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Hands On With the Bionic


Android Enthusiast
This from someone on Another Forum . His Name is Joe the Insider and he has the Bionic. This what he has to say so far:

Just got the launch kit today and was able to play with it. I will be doing more playing around later. Initial thoughts. The phone is extremely light and is actually pretty thin. The battery is 1730 mah and is pretty big. The screen is contoured on the edges and it comes with a 16gb microsd card. Power button is in a awkward spot though. Its on the left shoulder of the phone. Its a pretty big phone as well, its along the lines of the charge. I will report back soon on the screen. Start up is ridiculously fast, sound is surprisingly good. The back is plastic like the d3. The camera problem that was widely talked about this the d3 is a NON factor. It boots up right away with no lag. The pentile screen looks a little different, but to be honest I love the pentile screen. More on performance in a bit.Im still waiting for my manager to activate it, then I can do some tests. The glass on the screen is very nice, its hard to explain, but it compliments the actually screen. I want to stress that there is NO redraw. If your not familar with what that is, the d3 has an issue where after closing a app that's pretty heavy on ram or it would have to load all apps and widgets on the screen and it would take about 5 secs before it finished and was extremely annoying. As for the pentile.screen, I am noticing a better looking screen than the d3 and dx. The dark chrome is nice around the screen. Its actually a little lighter than the d3 when it comes to the color of the chrome.

Unfortunately I don't live in a 4g area yet, so this all based around 3g service. I will start running benchmarks and what not once i get it back.
D3/bionic comparison.

You can switch from evdo/lte or just evdo. So yes you can turn off 4g.
Here quadrant scores. Any other ones you guys want me to try.

This is all he has shared so far.


Continued from Earlier Post..

The bionic is thinner than the d3 and also lighter. As for the docks, as far as I know you don't need to get any plans with the docks. Their pretty much sold as an accessory. As for pricing, I was told $299 but don't hold me to that yet.
Here is more scores, I apologize for the quality. These were taken from my d3's camera.

The phone does have a LED light like almost all Motorola phones and yes, the vehicle dock charges the phone.
I want to stress that there is NO redraw. If your not familar with what that is, the d3 has an issue where after closing a app that's pretty heavy on ram or it would have to load all apps and widgets on the screen and it would take about 5 secs before it finished and was extremely annoying.
You've got to be kidding me. This is the single most annoying problem that I have with my D1 (except with the D1, the delays can be 30 seconds or more and happen very often). I can't believe that newer phones like the D3 still have a similar problem. Come on Google, can't you design a better way to cache the application icons?

I'd really like to hear about the Droid Bionic's laptop dock. They say that it runs the full Firefox, but I would also like to know if it can run other apps. If the laptop dock could run my Remote Desktop app, that would be excellent!
I'd really like to hear about the Droid Bionic's laptop dock. They say that it runs the full Firefox, but I would also like to know if it can run other apps. If the laptop dock could run my Remote Desktop app, that would be excellent!

Probably the same as the Atrix dock which can do anything the phone can do on the laptop dock.
This is from another person. I can't believe how many people got early access to the Bionic! From the looks of the screen, the battery icon is actually STRAIT! :D

Here's his story.

I received this today compliments of Motorola. I wrote a letter to them complaining to them about some things. They responded, thanked me for my letter as they said it was well written, and offered some things to me, one of which was a Bionic at no charge. I will not comment any further about that. More to come. It did not come w/ a 4g sim card. Don't freak out. It was sent from Moto. Went to a VZ store, got a 4g sim card, called customer service, activated. People in the store couldn't believe it. This has been a great day so far. More details to come. I have two young sons at home who like to play with their dad.

And his video.

My Bionic - YouTube
Hey Thanks Preach and tehsusenoh! Great vids and overall information. You guys have been an info magnet for the Bionic. Just like Bart Scott says...

Can't Wait!!!
Cf - YouTube

4g web video - YouTube

Apps, etc.. - YouTube

How's the camera quality?

Very very good.

Does it have the homescreen bug?

Does it have redraw or lag problems like the D3?

Does it have a notification light?

How is it outside?

Works great in sunlight. Even with polarized sunglasses you see great in portrait, not great in landscape, but you can still see it.

This is everything as of when this post was made.
First, thanks for the videos. The phone looks nice. Confirms my interest for sure.

How much do the benchmarks he ran correlate with real world use? The SGSII blew it away, more than I would have expected.

The pentile issue is there on the extreme close up, but it's hard to tell if it's better at normal viewing distance.

Now I'm waiting on people having these long enough to report on the battery life. :)
I mean look at benchmark scores of the iPhone 4 vs. the iPhone 3GS. You would think the 3GS was the better phone. That screen res plays a part in some benchmarks.

And like it was mentioned....Quadrant is unreliable now. Maybe the Pro version that breaks down the individual parts is better. Even then....Quadrant can be manipulated. Alot of us learned last year that file and file system edits, mods, hacks can get you some inflated scores on Quadrant.

A better judge is comparing the Bionic to another dual core phone with the same screen res like the Atrix, Photon, Droid X2, Droid 3, EVO 3D, Sensation. And probably phones with 1GB ram to make it even more even.

Or just use a better benchmark tool than Quadrant...lol
Yep. Plus, the Exynos is .2GHz higher. Imagine how the OMAP4 will preform when it's overclocked.

I didn't bother to post the Quadrant benchmarks, cause Quadrant sucks. It doesn't test all of the cores, so that's useless.

CF-Bench is the best.

So is the 1 ghz dualcore omap processor on the Bionic better than the 1.2 tegra dualcore?
Can you guys find out about sound and speakerphone quality? Also, does bluetooth work well?

So is the 1 ghz dualcore omap processor on the Bionic better than the 1.2 tegra dualcore?

I'd say yes. But maybe I'm just saying that because I don't like the Tegra 2 outside of tablets.

OMAP is the king.

It's a shame that the Bionic didn't get the 4460 or 4470. Would have blown away every other phone on the market if it had it.
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