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Hate To Go


Well-Known Member
Hate to leave such a great forum but, had to give up my Droid X for the Iphone 4. I loved my Droid X but Iphone 4 has some stuff I needed an can't get with my Droid X. Just wanted to say Thanks to all who had helped me out with issues I had with my phone and will still come back here once awhile to look over and see what people are writing about.

Take care and Thanks again
We'll see you back soon enough :p

Seriously, before anyone starts ragging on you, let me be the first to say thank you for putting your personal decision in a very tasteful post, without any intent of raking the muck or adding to the iPhone vs Android controversy(ies) already out there.

If you do ever decide to come back to an Adnrdoid phone, it's pretty much a given that this place will still be here, with all the effort that is put into keeping it a solid jam-packed information-overload one-stop shop kinda place, so, we'll leave the light on for ya :p

For anyone else replying - No Android vs iPhone fanboyisms a all. Leave this thread alone and go somewhere else if you want to do that.
John thanks for the understanding and I would never slam this great forum or anybody on here. This forum and people on here help me out greatly everytime I had a problem.
What the Iphone does that I like is the calendar on the Iphone is great and the email client on the iphone is also great, The Droid X I had to download K9 to get what the Iphone 4 has already. Plus most of my family and friends have Iphones and the face to face since we have a little new born for family members to see since they are not in my state works great also.

Thanks for not slamming me saying I that I suck etc and that I was not a true Droid X or Andriod phone person since I left etc.
I can agree that the video chatting feature on the Android platform has been a complete fail.

Sure there are 3rd party apps, but for people (like Wolvie here) who wants native functionality, Google and the carriers dropped the ball. Every LTE phone (and some non-LTE like my very own DInc 2) has a front-facing cam, and it's totally useless.What ever happened to Skype video? I hope that little hope wasn't dashed when MS bought Skype out...

Didn't mean to rant here, or fuel any fires. But the mention impelled me to give my opinion on the matter.

Point: I wish Skype or Google would hurry up and come up with a native video chatting function!
No just kidding. Best of luck to you and yours and congrats on the new addition to the family.
Actually I look forward to hearing back from you on your experiance, honnest pros and cons, and a good general discussion. I've always said that Apple puts out a good product (iPhone excluded), I just don't like haveing someone tell me what I am allowed to like. That and that something is the ONLY way to do something. And your only cool if you have this thing...... sorry didn't mean to rant.:o
Again, best of luck...... and we'll see you back.:D
You know what's the best?

Finding something that works great for you without worrying about loyalties or brands.

I'm a total Android guy. For me, it's a FAR better system than iOS. When my dad (who is director of a very large IT group, so he's not technologically ignorant) asked me what phone he should buy, I told him to get an iPhone. It's better for him.

Enjoy your phone and your expanding family.
I love it when we can all get along. :) I echo everyone's sentiments. Both phones are great phones, but they definitely each have their own demographic. It doesn't mean one group is better or smarter than the other. Enjoy your iPhone and if you decide to give Android another try, we'll still be here.
Congrats on the new addition to the family!
Yup, I agree with the rest of the posters. Just enjoy what works for you.
I'm lucky, I have an X for personal use and at work they just switched to iPhone 4's. So, I get to play with both! Although I am not be able to jailbreak the iPhone due to security, it is still fun to play with. :D
Can't argue with the face-to-face but I'm curious about the calendar. When I was playing with my friends iPhone (not sure what version, 3gs perhaps) he saw I had my calendar widget on my home page taking up half the screen so I could see appointments well in advance without having to go to the actually app. I tried to replicate this on his iphone but discovered there were no such things as widgets unless it was jail broken. Has this changed? And widgets aside whats different about the iphone calendar then droid?
Can't argue with the face-to-face but I'm curious about the calendar. When I was playing with my friends iPhone (not sure what version, 3gs perhaps) he saw I had my calendar widget on my home page taking up half the screen so I could see appointments well in advance without having to go to the actually app. I tried to replicate this on his iphone but discovered there were no such things as widgets unless it was jail broken. Has this changed? And widgets aside whats different about the iphone calendar then droid?

My friend has an iphone4 and a xoom tablet.....he loves the way the calendar works on android vs iphone; he's now looking for android phone to leave the iphone for......he was always pro iphone, but since getting his xoom and experiencing android, he is now pro android for the most part :D
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