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Have You Seen Others Use Android Forums?

Wow that's crazy, even though I don't live at home surprisingly everyone of my family members has an android phone. Both my parents, step parents, and all of my 7 brothers, and sisters have one. I only know two people that own an iPhone, and the rest have Android, or Blackberry.

It's weird that this thread came up yesterday, after making my first post I was taking a train downtown. While on the train I noticed an older gentleman using the Phandroid app, and looking at the forums. So I decided to strike up a conversation with him, and it was actually a really cool experience. The weird part is, this is a guy I have sent/received PM's from asking for root help. These days he's addicted to it, and I still see him around the forums. :)

It's really strange meeting someone that you have talked to, but never met.

That's weird! My dad's got a Blackberry that he only has because it's free from work, my mom uses a dumb phone and my sister uses an iPhone. Almost everyone at school, including teachers, uses iPhones. It saddens me because it's making me think that they think just because something is so damn popular its the best item on the planet. Some folks have came up to me with a jailbroken iPhone saying "look at what I can do after jailbreaking!" and I'm like "I can do that on my Android without jailbreaking." (they wouldn't know what I mean if I had said root)
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I get that all the time.
What kind of phone is that?
"the Android"
But what kind?
Oh, ok then.
I haven't met anyone, but when I test phones at the store, I leave the Phandroid site in the browsers. :cool:
I don't know anyone who uses AF IRL but I try to recruit every android user I meet (yeah I'm THAT guy) instead of actually joining they just ask me android related questions
^ Tell them that you won't answer their questions until they join and search first. :D

Be a Mr. Rude.
As much as I would like to do that I try to be nice to others, even more so when I am at work (which is the only place I see other people with Android phones)

I am quiet and not very social so when I do choose to interact with others it leaves an impression
i'm always referring customers here if they get a droid, sadly dont think many if any have joined. but hey if you happened to buy an android phone from mike at the hingham verizon, Glad you actually made it on here!
It makes me sad seeing people all around me frustrating with their Android Phones and not one will either gimme their phone so I can 'fix' it, or visit their site.

If you had more people visiting AF, I think you'd see a huge sway away from iPhone and non-Smartphone users to Android. There's so much that can be learned and so many new things to create.
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