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HTC Evo V 4G_Is it a good choice?

I don't think that I'm minimizing the issues, I'm going by my experience with the phone as are you. I've had it since launch, very rarely received the texting error, and when it did occur I acknowledged the error message and hit resend and that was the end of it. Since the ota update I haven't had a single error. My friend received a replacement about 2 weeks ago and got the ota last week so I know that at least a week ago it was still being pushed. And I pointed out the Triumph, which I went through 6 replacement phones before I gave up and to this day, 1 1/2 years later has never gotten any updates. I've never completely lost my signal and have decent 4G speeds where I live, so while I do feel sorry for your experience based on my own I definitely don't have a problem with recommending the phone to friends and family members.

LOL triumph. Just the word makes me cringe.

I went through 5 replacements on that phone all for the same thing.. the usb port goes to crap and it won't charge.. Even C/S knows and they dont even argue it.
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I don't think that I'm minimizing the issues, I'm going by my experience with the phone as are you. I've had it since launch, very rarely received the texting error, and when it did occur I acknowledged the error message and hit resend and that was the end of it. Since the ota update I haven't had a single error. My friend received a replacement about 2 weeks ago and got the ota last week so I know that at least a week ago it was still being pushed. And I pointed out the Triumph, which I went through 6 replacement phones before I gave up and to this day, 1 1/2 years later has never gotten any updates. I've never completely lost my signal and have decent 4G speeds where I live, so while I do feel sorry for your experience based on my own I definitely don't have a problem with recommending the phone to friends and family members.

Well if all you had to do was hit resend then that was not the same problem. Or to a small fraction of a degree at least. When got the "radio interface resource shortage" error, the signal was completely gone and the only way to get it back was to go into settings and reset the profile AND the prl. Then it would work for anywhere from 1 to 3 hours or so if i was lucky.

Just feel lucky you got a basically good phone. You went through 6 triumphs, i went through 2 evo Vs before i gave up. Im sure i would have went through more. If i got 2 in a row from different best buy locations, id bet the entire shipment to my are was defective. To me thats significant. But anyways good luck with recommending it. Hopefully the issue really is gone and no one who you recommend it to goes through it.
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The scene:

HTC Evo V 4G is kinda crappy for custom rom dev scene, imo. 3D camera and MMS especially needs to be hacked and understood to reimplement in totally custom builds before many in the community would even consider adopting the rom. I've been waiting patiently and hoping for some development the past few months but nada, well besides being able to get some MMS functionality through 3rd party SMS apps. I'd say look for a phone that's more hacker friendly if you want a fun time trying different roms out in the scene. This one's pretty dry or I'm not looking at the right places. If you don't care for MMS then there is some value in it, otherwise I'd just stick with stock now or try Harmonia for a stripped down lightweight rom. Once some genius figures out 3D camera or MMS then it should be a smooth ride and development would be fun to watch.
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The scene:

HTC Evo V 4G is kinda crappy for custom rom dev scene, imo. 3D camera and MMS especially needs to be hacked and understood to reimplement in totally custom builds before many in the community would even consider adopting the rom. I've been waiting patiently and hoping for some development the past few months but nada, well besides being able to get some MMS functionality through 3rd party SMS apps. I'd say look for a phone that's more hacker friendly if you want a fun time trying different roms out in the scene. This one's pretty dry or I'm not looking at the right places. If you don't care for MMS then there is some value in it, otherwise I'd just stick with stock now or try Harmonia for a stripped down lightweight rom. Once some genius figures out 3D camera or MMS then it should be a smooth ride and development would be fun to watch.

Midnight and Mobster along with Unlocked Potential all have 3d and MMS and your complaining about the rom scene? S off the phone and then go over to XDA and flash to your hearts delight.
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I don't think that I'm minimizing the issues, I'm going by my experience with the phone as are you. I've had it since launch, very rarely received the texting error, and when it did occur I acknowledged the error message and hit resend and that was the end of it. Since the ota update I haven't had a single error. My friend received a replacement about 2 weeks ago and got the ota last week so I know that at least a week ago it was still being pushed. And I pointed out the Triumph, which I went through 6 replacement phones before I gave up and to this day, 1 1/2 years later has never gotten any updates. I've never completely lost my signal and have decent 4G speeds where I live, so while I do feel sorry for your experience based on my own I definitely don't have a problem with recommending the phone to friends and family members.

You were going beyond simply your own experience when you talked about the signal issue and the 2 ways it could be addressed. I'm not trying to put you on the defense, but I just feel the way you framed your recommendation really made it look like there is no risk of serious issues for a new buyer.
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You were going beyond simply your own experience when you talked about the signal issue and the 2 ways it could be addressed. I'm not trying to put you on the defense, but I just feel the way you framed your recommendation really made it look like there is no risk of serious issues for a new buyer.

I think that you're misunderstanding me, with my experiences with the phone, 6 months later I still feel that it's worth the $300 I spent, at 1/2 that price it's just amazing. While I personally didn't have a major problem with the radio texting issue I pointed out that it exists and the different ways to correct it. Going back to the Triumph there's no way that I would recommend it for even $100 based on my experience. That's what it comes down to, if I make a personal recommendation to either get or stay away from a particular device it's because of what my own experience was. Same with you, you had problems with 2 phones in a row so I would expect that you wouldn't personally recommend it and based on our different experience with the phone we are both correct in our views. :thumbup:
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I think that you're misunderstanding me, with my experiences with the phone, 6 months later I still feel that it's worth the $300 I spent, at 1/2 that price it's just amazing. While I personally didn't have a major problem with the radio texting issue I pointed out that it exists and the different ways to correct it. Going back to the Triumph there's no way that I would recommend it for even $100 based on my experience. That's what it comes down to, if I make a personal recommendation to either get or stay away from a particular device it's because of what my own experience was. Same with you, you had problems with 2 phones in a row so I would expect that you wouldn't personally recommend it and based on our different experience with the phone we are both correct in our views. :thumbup:

I did understand and respect your experience based opinion. I just felt that the way you expressed it went beyond your personal take on it since it addressed resolutions to a problem you basically weren't experiencing. In any case, it's all clear now...there should be enough info in this thread for a new buyer to make a wise decision.

I would add that the Evo user most likely to experience these issues in a major way is probably one who resides or spends a lot of time in a lower signal environment. It will probably go unnoticed by many people without the fix or update.
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Just so that you're aware, I finally gave in and spent nearly 4 hours today reviewing the instructions on rooting, s-off, and then flashing new radios and such (which is what you may be facing if the phone has not received the update).

After that 4 hour session of just reviewing the many guides, I posted these questions;


Now, if that's something that looks perfectly simple to you, this phone may be a viable option.
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It's kinda strange...
For all the people here that say "do not get this phone", then tell me which phone on the current VM market of $150 or less that you can recommend that is without it's faults?

I've had the Evo V for about a week and a half and love it. Coming first from Optimus V to the Optimus Elite and now to this is night and day, apples to oranges.

There are plenty of people on this forum to help out with whatever questions or problems you have pertaining to this phone in a pretty fast time frame.

So in closing, I highly recommend getting this phone now before the sale ends or you'll be stuck with something inferior at $150.
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It's kinda strange...
For all the people here that say "do not get this phone", then tell me which phone on the current VM market of $150 or less that you can recommend that is without it's faults?

I've had the Evo V for about a week and a half and love it. Coming first from Optimus V to the Optimus Elite and now to this is night and day, apples to oranges.

There are plenty of people on this forum to help out with whatever questions or problems you have pertaining to this phone in a pretty fast time frame.

So in closing, I highly recommend getting this phone now before the sale ends or you'll be stuck with something inferior at $150.
I would rather pay $200 with the software update 1.14xxx baseband version 1.09xxx than $150 without. I don't like surprise voicemails because you never received a call
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I did understand and respect your experience based opinion. I just felt that the way you expressed it went beyond your personal take on it since it addressed resolutions to a problem you basically weren't experiencing. In any case, it's all clear now...there should be enough info in this thread for a new buyer to make a wise decision.

I would add that the Evo user most likely to experience these issues in a major way is probably one who resides or spends a lot of time in a lower signal environment. It will probably go unnoticed by many people without the fix or update.

That's wrong too. It has NOTHING to do with signal strength. It's a software bug that makes it so that the radio doesn't have enough "resources" to carry the signal...no matter how strong it is.

And OverByter, I know you have your own personal experience, but you do acknowledge there is a problem...however you appear to keep stating that it only affects texting, which is false. If you're going to admit there is a problem, you should also aknowledge the extent of it. Just to clarify. :)

Also its not a matter of cost options; if the phone works the EVO V is an amazing phone for its price. The issue is the bug. And I believe to suggest that if there is a bug its a simple fix is misleading. I've personally rooted and tweaked many phones, not just simply flashing roms, but going beyond that and altering system files individually to theme the devices to my liking, and even I would not want to mess with this phone IF it did come with the bug.

So I agree the info is here for someone to make a choice. Good luck, it really is an awesome phone overall if it works! :)
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I paid $275 for the "privilege" of owning the first prepaid Android, the Samsung Intercept. You want to talk about a phone with issues. Now compare that experience to the Evo V, the texting issue affects a minority of users, there's both an official and diy solution, find another device for $150 with anywhere near the specs on this phone. The Motorola Triumph had numerous issues that 2 years later have never been addressed and they still list it for $200. I pre ordered my EVO for $300 and received it on launch day and even at that price I'm extremely pleased and have absolutely no qualms about recommending it. :D :thumbup:
I had Triumph. It was nice, except really bad GPS and no HDMI out w/any custom ROM.
I was happy to sell it, now I got HTC and it is perfect. Right now it is connected to my 80" Sharp thru MHL adapter and the picture is excellent.
Checked real-life GPS today, takes about 5 seconds from the cold start to determine the position and hook up satellites.
The display is excellent, larger than Triumph (it was like 4.1" if I am not mistaken).
Overall, very happy w/this phone.
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The phone itself is great. Especially for the price. I guess it might depend where you live but i still have the occasional radio interference and well as not being able to send or download mms messages due to generic network failure error. Been dealing with vm support for over a week with no fix. Overall i would recommend this phone as long as they put a fix out soon!
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That's wrong too. It has NOTHING to do with signal strength. It's a software bug that makes it so that the radio doesn't have enough "resources" to carry the signal...no matter how strong it is.

And OverByter, I know you have your own personal experience, but you do acknowledge there is a problem...however you appear to keep stating that it only affects texting, which is false. If you're going to admit there is a problem, you should also aknowledge the extent of it. Just to clarify. :)

Also its not a matter of cost options; if the phone works the EVO V is an amazing phone for its price. The issue is the bug. And I believe to suggest that if there is a bug its a simple fix is misleading. I've personally rooted and tweaked many phones, not just simply flashing roms, but going beyond that and altering system files individually to theme the devices to my liking, and even I would not want to mess with this phone IF it did come with the bug.

So I agree the info is here for someone to make a choice. Good luck, it really is an awesome phone overall if it works! :)

I was basing it off my own experience...it never gives me problems when I'm out and about, only at home or deep inside buildings and large dead zones. I know it's a software bug, but I was referring to what I thought triggered it.
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The phone itself is great. Especially for the price. I guess it might depend where you live but i still have the occasional radio interference and well as not being able to send or download mms messages due to generic network failure error. Been dealing with vm support for over a week with no fix. Overall i would recommend this phone as long as they put a fix out soon!

There was an update fix...
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I just ordered this phone from VM after reading countless fourm posts about the radio problems and watching videos about it too. In one video the guy said the radio problem was a hardware problem that the re-branded sprint models suffered from and that only the virgin mobile versions didnt have that. Im just worndering out of all the people who are having the radio problems how many have the sprint branded ones?
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I just ordered this phone from VM after reading countless fourm posts about the radio problems and watching videos about it too. In one video the guy said the radio problem was a hardware problem that the re-branded sprint models suffered from and that only the virgin mobile versions didnt have that. Im just worndering out of all the people who are having the radio problems how many have the sprint branded ones?

My personal experience it happens on both
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There was an update fix...

Not for me apparently. I been checking updates and it says my phone is up to date. software version 1.04.652.0 710rd. Dunno if thats the latest version. If not how do you update manually? As i said i been calling vm and talking to different people since i got this phone and noones asked me what version i have or anything about updates. I am supposed to call back in 2 more day to talk to someone in the engineering dept.
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Not for me apparently. I been checking updates and it says my phone is up to date. software version 1.04.652.0 710rd. Dunno if thats the latest version. If not how do you update manually? As i said i been calling vm and talking to different people since i got this phone and noones asked me what version i have or anything about updates. I am supposed to call back in 2 more day to talk to someone in the engineering dept.

Can you double check that version. It doesn't look right?
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