Unfortunately the US has always been at the crossroads of Capitalism vs Social Responsiblity.
Most US citizens will tell you that they do not want the federal government to interfere with anything. Unfortunately this sometime leads to issues such as the breakdown of the economy and of course the out of control cost of healthcare. It's just like professional athletes - they keep making more because we pay them more. Stop going to the games and let's see what happens.
Personally I believe that the US and it's legislators have totally lost sight of the Constitution (except of course when it favors them). The preamble clearly states that the Federal Government is to help provide for the Common Good.
As such I clearly would support government involvement in areas such as healthcare. Mind you, I am not endorsing Obamacare. His reform will not help anything.
Our government refuses to actually find the root cause of high healthcare. Like the example above with atheletes I believe we have simply caved to the demands of so called health care professional and pay what ever they demand.
Having said that, friends of mine in the health care world point to how much doctors and hospitals have to swallow to provide care of people who do not have insurance.
My solution would be to get rid of Social Security as forced savings. Instead use the money collected to pay for national health care to cover those that can't afford insurance. It's not about making insurance more affordable, that is not the root cause.
I grew up in a small Latin American country. They have socialized medicine. There, every doctor (from the most renowned neurosurgeon to the backwater guy) has to give 50% of their time to national healtcare. They still make more than enough money in their private practice. Interestingly enough there are no issues with the cost of healthcare. And before you all go jumping around, there are no issues with waiting to see a doctor or having the proper procedures done, or anything else. All their facilities are modern and up to date. So much so that many americans travel there for procedures. In the majority of cases the american insurance companies love this because of the lower cost.
BTW, my issues are not with the office of the President, there is not much that person can do. It is with the congress people who do very little for their constituency and only care for what benefits them. Why are they exempt from paying social security (even as I hate SS), why are they elegible for full pension after only 2 years of service, why are they allowed to take off six months every year, why should they be allowed to start campaining for re-election a year ahead of time.
I say we make them work all year and have 10 days vacation like all the rest of the people. Limit terms, I don't like career politicians. And as much as I hate the british social system I like the fact that they only allow campaigning for 30 prior to elections and no fund raising prior to that.
So until some one in the US can beat some sense into our politicians, and make them realize that they have completely forgotten their charter we may never solve these issues.
Phew, that was exhausting...