Tempusfugit - perhaps, but I'm not a gamer where machines are concerned. Except for the occasional foray into chess to see what they've been up to.
IOWA - Now we've come full circle on our first discussions together where I had less than spectacular things to say about Windows.
Although I believe in morality of copyrights, as I stated earlier - that's not at odds with a system of laws messed by special interests. We have now the DCMA - digital millennium copyright act - that's squarely at odds with prior law and fair use, all thanks to the legal teams of special interests.
DRM is an epic fail. I love the expression - DRM manages your digital rights in much the same way that prison manages your freedom.
DefectiveByDesign.org | The Campaign to Eliminate DRM
And the solution to the Microsoft trough mindset was all spelled out years ago in a little paperback called In The Beginning Was The Command Line by Neil Stephenson,
now a freely available PDF.
If you don't like what someone does to you thru DRM, don't validate their product and think anything's accomplished by bypassing their DRM - avoid their product.
The idea that we must feed at Apple's or Microsoft's troughs while complaining about the slop they feed us pigs is not the solution.
Boycott is the solution - I practice it with the RIAA. The rest of the stuff - I pay my money and I take what they feed me.
Options always exist - stooping to someone else's level of insanity - be a game, movie, piece of software - no. I will not live my life that way. Nothing they make is sufficiently important to me to make me compromise my principles. If I can't afford to play their game - I do without or I find an alternative.
It's not piracy that will make DRM stop. It's enough people saying, if that's what it takes, forget you - my life is greater than your consumer definition of me.
And when in business I can't escape it - I pay the fee, just like I do on all consumables that I don't really need, but have convinced myself that I should.
There's a reason I like Android.