" if you want to put it like that to accept the moral system of that culture.

Do you think women should have rights equal to a man, or should they be protected and sheltered from the outside world? Do you think a government controlled by the people is "right" or should societies be ruled by individuals with divine rights?

The morals you have, weather you believe in some mystical spirit or not, have been implanted in you in just they way you fault religion for. Have you reviewed, studied and analyzed all the various morals and value systems of all cultures to determine which one is "correct?" What did you use as a standard? How did you judge one against the other?

Its the way human civilizations work, religion has just always been a convenient way to pass along the traditions and moral understandings of a civilization.

wubbie075 said:
I'll admit it is slightly easier to do this in the US than in many other places, but you simply cannot dismiss the social pressures with something like this. How many times were potential friendships nipped in the bud due to religious differences.

Have you lost friendships due to moral differences? If you had a friend that, refused all cultural pressures and programing and freely determined African Americans are inferior a women's place is in the home and a man has the right to enforce his will on his family through violence, would you continue to be his friend?

What your talking about isn't something inherent in religion, but inherent in human civilization. If every individual formulation their own moral code from scratch, with no input or influence from any of their fellow citizens, it would be chaos. There would be no such thing as a distinguishable culture anywhere.

wubbie075 said:
Back to the topic at hand, I personally lost a woman I loved, who claimed to love me, who admitted that we did not disagree on any significant issue of morality or lifestyle, except for the fact that she is catholic and I do not believe in god. I am certainly not the only person this has happened to. I also will not claim that it has never been the atheist who was the one to end similar relationships. I am sure that happens too, and in those cases, the atheist is just as wrong to do so.

Again, how is this some fault of religion? It could have easily been over strongly held beliefs about secular politics, animal rights, musical preferences, career choices, or any number of things. If a women left a man because he wouldn't go vegan, and she couldn't accept living with a man who slaughtered cows for food, would that be the fault of animal rights? Or would it be her fault for not being able to get past some issue?

wubbie075 said:
However, I do believe it is much more likely that a religious family would forbid a child to marry someone because of a different religion or lack thereof, than an atheistic family would forbid their child to marry a religious person.

I can easily see an atheist family not approving of their daughter marrying a bible thumping missionary... again, this has more to do with humans than anything intrinsic to a belief or lack of, in a higher spirit.

bbrosen said:
There never was an original Bible. Ever. anywhere. The modern day bible as we know it is a collection of writings spanning a wide swath of time from an eclectic bunch of writers and scholars and followers

Yes, the Christian bible is a collection of religious texts from various times. But the first time the texts were compiled into the "bible" that was the original bible.

The Christian bible, didn't just fall out of the sky one day, in its current form. It wasn't dictated word for word by God himself, like Islamic theology believes about the Koran. Its a collection of stories that impart a moral understanding of the world... and if your a faithful adherent to Christianity, you believe these man written stories and ideas were divinely inspired by God.

wubbie075 said:
My opinion is that regardless of how it started, whether the intention was benign or not, religion is used more as a means of control (both on an individual level and on a larger scale with political). They have a long history of stifling progressive thought of any kind. The catholic church is pretty much the prime example of that, but most smaller churches, parishes, congregations, etc. do the same thing, whether it is in social areas, education or politics.

You do realize that most scientists and philosophers for the last few thousand years were doing their research and adding to the knowledge of mankind in the name of religion right?
Religion is no different than anything else. Nationalism is used for control. Politics is used for control. Heck, emotions are used for control.

Yes, there are many different mechinsms by which people or organizations can exert controls over people.

This doesn't make religion, nationalism, politics or emotions evil. They simply are. They can be used for good or evil.

OK, let's try this one more time: I never said religion is evil. Please stop replying to my posts saying "but that does not make religion evil." You are arguing with me over a statement someone else made.

Now as for religion being being no worse than politics, nationalism, etc. I believe that in this day and age, none of these things are positive influences in today's society. Each of those things cause more division in the world than the positives they offer. Strictly opinion on my part of course.

Getting rid of the priesthood wouldn't get rid of pedophilia. Those people would still be pedophiles, they just wouldn't be priests.

Some have postulated that celibacy is a contributing factor to the existence of pedophiles on the catholic church. They have no sexual outlet and with the constant exposure to the alter buys, their labidos get turned to the boys. I'm not sayng I believe it is correct or not, just putting it out there.

If you really and truly believed that anyone who did not embrace your religion was doomed to spend an afterlife in horrible agony wouldn't it be rather cruel to not tell other people about your religion? Wouldn't you be a bad person to just let people go on their way? Just throwing that out there.

If I really and truly believed the gods of my religion would torment you for all eternity if you ignored their demand to paint your door with the blood of a sacrificial animal once a week, wouldn't I be a bad person if I did not go to your home and conduct the sacrifice on your behalf?

I have never heard of a religious person attacking and killing or beating someone because they were an atheist.

You're right, that kind of behavior is reserved for staff of abortion clinics.
This is not unique to religion. Do you have a moral understanding similar to your parents? You were born into Western culture, and have been "brainwashed" if you want to put it like that to accept the moral system of that culture.

The morals you have, weather you believe in some mystical spirit or not, have been implanted in you in just they way you fault religion for. Have you reviewed, studied and analyzed all the various morals and value systems of all cultures to determine which one is "correct?" What did you use as a standard? How did you judge one against the other?

As a matter of fact, I do just consider and analyze situations I am confronted with and make up my own mind about what the "right" thing to do is.

Have you lost friendships due to moral differences? If you had a friend that, refused all cultural pressures and programing and freely determined African Americans are inferior a women's place is in the home and a man has the right to enforce his will on his family through violence, would you continue to be his friend?

I'm not gonna get into specifics about this, I have many friends with whom I disagree significantly on moral issues. There are limits to that, obviously, but in general, I do not require my friends to believe the same way as I do on issues. I will keep someone as a friend as long as the things I like about them outweigh the things I don't like about them.

You do realize that most scientists and philosophers for the last few thousand years were doing their research and adding to the knowledge of mankind in the name of religion right?

Sure, until they made a discovery that conflicted with church dogma, then they were burned at the stake for heresy or put under house arrest for the remainder of their lives like Gallileo.

These days, scientists are overwhelmingly atheist, but it is not limited to science. The higher the level of education a person completes in any subject, the more likely it is that they are atheist.
OK, let's try this one more time: I never said religion is evil. Please stop replying to my posts saying "but that does not make religion evil." You are arguing with me over a statement someone else made.

Now as for religion being being no worse than politics, nationalism, etc. I believe that in this day and age, none of these things are positive influences in today's society. Each of those things cause more division in the world than the positives they offer. Strictly opinion on my part of course.

Fair enough. But I don't think it makes it bad or not good either. I think there is still a place in society for politics, nationalism, etc.... and would not have it any other way. That's another thread entirely though.

Some have postulated that celibacy is a contributing factor to the existence of pedophiles on the catholic church. They have no sexual outlet and with the constant exposure to the alter buys, their labidos get turned to the boys. I'm not sayng I believe it is correct or not, just putting it out there.

Hogwash. Why boys? Why not girls? Why not the grown women in their congregations? Why not the other priests? Prisoners are isolated from the world. They turn on each other. By that logic, if someone is imprisoned for a significant ammount of time, they should turn into a pedophile when they're released back to the public. There's no science to back this up. Priests don't just have access to boys. They have access to other priests, female parishioners, etc..... Is a priest getting caught with a female parishioner any more scandalous than getting caught with a boy? It's a ridiculous argument.

If I really and truly believed the gods of my religion would torment you for all eternity if you ignored their demand to paint your door with the blood of a sacrificial animal once a week, wouldn't I be a bad person if I did not go to your home and conduct the sacrifice on your behalf?

You might be a bad person if you didn't offer to. I don't think I'd want you to do it though. That's just my choice. If Christians are showing up at your house and trying to drag you into a car and haul you off for services, then you have a point.

You're right, that kind of behavior is reserved for staff of abortion clinics.

The nutcases who shoot abortion doctors are as motivated by politics as they are by religion. Just saying. You take out religion and they're still nutcases who are threats to shoot people.
These days, scientists are overwhelmingly atheist, but it is not limited to science. The higher the level of education a person completes in any subject, the more likely it is that they are atheist.

Where do you get your numbers that scientists are all atheists? I hear this factoid tossed around all the time and I have yet to see a study that backs it up. The studies I've seen about education and atheism have all stated that the correllation could easily be explained by social, family and societal factors as well. I'm interested in the studies you've seen that say otherwise.
Where do you get your numbers that scientists are all atheists? I hear this factoid tossed around all the time and I have yet to see a study that backs it up. The studies I've seen about education and atheism have all stated that the correllation could easily be explained by social, family and societal factors as well. I'm interested in the studies you've seen that say otherwise.

yeah, the few of my friends who believe in God arent particularly stupid, they would be academically quite good, but they just dont challenge their parents beliefs
Where do you get your numbers that scientists are all atheists?

I've tried to conduct this discussion in a reasonable fashion, but I have just had it with you attributing statements to me that I never said.

I don't know if it is deliberate intellectual dishonesty, or simple lack of reading conprehension. I really hope it is the former, because it frightens me that someone with such poor reading conversation lives their life according to what it says in a book.

Either way I will not waste any more time defending myself over things I never said.

And, for the record, a simple google search for "education atheism correlation" produced over 800,000 hits. Feel free to go read any of those links and misinterpret whatever you read there however you wish to.
I've tried to conduct this discussion in a reasonable fashion, but I have just had it with you attributing statements to me that I never said.

I don't know if it is deliberate intellectual dishonesty, or simple lack of reading conprehension. I really hope it is the former, because it frightens me that someone with such poor reading conversation lives their life according to what it says in a book.

Either way I will not waste any more time defending myself over things I never said.

And, for the record, a simple google search for "education atheism correlation" produced over 800,000 hits. Feel free to go read any of those links and misinterpret whatever you read there however you wish to.

And as I said, every single one of those studies fails to factor in societal factors and admits as much.
And as I said, every single one of those studies fails to factor in societal factors and admits as much.

That has zero do to with the charge that you're putting words in his mouth and expecting him to defend himself.

Why are you try to win an argument that didn't happen?

In this case, I'll satisfy your need to discuss this - and meanwhile, you can apologize to wubbie075, privately if you wish.

And, it's rather doubtful you did as he asked, because not every study failed to factor things in - in fact, the first non-wikipedia one in the search I threw on the suggested term had this to say:

The claim that atheists are "privileged" thus serves two functions: it serves to encourage people to dismiss atheists' criticisms of religion, and it serves to dismiss atheists' complaints about bigotry from religious theists. Both of these goals involve dismissing atheists in one way or another because atheists are more and more refusing to just sit down and shut up
As a matter of fact, I do just consider and analyze situations I am confronted with and make up my own mind about what the "right" thing to do is.

Sure you analyze the situation, apply your pre-programed understanding of the world and return your own judgement... everyone does.

Have you even done a survey of all morals and values held by the worlds cultures to make sure you haven't missed out on the "right" one?

Is it coincidence, your unique determination falls in line with your parents and the majority of the society around you?

How did you determine, what logical reasoned argument, brought you to the belief beating your sister and having her willingly take it, to show the community her love for you is wrong? (some African tribes do this as a right of passage for becoming a man.)

What logical argument do you have that covering up your genitals in public is the "right" thing to do?

I'm not gonna get into specifics about this, I have many friends with whom I disagree significantly on moral issues. There are limits to that, obviously, but in general, I do not require my friends to believe the same way as I do on issues. I will keep someone as a friend as long as the things I like about them outweigh the things I don't like about them.

So, if, for arguments sake, you have a friend, and his backwards views on womens rights outweighs the things you like about him, and you cut off friendship. Is that then a failure or fault of womens rights or an interpersonal issue between the two of you? So, if religion (or womens rights) is important to someone, and it outweighs the things they like about another, is that a fault of religion, or an issue between the two people.

Sure, until they made a discovery that conflicted with church dogma, then they were burned at the stake for heresy or put under house arrest for the remainder of their lives like Gallileo.

That doesn't negate the scientific contributes religion has made to the world.

FWI Galileo was punished more for offending and defying the church than teaching scientific theories.

These days, scientists are overwhelmingly atheist, but it is not limited to science. The higher the level of education a person completes in any subject, the more likely it is that they are atheist.

That doesn't really prove anything... religion and science are concerned with two extremely different things. One the physical world, one the spiritual world. Its not surprising, people that think everything can be explained by physical laws, would not be interested in spiritual things.
Its not surprising (that) people that think everything can be explained by physical laws would not be interested in spiritual things.

I agree with that; it's pretty easy to see out there.

As a side note, I've always found it interesting that spiritual matters are seen as separate altogether, by most, from physical things.

A very high percentage of spiritual teaching has to do with its impact on physical things. Not just the miracles pointed out in most of the central literature of the world's religions, but also the way prayer affects our well being, etc as documented by various scientific disciplines from psychology to medicine and on.

I don't see it as an overlap of mostly polarized ares of study. I feel that they are one and the same, expressed in different ways in the world and in our being. We can deny one or the other as much as we want to or feel the need to, but that wont cause it to not be there.
I'm not at all clear on what's being said - seriously, I'm not.

But it seems like some polarizations and generalizations about scientists and religions are occurring.

I'm a part of New Mexicans for Science and Reason. Our worldwide membership include leaders in their fields, from physics, geology, chemistry and more.

Here's our policy on science vs. religion:

NMSR is a science organization; it is not a civil liberties or an anti-religious organization. Several of our members, like scientists in general, belong to various religious groups. We see no inherent conflict between science and religion, in that science concerns the natural world (the one accessible to our senses and instruments), while religion concerns the possibility of a supernatural world accessible only through faith. While we respect and cherish religious freedom, we stand ready to challenge those who promote bad science to further their goals, religious or otherwise.


Hope this clarifies.
Apologies, by the title, I naturally assumed this thread was about the Motorola Atrix, sorry for the interruption :o

On topic, I disagree with the statement in the OP regarding

Science is on the verge of disproving god, and theist are to blind to see it.Who made god? Man .
The OP omitted any mention of the strides forward being taken in the various fields of quantum physics / quantum theory. Those very familiar with them will by now have heard numerous references to comments to the effect of how quantum theory has shown itself to have many similarities to the tenants of ancient spiritualist belief systems like Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Gnosticism, Mandean(ism?) and many others. If anything, I'd be more inclined to say that science is on the verge of proving, not disproving the existence of some sort of divine consciousness behind the creation of material reality.

The OP offered an opinion based on an all encompassing term "science", however, he neglected to note that some disciplines in the scientific community disagree with his statement.

On a side note -

If you really want to get into a topic like this, not only should you immerse yourself in the latest findings of quantum theory, but some groundbreaking research into DNA which is considered to be the building block of all life:

The Russian researchers, however, convinced that nature was not dumb, joined linguists and geneticists in a venture to explore that 90% of “junk DNA.” Their results, findings and conclusions are simply revolutionary!
According to there findings, our DNA is not only responsible for the construction of our body but also serves as data storage and communication. The Russian linguists found that the genetic code – especially in the apparent “useless” 90% – follows the same rules as all our human languages.
To this end they compared the rules of syntax (the way in which words are put together to form phrases and sentences), semantics (the study of meaning in language forms) and the basic rules of grammar. They found that the alkalines of our DNA follow a regular grammar and do have set rules just like our languages. Therefore, human languages did not appear coincidentally but are a reflection of our inherent DNA.
The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of DNA. In brief the bottom line was: “Living chromosomes function just like a holographic computer using endogenous DNA laser radiation.” This means that they managed, for example, to modulate certain frequency patterns (sound) onto a laser-like ray which influenced DNA frequency and thus the genetic information itself.

DNA existed long before Man. If there is no "god" but yet DNA has been shown to match the patterns of an actual language...

...who wrote it?
Apologies, by the title, I naturally assumed this thread was about the Motorola Atrix, sorry for the interruption :o

Well, we've already had the requisite Jerry Garcia reference, so that was bound to happen.

Just some friendly advice tho - if you hear voices come from your Atrix when not on a call or listening to radio - don't believe what they're telling you!
"But it seems like some polarizations and generalizations about scientists and religions are occurring."

Yep. ;)

An example is the energy put into using polarizing terms, such as "natural" as opposed to "supernatural."

I'm at odds with a lot of the accepted terms for things spiritual, etc. "Supernatural" has a pretty good dictionary definition, and I accept that definition of course, but I don't see spiritual things as necessarily being supernatural at the base of it.

A certain event might be postulated as having supernatural aspects, but only as long as we're of the agreement that we don't have enough details about what caused that even to come about to call it a natural event.
DNA existed long before Man. If there is no "god" but yet DNA has been shown to match the patterns of an actual language...

...who wrote it?

As for DNA having language-like properties, one thing that science does strive to achieve over time is the removal of observer bias.

When your primary tool is a hammer, soon all problems begin to look like nails.

One caveat that I learned and pass on - never look for a signal in noise, because you'll always find what you're looking for (and there's a solid math basis for that, btw).

Both of those axioms apply to reading too much into DNA coding and the cruft left behind by eons of evolution.

Note on what Frisco said - absolutely agree - words can become stumbling blocks or steps and in areas where lifetimes and more are devoted to understanding something, they just as often obscure ideas as convey them.
Going back to the most recent findings of quantum theory, it has been deemed impossible to remove observer bias. Simply conducting the experiment - any experiment - in the first place already places you as a participant rather than an observer. But I'm not sure I understand how that particular experiment finding DNA to have the properties of language makes them biased? I really don't think you're doing them credit by cavalierly dismissing their work without having really taken a deeper look into it, how it was conducted, and what all the findings were.

Especially when you take into consideration that the wider scientific community lauds their accomplishments extensively to this very day.
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