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How many Thunderbolt owners are in a 4G City?

Does your Thunderbolt have access to 4G?

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Hartford, CT, dont know why it says secauscus but yeah this phone is like amazing with 4g
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I am in an LTE city (Metro Detroit) and I've traveled outside my LTE area twice in the last week.
I don't want to sound like a jerk...but until you get LTE on this phone you really don't know what you're missing.
I know...the battery will drain faster. Damn it's worth it.
If you have a real fast Internet connection at home with WiFi, that will give you a taste. Now picture taking that everywhere.

I opened up the browser out of town yesterday and thought something was wrong with my phone, then realized it said 3G up top.

Spoiled...all I can say.
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