If you were in a store, would you steal something you wanted if it were hard to get? Or if you didn't have enough money to buy it?
If your best friend was a developer, and you saw how hard (s)he worked on projects and how little money he earned, would you pay for his/her software or buy a pirated copy (for the same reason you buy others' pirated stuff)?
If your job was writing music, books, software, or anything else that requires creativity and pays only when you sell it, would you understand the "reasons" given above for why someone wouldn't pay a fair price for what you've produced?
I don't believe any of you who buy pirated stuff are horrible people.
I do believe that you aren't thinking through your decision to buy pirated apps or software, and that you don't equate it with stealing or with cheating the person/company who developed it.
Sorry to go Dr. Laura on you, but it occurred to me as I read these posts that maybe you haven't really thought about this.
(the following link is NSFW and not family-friendly... click at your own risk)
To be honest.. I think this poster makes a
very valid point.. I am
NOT directing it at any one.. but, I think it makes a valid point which I will get to later.
DO NOT promote or agree with piracy.
However, I am also tired of
BOTH sides not looking at the situation fairly.
If you walk into a store and steal something, you are physically taking it. The store no longer has said item.
With piracy... The owner still has their copy.
Would I download a car if I could? Damn right I would seeing as the original owner still would have his!
If my best friend was a developer? I
am a computer science major who has a pretty big chance of ending up developing not just stuff for companies.. but, apps ect as well..
And I will be the
FIRST person to understand the "reasons" people pirate.
I absolutely
hate it when people paint piracy as a black and white subject.
I have grown up as one of three children. Do you really think my parents were about to pay for 3 copies of every game we got :/
And do you really expect 3 kids to "play fairly" with time on a game? My parents would pretty much always let the youngest do whatever he wanted just to get him out their hair.
Solution? make copies or download them
50$ or 60$ a game is way to expensive.
Also I am tired of people parading about correlation as causation.
A video game does well on consoles but, flops on the computer. "OH IT MUST BE BECAUSE, IT WAS PIRATED SO MUCH!"
Or its because people who spent 1,500$ on a gaming computer have higher standards than a shitty port from xbox 360, and they want to play the game
before they pay for what is really a blatant attempt to screw people over.
On top of that.. When people looking at these numbers see "this song/game was pirated 14 million times" they automatically assume that if piracy were impossible the creator would have sold another 14 million copies.
That is an out right lie. The truth is odds are a lot of those 14 million people would have just gone without the game/song/whatever if they couldn't get it for free.
Another portion of those people may actually go out and buy the product because, the pirated copy made them feel it was worth paying for.
Lets also not forget the DRM issue.
I support people's rights to protect their work.. in a heartbeat I am for that.
I don't support products getting limited or broken functionality just because the manufacturer is so scared it will get pirated.
"Hm... I can A. pirate this product in working condition.. or I can buy the legal copy which is going to check with some remote server every 3 seconds in order to make sure it is a "legal" product and if the server goes down I can't use my product!"
Is a pretty good reason to just pirate a product.
Also.. I understand creators do get some money off of their products.... But, I don't see developers bitching about piracy.
I see CEO's of corporations who are scared they won't get their "hard earned bonus".
I have pirated in the past, I admit this and I am
not proud of that fact at all.
I have changed my stance drastically in recent years.. If a game isn't worth me buying and it is a shitty port.. Then I will not pirate it.
Why? I want to give these companies a bitch slap. I want them to go "Man our product is so horrible, it wasn't even pirated! maybe we should actually try next time!"
Will that happen? who knows.
There is a lot of grey area with piracy that people are too eager to throw one way or the other.
The truth is the world is changing and people are holding on to archaic business models which need to adapt or businesses will fail.