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Hate My Eris, Convince Verizon to Upgrade?

Pandora doesnt completely close for you? When I run pandora and hit menu, select quit, and check a task killer, it doesnt list in the running processes. Or am I missing something and pandora really isnt closing?

No, if it doesn't show up in your tasks, it's dead. I think, like smacky posted right above me, it's mostly a 2.1 leak issue.
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Now, I'm not necessarilly impugning the OP's motives BUT there sure does seem to be a lot of people with Eris "problems" since the Incredible was announced (and don't think Verizon is oblivious to this). Like I posted in another thread, the Eris is a fantastic phone. Might you run into something funky? Sure, but my experience is really not more than any other piece of similarly complex technology. Rarely see a FC, pop the battery or need to reboot. Maybe twice in 2 months.

I'm obviously alluding to exagerated/manufactured problems and deceitful actions just to get to the latest phone. Now, before everyone has a conniption, think about it for a minute. Say you can connive your way into a new phone. What do you get? An faster Eris with a bit better screen and camera. Is it worth it to now be stuck with the Incredible for two years? What are you going to do at the end of this year when there is an HTC Scorpion or Stingray or whatever running on Verizon's LTE network? My point is, that if you use it responsibly the Eris is a great phone. Ride out your contract until you can make a really substantial upgrade.
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Now, I'm not necessarilly impugning the OP's motives BUT there sure does seem to be a lot of people with Eris "problems" since the Incredible was announced (and don't think Verizon is oblivious to this). Like I posted in another thread, the Eris is a fantastic phone. Might you run into something funky? Sure, but my experience is really not more than any other piece of similarly complex technology. Rarely see a FC, pop the battery or need to reboot. Maybe twice in 2 months.

I'm obviously alluding to exagerated/manufactured problems and deceitful actions just to get to the latest phone. Now, before everyone has a conniption, think about it for a minute. Say you can connive your way into a new phone. What do you get? An faster Eris with a bit better screen and camera. Is it worth it to now be stuck with the Incredible for two years? What are you going to do at the end of this year when there is an HTC Scorpion or Stingray or whatever running on Verizon's LTE network? My point is, that if you use it responsibly the Eris is a great phone. Ride out your contract until you can make a really substantial upgrade.

I have noticed this too. That a lot of members that previously were "happy" with their phones and had no lag, and were pissed others were complaining are now complaining big time about the lag and how they want to move up to the Incredible. I wish I could go back in time and see how G1 users reacted after a year that their devices were being replaced by the Hero or whatever was next. Was it similar? I'm sure it was. That's why you don't pay them any attention. Most of them are all talk ( I know I was at one point) and won't do anything but be miserable with a phone they'll later on realize they were handling incorrectly.
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I honestly think you just want a new phone and no matter what is said or how to try and fix it, you will disagree.

With that being said. I had the BB Tour for 3 months when the Eris came out. I just did an early upgrade for the Tour. I called Verizon up and asked why some of my friends were able to early upgrade and i wasnt. They said cuz they had the BB Storm, which they admit was a crappy crappy phone (Eris is not a crappy phone. Its one of the better selling phones) I said that sucks, I really would like to check out the Eris and love Verizon. BS'd for a bit. He said, well you have been a customer for X amount of yrs and we want to keep you happy and you are never late with a payment ( Have had service for over 8 yrs and never late once). Talked to a manager and I was able to early upgrade by 9 months. Is it possible? Yes. Was I lucky? HELL YA. I dont recommend going into the stores and trying as they dont make the money if you early upgrade. When calling customer service, its direct. I talked to 2 managers when the Eris came out and even told them my account was noted to be eligable for the upgrade and they pretty much said, we dont have to honor that and I dont want to waste inventory that isnt going to make my store money.
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I honestly think you just want a new phone and no matter what is said or how to try and fix it, you will disagree.

Nah, I was just frustrated. I'll make do with a replacement after some of the constructive feedback I got, so long as my next Eris doesn't have similar or worse issues.

I'm going to stop replying to this thread, since it has turned into a flame war. I am rather shocked and disappointed.
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I used to work for At&t Relations aka retention and if Verizon is anything like them its hit or miss. Basically, with At&t your account has an LTV(lifetime value) on a scale of 0-5. 0 being too new to have a grade and 5 being the best. What this meant is when someone would threaten to cancel, the first thing At&t will look at is your LTV. Your lifetime value is based on how long you've been with the company, size of account, number of lines etc. There are actually many factors and different exceptions, those are a few. A value of 1 is the worst, meaning if you threaten to cancel At&t will cancel you with no attempts to keep you as a customer. Having a value of 2-5 will allow the rep or agent to attempt to keep you as a customer. Now depending on the reason for canceling there are different offers. Now without going into more details, there ARE special offers for upgrading your phone depending on the situation. Offers like getting the phone at a small discount in the price or sometimes getting the phone with at full 2yr upgrade discount price. So if Verizon is anything like At&t, which i would bet they are in some ways, there def is a way of getting a new phone.

With all that being said, your LTV is affected by how many special offers you get. So every time you call and get some kind of special offer, whether it be on a plan or on a phone, it is accounted for in your LTV. For example, there was a woman who call and got a bb curve and didn't like it at all. She called and complained/threatened to cancel her line once or twice a week for a good month. Each time she got offered something different such as phone replacements, plan discounts, account credits etc. My co-worker got her, we read through the notes saw all the changes and times she called. Well we questioned her until we found out she wanted the NEW bb bold (at that time it was new). Her LTV at the time was 4. She had her bb curve for about 3 months and wanted the bold instead. Well my co-worker said it couldn't be done blah blah blah they went on for about an hour, finally she asked for the supervisor and he made some calls did some things and just to get her to stop calling she ended up getting the bold for FREEEEEE. With that being said her LTV was moved from a 4 to a 1 because of everything.

So you can basically only play the card once maybe twice so i would recommend trying to just get a warranty replacement. If by chance that doesn't work get another one...maybe you'll get your wish and keep getting bad phones to the point the rep feels bad and offers a new phone.
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MISTER know it all HIMSELF decides to weigh in.
As I told you many times before, In reply to your annoying P.M.s to me the only one who cares about your opinions are those who beleive you to be something your not.

So kindly Stop replying to my posts, Sending me P.M.s and basically ignore me, as I do you OLD MAN.

P.S. you are the one who thinks you are special - I just tell it like it is and that bothers Fakes like you. Whats the matter your little Fan club might dissapear if they knew the truth about you?

I still laugh at this. :rolleyes: As far as annoying you with PMs, I've sent you 2 I think. One was the first time you accused me of lying about who I am and the second was to ask you who you had me confused with. The all caps gender things are hilarious, BTW.

I've never claimed to know anything beyond what I post. I don't hide behind multiple accounts and I treat most everyone with as much fairness and respect as they are willing to show me. I have also repeatedly told others that I am not that special and that there are a great number of people that are far more knowledgeable on this stuff than I am. I typically just like to help people.

PS - I will continue to reply to your posts as long as you are acting like an ass towards others here. It is totally and completely uncalled for. I can't understand why you even come here or bother posting if you loath everyone and everything as much as you claim to.

It's a girl.

:rolleyes: He has this weird thing where he thinks I'm a guy. He's said or simply suggested it in a few different threads. I don't know where it comes from, maybe what I've said or the way I've said it reminds him of someone else. It makes me laugh, because I know who I am.
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I still laugh at this. :rolleyes: As far as annoying you with PMs, I've sent you 2 I think. One was the first time you accused me of lying about who I am and the second was to ask you who you had me confused with. The all caps gender things are hilarious, BTW.

I've never claimed to know anything beyond what I post. I don't hide behind multiple accounts and I treat most everyone with as much fairness and respect as they are willing to show me. I have also repeatedly told others that I am not that special and that there are a great number of people that are far more knowledgeable on this stuff than I am. I typically just like to help people.

PS - I will continue to reply to your posts as long as you are acting like an ass towards others here. It is totally and completely uncalled for. I can't understand why you even come here or bother posting if you loath everyone and everything as much as you claim to.

:rolleyes: He has this weird thing where he thinks I'm a guy. He's said or simply suggested it in a few different threads. I don't know where it comes from, maybe what I've said or the way I've said it reminds him of someone else. It makes me laugh, because I know who I am.

I just ignore people like that. Got a ton on my ignore list and it really helps me settle down and not blow gaskets over dumb things.
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Internet feuds are incredibly powerful things. I dunno how many hours of my life I've wasted hitting refresh on all the forums I've been on the past ten years. Well, eleven now.

It all started when I was nine and Pokemon and video games were my biggest concerns..... :(

I have to admit that seeing an argument over pokemon would be very funny. I think it would put a lot of things into perspective for many that argue here as well.
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I have to admit that seeing an argument over pokemon would be very funny. I think it would put a lot of things into perspective for many that argue here as well.

I just checked the forum I left once I got to high school about Pokemon and video games. Pojo.com. Still in tact. What a weird place for a kid to be a kid. Now kids have Neverland and Hannah Montana.
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As far as the phone running better. Talk to the people that had them and got rid of them and see what they think about how much better the phone ran before.

I had more problems with a task killer so I got rid of it and my phone runs great.I have no problems at all,except not having 2.1.I chose not to download the leak because I have no problems now and was afraid the leak may cause some,so im waiting for the official update.get rid of the task killer,just my 2 cents
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I have had the same force close issues to the point of losing all text strings every time. went so far as to get 2 new replacements from verizon only to have them start doing the same thing within an hour of activation. why shouldn't verizon make good on these? if you can't use the phone properly and they can't solve the issue? I am in the process right now of arguing with them on both my droids. I dont' understand the people that are saying you should not expect verizon to make some kind of restitution.
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I have had the same force close issues to the point of losing all text strings every time. went so far as to get 2 new replacements from verizon only to have them start doing the same thing within an hour of activation. why shouldn't verizon make good on these? if you can't use the phone properly and they can't solve the issue? I am in the process right now of arguing with them on both my droids. I dont' understand the people that are saying you should not expect verizon to make some kind of restitution.

If it has happened to two replacement phones already, have you checked what you were putting on there? How about not installing any new apps and using the phone stock for a bit and see if the problem returns. If it does, then you got a good case after the third one. If not, then maybe an app is conflicting with it.
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If it has happened to two replacement phones already, have you checked what you were putting on there? How about not installing any new apps and using the phone stock for a bit and see if the problem returns. If it does, then you got a good case after the third one. If not, then maybe an app is conflicting with it.


now that's some good logical thinking.
You do troubleshooting in your job Smacky?
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To all you doubters, I went to a Verizon store today, explained the situation in detail with a polite smile. I showed them videos of the lockups I recorded on my old phone, explained the skipping issues, didnt even mention force closes. I told the tech counter rep how it was inconvenient to lose my workout data after a lock up and I don't feel comfortable having a replacement.

The rep offered to bring his manager over. Yes, he offered, I didn't have to ask. I went through the same spiel with the manager who was very courteous and listened to every word. I asked if there was a phone of similar class I could switch to, and after looking at my account, he said I could have a new upgrade and suggested the Incredible. After writing a note on my account, he said to come back tomorrow so I can test it out and upgrade to my phone of choice.

Moral of the story: Verizon reps are still awesome and offer you bonuses you don't even ask for.

It also helps that I was only a couple weeks outside the 30 day return policy.
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