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Root Help updating rooted 2.1 Droid to 2.2

If you overclock them what are the disadvantages . It's safe as long as you don't get them too warm? :-*

Well, overclocking too high (i.e., at too high of a clock rate) could cause your phone to become unstable and freeze. Also, overclocking will cause your CPU to heat-up. Too much heat is bad for the tightly packed electrical components in your device.

Overclocking at too high a temp for too long might also result in a bricked device.

Be careful. Watch the temperature. Enable a failsafe threshold in your overclocking app. Don't enable the set-on-boot feature on the overclocking app until you know your clock setting is stable.

Best of all, get recommendations from other folks with your device (I bought the Eris long ago instead of the original Droid, so teddy and the other guys can advise you best).

Best of luck!
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Ok thanks, I bought this droid on eBay in January and I'm totally impressed though slow and too little ram it's really build to last

While I've loved my Eris, I could really kick myself for not buying the Droid back in '09. The app that I wanted it for wouldn't work on the Droid but did work on the Eris, so the Eris won out.

Glad you're able to have one and enjoy it--it's a great device and I hope you have a ton of fun with it.

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Wrong place to ask but what version Android did the eris

LOL, well I'll loop-in some on-topic stuff here with my reply ;) :).

I think the Eris came out with 1.6 (donut) [although I think we had 1.5 on purchase on received the 1.6 update sometime in December '09] and we were promised that 2.1 (eclair) would be out "very soon".

Well the OG Droid of course got 2.1 (and several other updates) long before out poor little Eris did.

Like the Droid, when root was finally achieved for the Eris (a long, twisty story that definitely needs a separate thread ;)), many overclocked the crap out of it, with some running to high for too long and bricked it. We even saw a few folks that tethered and OC'd and had to come up with very creative cooling methods (work in the very short term, but again, these devices are very tightly packed and there's no real good heat dissipation).

Stable OC'ing on the Eris was 710Mhz for almost every device with a lucky few that were able to safely clock in the 800's (not mine).

Don't really know what the Droid was capable of, but it was a more beastly device from the start.

Anyway, I'm guessing there are tons of OC threads here in the Droid area for you or the others can chime-in.

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