Am i the only one who hated the start menu from the first day of Windows 95? it was so inefficient, too many steps to click Start, then programs, Accessories, Games, Solitaire
i mean, why not just put an icon on your desktop or a group into a folder there and make it simple? i was never married to the start menu so i cannot fathom everyone's obsession with it.
Most used apps put on desktop. Rest are in start menu.
Windows 95 start menu was a revelation back then, cause Explorer and Start were replacing Program manager which was way worse.
So yea, you're probably one of the very few people who didn't like it.
Windows 1-3 didn't even have a proper desktop, for that matter, so unlike 95 you were literally forced to deal with the inefficiencies of its folder system.
Windows 98 added the Quick launch bar for frequently used apps, IIRC, and also allowed you to pin custom ones to the task bar.
Windows Vista put search which made the start menu a bit deprecated since most people rarely really navigated it.
The Start menu is more efficient to use than the start screen without a tablet for factor, but it's been pretty much deprecated since Vista IMO, due to the search.
It makes sense in 10 only because they found a better way to push metro onto users. It's still basically the start screen, just smaller. It's hilarious how no one complains simply because it looks like what they are used to and didn't want to change.