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Hate My Eris, Convince Verizon to Upgrade?

I understand your pain Seagull84. I've been very unpleased not with the performance of the phone, but of promised features that the phone was supposed to have.

Back in late December when I purchased the phone I got it based on miss information that we would be having. I was really torn between getting the Eris or the HTC Imagio (WM 6.1 at the time). The HTC Imagio out of the box had internet sharing (tethering) via Bluetooth or USB and it also had Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR. This feature is very important to me because I don't like having to drag out a sync cable to sync my work and personal calendar and contacts and then sync that information to my laptop. Plus I also like using my phone a Bluetooth media controller for my Living Room Media Center. I explained to the sales rep my concern on getting the Eris due to the lack of Bluetooth serial support in it's current configuration (1.5 and I would need at least 2.0), but based on a press release that went out December 4th stating that the Eris would be getting 2.x in Q1 2010 I was okay with plugging in my phone now and then to sync my computers to my phone. The rep was then kind enough to tell me there was going to be an update to allow Bluetooth and USB tethering January. I then took his statement to mean that 2.0 would be coming out since it is the earliest version to support Bluetooth tethering (Bluetooth serial). When we first got our update in Jan. I went in and questioned if it was the update that suppose to be 2.X. They said no. They said don't worry it's coming. At this point I have 4 days to decide to keep the phone or return it for the Imagio which I know with do what I'm needing it to especially since I just came from an HTC Touch, Based on the salesman advice I kept the phone. Well, it's nearly over a month passed Q1 and still no update.

I explained this all to the a Store Manager and he decided that his sales rep and Verizon was in the wrong for promising an update that never came. He went ahead and made it so I could upgrade at anytime and keep the Eris. Still can't decide if I want to chance it with Incredible or wait and get something different.

If anything make sure that it doesn't look like you're trying to upgrade to the next best thing. And they probably need to see that you've tried to resolve the issue with a CSR or Customer Support. If they don't see any initiative to fix the problem from your side they probably aren't going to show any initiative to help in replacing your phone with a different one.
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And for you as a sales person to put ATK on every phone you sell has got to be some sort of violation. It is NOT your phone and you should not be putting ANY applications on a phone.

Hah! Not really disagreeing with you but go tell that to dell and hp who load their shipped products with crap tons of bloatware. Thats more annoying than a vzw employee loading ATK on a phone ;)
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I think the phone needs some tweaking before you get it to work well for you. This phone works decent right out of the box...if we go through and add apps and so forth and try this and try that we ended up bogging it down and causing issues. Once you get the phone tweaked it works great. Yes i would love to have the turn by turn navigation, and goggles and such, but i will wait for it. I love my eris and have zero complaints now 2 months after i got it. Take that back...one complaint...I dont want facebook to notify me that it has received people updates...but it is a small thing
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I think the phone needs some tweaking before you get it to work well for you. This phone works decent right out of the box...if we go through and add apps and so forth and try this and try that we ended up bogging it down and causing issues. Once you get the phone tweaked it works great. Yes i would love to have the turn by turn navigation, and goggles and such, but i will wait for it. I love my eris and have zero complaints now 2 months after i got it. Take that back...one complaint...I dont want facebook to notify me that it has received people updates...but it is a small thing

Go to Facebook App > Menu > Settings > Uncheck Notifications

Go to Settings > Social Network > Menu > Account Settings > Facebook > Uncheck the first box > Done
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And I will disagree emphatically with that statement. I had ATK on my eris twice..when i first got it...and had all kinds of problems...sense force closing...apps shutting down, manythings....took it off problem solved...tried ATK again about a month later..problems cropped back up again. Even tried it on my girlfriends droid, same problems, got rid of it problems went away.

I think alot of the lag with this phone is sense. Since i removed sense and installed zeam I have gone almost two weeks of HEAVY use, with no reboots and not clearing the cache and it has not lagged a little bit.

So I agree that the android system does not need ATK it will allocate resources as needed, however i think the Sense UI causes some issues.

And for you as a sales person to put ATK on every phone you sell has got to be some sort of violation. It is NOT your phone and you should not be putting ANY applications on a phone.

I had an Eris that I got just to mod and before I rooted it, a task killer was essential to me. I use Taskiller, but same thing. There are just some apps you need to ignore and not have them close.

And no, there is no violation. Who the hell would complain when you say "hey, I'm going to download a program for you to make the phone run better and manage your memory better. Is that ok?" No one says no. But I await the say that a know-it-all-but-knows-nothing comes into the store and refuses to let a TK be put on his phone.
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I had an Eris that I got just to mod and before I rooted it, a task killer was essential to me. I use Taskiller, but same thing. There are just some apps you need to ignore and not have them close.

And no, there is no violation. Who the hell would complain when you say "hey, I'm going to download a program for you to make the phone run better and manage your memory better. Is that ok?" No one says no. But I await the say that a know-it-all-but-knows-nothing comes into the store and refuses to let a TK be put on his phone.

You should be able to choose to install a task killer, not to be forced to have one installed.
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I understand your pain Seagull84. I've been very unpleased not with the performance of the phone, but of promised features that the phone was supposed to have.

Back in late December when I purchased the phone I got it based on miss information that we would be having. I was really torn between getting the Eris or the HTC Imagio (WM 6.1 at the time). The HTC Imagio out of the box had internet sharing (tethering) via Bluetooth or USB and it also had Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR. This feature is very important to me because I don't like having to drag out a sync cable to sync my work and personal calendar and contacts and then sync that information to my laptop. Plus I also like using my phone a Bluetooth media controller for my Living Room Media Center. I explained to the sales rep my concern on getting the Eris due to the lack of Bluetooth serial support in it's current configuration (1.5 and I would need at least 2.0), but based on a press release that went out December 4th stating that the Eris would be getting 2.x in Q1 2010 I was okay with plugging in my phone now and then to sync my computers to my phone. The rep was then kind enough to tell me there was going to be an update to allow Bluetooth and USB tethering January. I then took his statement to mean that 2.0 would be coming out since it is the earliest version to support Bluetooth tethering (Bluetooth serial). When we first got our update in Jan. I went in and questioned if it was the update that suppose to be 2.X. They said no. They said don't worry it's coming. At this point I have 4 days to decide to keep the phone or return it for the Imagio which I know with do what I'm needing it to especially since I just came from an HTC Touch, Based on the salesman advice I kept the phone. Well, it's nearly over a month passed Q1 and still no update.

I explained this all to the a Store Manager and he decided that his sales rep and Verizon was in the wrong for promising an update that never came. He went ahead and made it so I could upgrade at anytime and keep the Eris. Still can't decide if I want to chance it with Incredible or wait and get something different.

If anything make sure that it doesn't look like you're trying to upgrade to the next best thing. And they probably need to see that you've tried to resolve the issue with a CSR or Customer Support. If they don't see any initiative to fix the problem from your side they probably aren't going to show any initiative to help in replacing your phone with a different one.

I'm a bit surprised by some peoples' reactions to this thread, seems to be a lot of angst and "no one's going to help you" replies when I was expecting more constructive feedback. Anyway, this is the best feedback I've gotten so far. Good call on showing I've looked for solutions already.
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I had an Eris that I got just to mod and before I rooted it, a task killer was essential to me. I use Taskiller, but same thing. There are just some apps you need to ignore and not have them close.

And no, there is no violation. Who the hell would complain when you say "hey, I'm going to download a program for you to make the phone run better and manage your memory better. Is that ok?" No one says no. But I await the say that a know-it-all-but-knows-nothing comes into the store and refuses to let a TK be put on his phone.

I would and have said no when VZW reps have tried to install the TK wonder drugs on my phones. Since it is my phone and I do know what is best for me to have on it. I wouldn't consider myself a know-it-all, but do think I know a little something.

On topic:
OP, take the phone back and try a new one. The only thing you have to lose is a little time and possibly some headaches.
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You should be able to choose to install a task killer, not to be forced to have one installed.

If you read what I put, you would see that I ask if it's ok. They can say no, but no one has.

I would and have said no when VZW reps have tried to install the TK wonder drugs on my phones. Since it is my phone and I do know what is best for me to have on it. I wouldn't consider myself a know-it-all, but do think I know a little something.

And that's fine, but I would take you over to the demo Eris and show you how much better it does once you kill all the tasks.
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If you read what I put, you would see that I ask if it's ok. They can say no, but no one has.

And that's fine, but I would take you over to the demo Eris and show you how much better it does once you kill all the tasks.

It really doesn't. It just ends programs that will sit in the background and never close because the developers are **** sticks and didn't code it to shut down properly.

If an app does that, which a few of mine do but I rarely use them, then the task killer comes through and simply ends them because it won't die by the means of the OS. The phone lags more immediately after the app massacre but still improves battery live than had you not closed those apps. That's why I need and use it.

Otherwise the phone lags the same with or without a TK.

And if you think the suggestions of a VZW rep are credible, then.. you shouldn't because they aren't. They're mostly morons.
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If you read what I put, you would see that I ask if it's ok. They can say no, but no one has.

And that's fine, but I would take you over to the demo Eris and show you how much better it does once you kill all the tasks.

I would walk over and watch your "demo", smile politely, thank you for the laugh and the offer to mess up my phone before I was able to even use it, hand you the phone back and leave the store to shop at another location where the reps didn't pretend to know what is best for me.

As for your other reply, it is a little hard to give people choice when they don't really know anything. It would the same as me installing the Awoman app on your phone when you don't know what it is. Since I think it is great I could tell you it is something you need, just like most reps do with task killers. You would probably be a little pissed to find out later that I install and menstrual cycle app on your phone though wouldn't you? Choice is a wonderful thing if everyone involved actually understands what those choices are.
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I would walk over and watch your "demo", smile politely, thank you for the laugh and the offer to mess up my phone before I was able to even use it, hand you the phone back and leave the store to shop at another location where the reps didn't pretend to know what is best for me.

As for your other reply, it is a little hard to give people choice when they don't really know anything. It would the same as me installing the Awoman app on your phone when you don't know what it is. Since I think it is great I could tell you it is something you need, just like most reps do with task killers. You would probably be a little pissed to find out later that I install and menstrual cycle app on your phone though wouldn't you? Choice is a wonderful thing if everyone involved actually understands what those choices are.

So explain to me why the phone runs faster if a task killer program is "bad" for your phone?

Also understand that Verizon tells us that we should put ATK on every Android phone. Why? Because 99.9% of people feel that the phone runs better. It's not just me or the reps in my store who do it, Verizon wants us to. Of course, if you object, no one is going to put it on. But it's so obvious that the phone runs better. I don't know why you people think it doesn't.
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So explain to me why the phone runs faster if a task killer program is "bad" for your phone?

Also understand that Verizon tells us that we should put ATK on every Android phone. Why? Because 99.9% of people feel that the phone runs better. It's not just me or the reps in my store who do it, Verizon wants us to. Of course, if you object, no one is going to put it on. But it's so obvious that the phone runs better. I don't know why you people think it doesn't.

to debunk your argument, android OS does not run like windows in that the more memory you have available the faster it processes information. If I have 50mb of free memory, my phone runs just as fast as 90mb. The problem comes with you have apps, like smacky suggested, that aren't coded properly and access information or a connection that is needed by another app while its running in the background. Those apps do not stay on my phone long. If I exit the program by backing out, and I check running processes and its still running in the background, I will remove that app. It is just wrong on so many levels that you push this on people with little to no disclosure. This "trust me, you need this" mentality is bs, because not everyone needs it.
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to debunk your argument, android OS does not run like windows in that the more memory you have available the faster it processes information. If I have 50mb of free memory, my phone runs just as fast as 90mb. The problem comes with you have apps, like smacky suggested, that aren't coded properly and access information or a connection that is needed by another app while its running in the background. Those apps do not stay on my phone long. If I exit the program by backing out, and I check running processes and its still running in the background, I will remove that app. It is just wrong on so many levels that you push this on people with little to no disclosure. This "trust me, you need this" mentality is bs, because not everyone needs it.

And I understand how the OS works, but you're probably 1 in 50,000 people who would do that. It's a great way to handle your phone, but hardly anyone would do that or refuse to leave an app installed that ran in the background.

And again, just because I'm the only one talking about it doesn't mean I'm the only one who installs ATK. That's part of Verizon's official setup process for the Droids. I explain what the app does and demo it. If the want to remove it, they are more than welcome to. Of course I say trust me and use it because I do use it and I stand behind it. It's not like I don't use a TK and advise people to put it on their phone. If you believe in a product, of course you will promote it.
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So explain to me why the phone runs faster if a task killer program is "bad" for your phone?

Also understand that Verizon tells us that we should put ATK on every Android phone. Why? Because 99.9% of people feel that the phone runs better. It's not just me or the reps in my store who do it, Verizon wants us to. Of course, if you object, no one is going to put it on. But it's so obvious that the phone runs better. I don't know why you people think it doesn't.

Yeah, I know I saw the memo about Verizon recommending them and it had nothing to do with 99.9% of anyone thinking or feeling anything. I know that just about every rep tells customers that they need that crap on their phone. I have yet to meet a single one that made it a suggestion either, they tell people that it is a must or the phone will all but explode.

I'm not going to go through and do another long drawn out task killer thread again. There are several very long threads in this forum on the subject and there are quite a few in the droid forum too. If you really want to know, just read them. I have a feeling that you won't, but I have already made my case on the issue.

As far as the phone running better. Talk to the people that had them and got rid of them and see what they think about how much better the phone ran before.
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And I understand how the OS works, but you're probably 1 in 50,000 people who would do that. It's a great way to handle your phone, but hardly anyone would do that or refuse to leave an app installed that ran in the background.

And again, just because I'm the only one talking about it doesn't mean I'm the only one who installs ATK. That's part of Verizon's official setup process for the Droids. I explain what the app does and demo it. If the want to remove it, they are more than welcome to. Of course I say trust me and use it because I do use it and I stand behind it. It's not like I don't use a TK and advise people to put it on their phone. If you believe in a product, of course you will promote it.

Your first statement in this post makes me question whether you actually do understand how the OS works.

I understand that it may be VZW's SOP, but it is not providing your customers with a choice. You are taking a person that doesn't know anything about the phone and probably has limited knowledge of how Windows actually even works and telling them that this is the gospel according to Verizon. It is taking the lazy approach to helping customers and a complete disservice to them in the long run. You have no idea how many people have come here with a messed up phone and told us, "But the rep put it on" when we point out that the task killer is their problem.

Please keep in mind that I am not blaming reps or even techs for this. I know the techs have to deal with a number of different phones and they can't be expected to understand them all 100%. I also understand the reps because it is what they were instructed to do. I do however blame people that frequent this forum on a regular basis and still aren't willing to explain some basics to their customers.
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Your first statement in this post makes me question whether you actually do understand how the OS works.

I understand that it may be VZW's SOP, but it is not providing your customers with a choice. You are taking a person that doesn't know anything about the phone and probably has limited knowledge of how Windows actually even works and telling them that this is the gospel according to Verizon. It is taking the lazy approach to helping customers and a complete disservice to them in the long run. You have no idea how many people have come here with a messed up phone and told us, "But the rep put it on" when we point out that the task killer is their problem.

Please keep in mind that I am not blaming reps or even techs for this. I know the techs have to deal with a number of different phones and they can't be expected to understand them all 100%. I also understand the reps because it is what they were instructed to do. I do however blame people that frequent this forum on a regular basis and still aren't willing to explain some basics to their customers.

You can continue to run your mouth, that's fine. But don't accuse me of being lazy with my customers. I treat them with all my attention and answer whatever they want to know, I spend over an hour if they need it learning about their phone.

I use a task killer, you obviously don't. Fine, whatever it doesn't matter. It doesn't change that I am going to continue to service customers and abide by VZW SOP. If you have a problem, take it up with corporate. That'll go pretty far...:rolleyes:
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You can continue to run your mouth, that's fine. But don't accuse me of being lazy with my customers. I treat them with all my attention and answer whatever they want to know, I spend over an hour if they need it learning about their phone.

I use a task killer, you obviously don't. Fine, whatever it doesn't matter. It doesn't change that I am going to continue to service customers and abide by VZW SOP. If you have a problem, take it up with corporate. That'll go pretty far...:rolleyes:

If you think that I said you are being lazy then you need to calm yourself and reread what I wrote. I was talking about Verizon's policy being a lazy approach to customer service. If it came across that I was accusing you then I apologize, that isn't what I meant. I don't bash people for their jobs. I will however bash a company policy that is a disservice.
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lol my friend David
had a palm pre
but sold it for money to pay for a book he need for class

Well he called in two weeks ago
and lied
and said
1)He called a rep to file a claim for a stolen phone and hasn't received it and then he called back a couple of days ago to find out said rep had not even filled a form out
2)He demaned they reverse his upgrade date so he could get the pre plus at 49.99

Well...he partially got a discount.

Initially they told him that he would have to pay full retail aka 599.99
for it but then they told him while they couldn't offer 2 year pricing, they would
allow him to get it for 119.99 at 1 year pricing

So try your look out.

I do think it's easier to manipulate nd fool the ppl on the phone vs in the store
because idk if anyone noticed but the people in the stores are bitches and rude(well most of them...and this is something i noticed in more than one verizon)
But I always get a friendly rep on the phone 90% of the time

You may not be able to get it at 2 year pricing but perhaps you can get it at one year pricing

or tell them you would be willing to extend your contract if they did an early upgrade
Personally i dont see the big deal

if everytime a new phone came out and customers wanted it
they could
extend their contract
or pay full retail

Initially they would lose money but they'd make it all up in 2 years time
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If you think that I said you are being lazy then you need to calm yourself and reread what I wrote. I was talking about Verizon's policy being a lazy approach to customer service. If it came across that I was accusing you then I apologize, that isn't what I meant. I don't bash people for their jobs. I will however bash a company policy that is a disservice.

I do not mean to thread jump
1)i don't think she was directly calling you, yourself lazy but as a whole

However, i don't get the task killer argument(its been literally 6 months)
and i read the threads and arguments and yada yada yada
about why they are good and why they are bad....

Personally, my phone is slow with a task killer and without it...
the task killer helps but temporarily..

Its like i got a cold right now...i can wipe with the back of my hand(ewww) but until i blow my nose it will only temporarily stop the problem(sorry its 3 a.m. its the best i got)

The phone is just slow as hell and i've gotten used to it
but i do think they help

and while i disagree with OTD's opinion, I respect it because its her(and some others) opinion and i have my own.

Personally, i think it should be shown or taught to customers and then told them to see how they like it with or without the task killer and let them make the choice.

if you put the app on the phone, most ppl won't take it off.
You could put a virus up there but if a Verizon rep says it works or to put it up there, they'll keep it
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Look, obvioiusly you have a lemon phone. If you really have done all the things you claim to have done (factory reset, wipe clean, etc) and you are STILL having issues, take it in the Verizon or call them and they should and will send you a new one. Period.

But you obviously want something more and are trying to get a free upgrade just because "this phone sucks, FC, lag, blah blah". Well guess what, the Eris is a great phone that works wonderfully for most of us. That's because we actually take the time to learn how our phone works and work with the phone instead of just writing it off at the first sign of trouble.

For those who complain I honestly believe they will never be satisfied. Go ahead, go to the Incredible or even the iToy. But if you don't learn to appreciate what you have and take the time to learn about your phone, you will NEVER be satisfied. /rant (not directly aimed at you, btw)

So here's my advice to you, take it or leave it.

1. Uninstall all your apps or even do a factory reset if you want.
2. Take you time re-installing apps. Do it maybe one or two per day to give yourself time to see how the phone reacts.
3. I would highly suggest you DON'T install a task killer to begin with. Give your phone a chance to show you that it can, and will, work just fine without one.
4. If you are still having force closes and all the other issues, even with no or just a few apps installed, TAKE IT BACK. And don't let them give you a refurb or pre-owned.

Bottom line is, you bought this phone, it should and can work properly. It sucks that you've had so many issues, but I can assure you, the Eris is a great phone. But hey, if you want to spend the extra $$ for the latest and greatest, that's your choice. Don't expect perfection, though. There is no such thing.
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You guys can't prove a task killer does or not work. It's something subjective that really depends on how you use it.

The OS cleans up garbage files but that doesn't mean it doesn't need some house cleaning from time to time. For those of us that use MLB At Bat and Pandora and a few games that do not close properly, ATK is necessary or those apps continue to drain the power.

Pandora doesnt completely close for you? When I run pandora and hit menu, select quit, and check a task killer, it doesnt list in the running processes. Or am I missing something and pandora really isnt closing?
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Pandora doesnt completely close for you? When I run pandora and hit menu, select quit, and check a task killer, it doesnt list in the running processes. Or am I missing something and pandora really isnt closing?

On 2.1 especially, many programs seem to hang. It could be on 1.5 as well, or root or whatever, but on the Eris, many apps do not close properly and will continue to drain battery ridiculously if left alone.

I think the general classification for the apps that do this has been narrowed down to apps that stream data. So Pandora, MLB (for radio, scores, etc.) and Google Maps. Maps has been known to remain open and drain battery even if I'm not using turn by turn directions and just check it to see how far away something is. The system's task manager, not ATK, shows it as using up 40%+ of battery.
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