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Root Got behind & am now lost on root & latest updates


Android Enthusiast

I could really use some help/advice/assistance. Love the DX I've had since the first week it was out. Rooted the stock version using the simple click method then upgraded to the next leaked version. So, I'm running version 2.3.9.MB810.Verizon.en.US, DroidX, Android 2.2 which kept root. For good or for bad, it won't recognize OTA updates.

Since then I've been in the hospital 9 times and am kind of lost on the best way of upgrading at this point. I'd like to keep root but as much as I'd like the time to try custom ROMs, it isn't going to happen. So I use basic root to be able for my backup program to set Market links, etc but not a lot more. If the new version breaks root, is it difficult to redo?

Can I upgrade directly to the new OTA leak (official) and keep root? Or is there some complicated process I've seen alluded to in certain circumstances, where they had to roll back to vs 2.1 then do some sort of reflashing and all sorts of things which is where I get lost. If I upgrade to the newest OTA version that's posted in the forums here, will that put me back to receiving OTA updates from VZW or is there a reason I wouldn't want that.

As nice as it would be to have the process explained directly to me here, even links on how to do the different steps of the process would be great.

Thanks so much for any help you can offer to help me find my way back to the latest version!


I hope you're feeling better. Considering where you are. I would suggest you SBF up to the latest full sbf. The directions are here under letter "c" unBRICKING. http://androidforums.com/droid-x-al...ing-custom-rom-theme-how-unbrick-droid-x.html

Once there, any just flash Apex 1.3 (my recommended rom, as I find it the most stable and newbie friendly, and you'll be at the lastest iteration, 2.3.420.

Please let us know if you need more help.

Sorry, what does SBF stand for? How is the Apex ROM different from the VZW official OTA? How often is it updated (Apex) and how much trouble is it to flash the latest version when it is updated? Obviously, this is the first time I will have tried a custom ROM. Sorry to be so dense but I'm assuming that I can still run all my usual programs like LauncherPro etc? Will I lose all my data? Will my backup app (My Backup Pro w/root access) be able to restore everything on the Apex ROM? How fast is it compared to the VZW/Motorola official release?

I'll do some more reading in the meantime but any additional info and opinions would be great!

Thanks again. :-)
Oh! I didn't notice who posted that! Hi, Stevens58. I remember hanging out with you in the DI forum "back in the day" before we switched over to the DX. Haven't regretted it for a second! :-)
I'm trying to do the "unbricking instructions" as you suggested but I noticed that the download site for the SBF said that you need to have bootloader 30.03 or 30.04. I only have 30.01. How do I update to the newer ones? I tried to use the Bootstrap Loader and that didn't work so I'm trying it as is with the 30.01 bootloader because I didn't see that I had the wrong version of bootloader until after I had started the SBF flash. If I brick this, I'll need to know how to upgrade the bootloader version! And my DH will want to throttle me as I'm stupid enough to be doing this while in the hospital and he won't be able to contact me! Crossing fingers for a successful update anyway. Will post if it comes out OK or if I really do need to know how to upgrade the bootloader.
OK, it loaded OK, though for some reason the SBF left all my programs and settings intact. I verified that it was in fact the newer version (2.2.1) and all seemed correct. I did have to reactivate phone but no big deal since almost all settings and programs remained (yes, I did backup via the bootstrap loader but never had to use it). Had a heckuva time trying to reroot which was another way it seemed the SBF worked fine but for some reason after trying everything with Z4, I decided to try it while it was plugged into the computer and it worked perfectly. I guess I missed that part in the fine print somewhere so just for others to know, root with Z4 while the phone is plugged into the computer and it worked flawlessly. :) Now, I think I might try to flash Apex! Yikes!
Apex (and ROMs in general) are very easy. Download the .zip (For Apex it's named something like ApeX_1.3.0.zip or something), put it on the root of your SD card (not in any folders), bootstrap, go to backup and restore, backup. Wipe CACHE and DATA, then go to install .zip from sd card, select .zip, then pick Apex and let it roll!

When updates come out (Which Fab is decently good at putting out), you just rinse and repeat. I can flash new ROMs in about 15 minutes with all my data intact.
Apex (and ROMs in general) are very easy. Download the .zip (For Apex it's named something like ApeX_1.3.0.zip or something), put it on the root of your SD card (not in any folders), bootstrap, go to backup and restore, backup. Wipe CACHE and DATA, then go to install .zip from sd card, select .zip, then pick Apex and let it roll!

When updates come out (Which Fab is decently good at putting out), you just rinse and repeat. I can flash new ROMs in about 15 minutes with all my data intact.

Seriously??? I did successfully flash Apex ROM and can't believe how much I love it! I had no idea that you could flash a new ROM keeping your data intact in only 15 minutes. Do you have to do the backup /reformatting of data and cache each time or do you flash the ROM directly over the existing one... since it's the same ROM just updated?

Thanks folks for encouraging me to take the plunge and try a custom ROM. So happy I did it!
The best way to do it an avoid problems is to download Titanium Backup from the market. After it's installed, open it and hit "Problems" then hit "Yes, do it." Then open Titanium again. Hit menu, batch, then click RUN next to "Backup all user apps with data."

That way, when you install a new ROM WIPE DATA in recovery, load it up, sign in with google, blah blah, then open Titanium, hit menu, batch, and scroll down to restore all app with data. Done.

If it's the same ROM, like an update to Apex, you can probably install it without wiping data. That should all be in the install directions. It's recommended that you wipe anyways, but sometimes you can get away with it.
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