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Root how to flash cm7


Deleted User

hey, well yeah, how do i flash the new cm7 sense roms, or the insertcoin sense 3.0 rom,

dont you need some kind of special memory table?

if i flash to a cm7 rom can i still just restore GV2.2 and it will work normally?

if anyone could give me a little step by step guide it would be great :)

Just to add to SUroot's comment.

You don't need any memory table. Just flash CM7 from recovery.
If you are S-OFF, then it is recommended to use CM7 table, but then you can't return to GV2.2 without flashing back a larger memory table (GV doesn't fit in CM7 table).

One last thing: CM7 doesn't come with Google apps like Market, so you will have to flash it separately.
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There's an FAQ for that ROM linked in the first post if the thread. I see not special instructions on a quick glance, but I have never run that ROM so suggest you check that out.

You can, as has been said, flash CM7 without changing tables. But TBH it's very simple to change - I have a full set of PB99IMG zips for the tables on my SD card and can change to any table in a matter of minutes, so don't regard this as a major limitation any more.

Edit: ah, I remember it is these CM7 Sense roms you are interested in, not actual CM7! Sorry
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right ok, so i need a table that will make the rom i posted above work, but also the standard one?

ill try the normal cm7 now, then maybe the sense one after some more help :)

As I've pointed above, you don't need to bother with tables. You can simply flash almost any ROM over the standard Sense table (250MB /system).
Changing tables is meant to optimize internal memory and usually provide more space for Applications Data.
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and i need to be s-off to install this?New RcMix Guide/Tutorial/FAQ - xda-developers
From the second post of that thread:

"Stock HBOOT can be used with both a2sd and x-a2sd(you HAVE to be s o-ff to use x-a2sd) versions."

So no, you don't have to be S-Off so use that ROM. I've not worked out what they mean by the x-a2sd version needing S-Off (unless it's just that they assume you will change hboot, and that it's wasteful to use that one otherwise), but there's certainly a version that works without.

Note: I have a class 2 card, and I keep my Dalvik cache on it. I've tried with it in internal memory, and there is no noticeable difference in performance. So I'd not worry about that claimed advantage of the x-a2sd version.
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Note: I have a class 2 card, and I keep my Dalvik cache on it. I've tried with it in internal memory, and there is no noticeable difference in performance. So I'd not worry about that claimed advantage of the x-a2sd version.
I have Class 6 card and it really doesn't make any difference where the Dalvik cache is. Saves me about 100MB of internal memory to move that to SD card.
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I have Class 6 card and it really doesn't make any difference where the Dalvik cache is. Saves me about 100MB of internal memory to move that to SD card.

I your going to move your Dalvic its best you move it while its emty. It allows for better memory allocation and more contiguous files, which should help to keep memread speed up.
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I your going to move your Dalvic its best you move it while its emty. It allows for better memory allocation and more contiguous files, which should help to keep memread speed up.
Yep. I moved it immediately after full wipe and install of a new ROM (CM7).
Now with CM7 table and a2sd+ I have a lot of memory, I was even thinking to move Dalvik back to internal memory. I will still have more than 100MB space.
Then again, I don't see the need to do that.
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right well i flashed it and it worked, however.......
i had to flash back as i needed the phone and my data and didnt have time to finish restoring it all.
my question is, titanium back up, when restoring apps can it install them automatically? or do you have to press 'install' on each one, i have around150 apps and it takes along time!

or is there away to flash a from and keep my data ? im coming from Gingervillan 2.3

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