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Google announces when the Pixel and Nexus devices will no longer receive guaranteed security updates

If you own any Nexus or Pixel device from Google, you should know that eventually it will not receive security updates. Google has just announced which month the Nexus 6, Nexus 9, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Pixel and Pixel will stop receiving guaranteed security updates.
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I believe the security updates will end 3 years after the phone's release - I think I'll probably cope.

My guess is that most N5X owners have either already replaced their phone or will be replacing it over the next year or so - I bought my N5X within days of release so expect to replace it sometime over the next year or so which should still be before the updates finish: I did keep my last phone for 3 years but by then it was - literally - falling apart.
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