I have spent the last 3 hours reading and skimming this entire thread. Wow what a lot of information. Unfortunately when you are only reading for information purposes, a lot goes over your head unless you're following post by post actually doing the steps. I see there have been a variety of processes that can accomplish the same thing over the evolution of this thread, I just haven't really discovered which one is best for me. My Droid X got a big gulp of seawater, and that ended its life for good. I purchased a dinc on Craigslist, and this is what the boot menu says: IncredibleC XD SHIP X-ON
hboot 0.92.0000
I don't know if OTA or factory installed GB, but it is definately GB. Can someone point me to the post number in this forum for the easiest and best way for THIS phone to be rooted and S-OFF? I used RadioComm and RSD to completely make my life heaven with my DX, and now this incredible is a completely different animal, I'm afraid I need to learn how to crawl all over again. I could dive into the first post and follow the instructions, but along the way I see that others have made it simpler, so I'm not looking for a rehash, just a good starting point for the latest, for my particular phone.
hboot 0.92.0000
I don't know if OTA or factory installed GB, but it is definately GB. Can someone point me to the post number in this forum for the easiest and best way for THIS phone to be rooted and S-OFF? I used RadioComm and RSD to completely make my life heaven with my DX, and now this incredible is a completely different animal, I'm afraid I need to learn how to crawl all over again. I could dive into the first post and follow the instructions, but along the way I see that others have made it simpler, so I'm not looking for a rehash, just a good starting point for the latest, for my particular phone.