I don't see any reason to remove a hardware mixer, and put a Mac in it's place.
Well, replacing a hardware mixer and dropping in a computer has tonnes of benefits. Just ask any engineer at a broadcast studio

I'm not really a sound engineer type either. Personally, I'd rather not have the job, but sometimes we get pressed into service whether we like it or not. We have a large sound board that we can use to mix in real time. I could see a computer possibly replacing that, but I really like being able to turn real knobs.
I think part of my frustration is no one can tell me why the Mac is better and no one but me seems to question that it is (even though it is still in it's box and has not been set up yet). That is what kills me.
"You need to replace this Windows computer. Mac is better for a projection system"
"It's a better multimedia computer."
"How so?"
"It gives a richer experience."
"Meaning what?"
"Apple is just better for media."
"What does it offer that the Windows computer doesn't? What is worth paying the extra money?"
"It's a Mac. It's better for media."
Then I walk out before I punch someone.
Yeah, like I said, not sure why it'd be "better".