Extreme Android User
I highly doubt we've seen the last of Metro UI, given the future looks on the Windows Phones and of course, the new Xbox One.
Like it or not, flat design is in. it looks dated, like something out of a 1970s Pan-Am brochure, and i'm unsure what comes after it. perhaps ANSI revival? CP/M? who knows. I still cringe at the thought of going backwards.

And...just as I host this on Photobucket, it has now also gone flat. will this horrid design ever end?! flat design must be 'hip' and 'modern' only to those who were never around in the 1970s...or before.
Like it or not, flat design is in. it looks dated, like something out of a 1970s Pan-Am brochure, and i'm unsure what comes after it. perhaps ANSI revival? CP/M? who knows. I still cringe at the thought of going backwards.

And...just as I host this on Photobucket, it has now also gone flat. will this horrid design ever end?! flat design must be 'hip' and 'modern' only to those who were never around in the 1970s...or before.