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Hey Folks!


Oct 27, 2011
Hey Everyone!
Nice to be here as a part of large android community.
Very first thing, let me thank the initiators & contributors of this forum for making our life easier! :)

I'm a newbie on Android platform. Got too much bored with Windows Mobile hiccups. :D

Anyway, My toy is a Samsung GT-S5360 (Galaxy Y).

Looking forward to get good tips & once I get good hang of the android, wish to contribute to this cause!

Till then, Adios!
lunatic59, Steven58,

Thanks a lot for the warm welcome.

Wishing to follow an android guide.
I'm not sure if this is right place to ask this question but, can you please suggest something to study on basics of android & operations etc.?

If you want to understand the nuts and bolts of Android, one of the great resources is the information given to developers. You can read it all on Android Developers.

If you simply want the user manual, It's available here.
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