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How To Install Android M on Nexus 6

You guys have been great. I think I'll take a break from it for a day or two and start over since I've burned myself out. :eek:. I can't download the shamu file from google without it failing and having to 'retry' to continue. Could be the whole issue.

Just wondering: If I changed my carrier to Verizon is there a possibility I'll get the update right away without having to flash it? I've been reading a few forums and it seems no AT&T customers have gotten it for N6 yet without sideloading or flashing. Maybe they're having issues er somethin'.
Couldn't tell you. I'm an AT&T customer from way back and have never had the patience to wait, which is why I've learned to flash these dang devices. That said, the updates don't come from AT&T, they come from Google, but if AT&T reports an issue with the early soak test, they may suspend them until they resolve it. Or if they detect some sort of modification, or the wrong firmware version, it may skip that device. One of our regular members ... @TexasBadger , if i recall correctly ... usually reports getting the OTA's before anyone else. Might be a regional thing.

As for switching to VZW ... um ... talk to some customers first because I suspect the only reason the grass appears greener on the other side is because of all the fertilizer. ;)
Lunatic59: Yes, the OTAs seem to find me right away every time. I don't know why. My N6 is stock, running on Sprint in suburban Dallas. Sprint, by the way, has an excellent network ... at least down here. I sometimes get 4G speeds over 60 Mbps both up and down. And I get unlimited talk, text, and data for less than twenty bucks a month. Go "cut your bill in half"!
I've concluded to make this happen I'd have to download the image and do it from another PC. I keep getting a network error then corrupted images.

Thanks for all the tips. I'm sure they would have worked; I'll just have to wait for the OTA.

FINALLY. I was about to give up and found the solution to my problem.

ADB problems

If you get an error message in the command prompt window telling you you're missing the system.img file, do the following: unpack the image.zip file as well and copy and paste those files into the same place as the rest of the unpacked files (this should be the ADB Tools folder alongside the as adb.exe and fastboot.exe).

Then, open a command window (hold Shift and right click, select 'Open command window here') and enter the following commands:

  • fastboot flash bootloader <bootloader-filename>.img
  • fastboot reboot-bootloader
  • fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
  • fastboot flash boot boot.img
  • fastboot flash system system.img
  • fastboot flash cache cache.img
Maybe someone already mentioned it in my frantic state to get 6.0.1, but I had to flash each img file individually to get rid of the error messages.

Thanks again. I feel like I learned a little something after this. And AT&T is so history as of tomorrow. They're the only reason why I didn't get the OTA the day I opened the phone.
Ah, very interesting @PolarBlue and very happy your issue is solved! :)

Is this the site you got that from? https://www.androidpit.com/how-to-get-android-m-preview

I'm pretty sure I've gotten that error message before myself without issue (although I might be thinking of a different message)...I'm actually going to re-flash a device here tonight or tomorrow so I'll post back and let you all know.

edit 29-Dec-2015: flashed my N5 to 6.x last night and didn't see that error msg; oh, well...

Anyway, cheers! :)
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Ah, very interesting @PolarBlue and very happy your issue is solved! :)

Is this the site you got that from? https://www.androidpit.com/how-to-get-android-m-preview

I'm pretty sure I've gotten that error message before myself without issue (although I might be thinking of a different message)...I'm actually going to re-flash a device here tonight or tomorrow so I'll post back and let you all know.

Anyway, cheers! :)
Yep, that's the one. I was actually there before but missed the bottom part.

I've been exploring around with Marshmallow and noticed something. The phone is 64GB. When I check storage, it says "3.11 GB used of 23.03 GB" now. Any idea what this 23.03 represents? It used to say my total was around 58GB before flashing.
Hmm, my Nexus 6P says "7.99 GB Used of 25.01" and that makes sense to me since I've got a 32 GB device and the /data partition does indeed show (from the output of a df command) a size of 25.0 GB (and therefore approx. 17.0 GB free).

Are you sure you have a 64 GB device?

Can you install the Storage Truth app and report the /data partition info? The output/display actually gets copied to your clipboard if that helps.

That will at least tell us for sure how big your /data partition is...
Hmm, my Nexus 6P says "7.99 GB Used of 25.01" and that makes sense to me since I've got a 32 GB device and the /data partition does indeed show (from the output of a df command) a size of 25.0 GB (and therefore approx. 17.0 GB free).

Are you sure you have a 64 GB device?

Can you install the Storage Truth app and report the /data partition info? The output/display actually gets copied to your clipboard if that helps.

That will at least tell us for sure how big your /data partition is...
Yeah it's the 64GB version. It had the proper amount of GB before the flash. Storage Truth says this:


size: 1.9G
used: 1.9G
free: 14.9M


size: 23.0G
used: 3.1G
free: 19.9G

Device Info:

Android: 6.0.1
Device: shamu
Model: Nexus 6
Maker: Motorola

Well, looks like I have Marshmallow but now only a 23GB phone instead of 64. lol. It also can't communicate with the PC anymore. When I try to transfer pics to it it says the device is disconnected, although it shows that it's charging.

I think this phone wants to make sure I have something to do.

Ok, this was an easy one. Wiped the cache partition and did a factory reset. 54.65GB available now.

*stops sweating*
Yeah it's the 64GB version. It had the proper amount of GB before the flash. Storage Truth says this:

Ok, this was an easy one. Wiped the cache partition and did a factory reset. 54.65GB available now.

*stops sweating*
Glad you got it sorted. Ending up with 32gb after flashing a stock image has apparently happened to others... discussed here ... and their fix is somewhat similar to yours.
You could do this, without a factory reset right?

How do I clear Cache Partition on my device

I'm not clear what you're saying.
Are you saying that you think the size discrepancy (32 reported after flashing factory image in 64gb device) could be resolved by clearing cache in recovery? Have you tried it?

(Just curious....it certainly couldn't hurt to try if you find yourself on that position)
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I only have a 32gb Nexus 6.But I was wondering what your total size showed after clearing cache. Before factory reset.
A couple questions for those who upgraded to M:

Do you no longer get a beep when turning the volume up and down, and does it vibrate when powering down?

I miss the volume beep since you can gauge how loud it is.

I only have a 32gb Nexus 6.But I was wondering what your total size showed after clearing cache. Before factory reset.
I didn't check it right after clearing the cache. I followed the instructions I found online and cleared it and did a factory reset back to back. No big deal for me since during this process the phone's been wiped a few times.
A couple questions for those who upgraded to M:

Do you no longer get a beep when turning the volume up and down, and does it vibrate when powering down?

I miss the volume beep since you can gauge how loud it is.

Yes......no beep on volume change

Yes.....annoying vibrate now on shutdown.

Even my keypress sounds (from lock screen) , sound more like static, not as defined as before. All stock.
Here's what I found... there were a lot of complaints about having the preview beep with the volume rocker, so my guess is they took it away. Now, if you want the preview, then you have to go into settings>sound and notifications and adjust the individual sliders there. You will get a short sample of the tone set for each type.
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