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Root i hated the ally so much i smashed it

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If the wife's phone really was that bad, you should warranty it. There's no reason for you to have had to 'fix' it. I'm sure it's like anything else you buy, some 'duds' do make it out of the factory.

That's what I told her but she just says I will just wait for new every two. But she is starting to like it now with the current ROM.
Is there some reason people have to act so immature when stating their opinion? "If you don't like my opinion, that's your problem" - yeesh, what an attitude!
i just didnt like the ally and i felt that i was misled by the vzw sales rep... i tried everything to make it work for me but i was wasting money on a data package on a crippled phone that wasn't reliable for work. my lg dare still outperforms the ally in reception quality in my area and i also get good reception on my gf's droid 1 as well.
I think everyone around here has a pretty good point on both sides of the coin. The ally is my first android phone(so in that sense I don't have the experience with the other ones) and its certainly not my last. I have had my share of fights with it, and I did win them all. After all a computer is only as smart as the operator using it. (Now that's stirring the poo) but what kinda set me off here is the fact that you said you paid full price for the ally, flashed all kinds of stuff, then broke it and threw it away. I'm sorry but thats trully acting imature. There are people out there struggling to make a buck and here you are littarly throwing it away. Your not looking for an opinion your looking for an attitude booster. Sorry to offend (which I'm sure it will) but this section of the forum is called "all things root" cause we want to know the latest tips and tricks to make "our" phones do new things, not to debate if its a good phone or not.
wow .... i just want a good phone lolz just point me to somthing that vzw will activate that is android.... bty merry xmas Jesus love you
I damn near snapped my Ally in half this afternoon. Mostly performance-related frustration, but those frustrations were amplified by the reason I was waiting for the damn phone.

Let's see, I show up at someone's place to pick them up and there's no place to park, so I need them to be there NOW so I can just pick them up. I hit Exit on the navigator to get back to... well, whatever the last-nested app was, but I need to exit Navigator (and go back to that last nested app unintentionally) to get Navigator to close (frustration #1). It takes a few seconds to process the "exit" (frustration #2 while I'm stopped in middle of the parking lot). It decides to go to the home screen. So now I've got my falcon (wallpaper) staring at me while I'm waiting for the goddamn Handcent SMS icon to show up. Finally the icons show up like 10 seconds later. TEN SECONDS to load the damn home screen. The default Android screen with the 3D apps slider page. 10 seconds to load it, at least (HUGE frustration #3). I mash the screen to the side to go to the next page. Nothing, no response (#4). Slide again, again, again... (#5, etc) Finally it slides to the end (#6). Slide back, it glitchily jerks between slides. Tap Handcent. Ohh, it loads, but there are no recent messages. It's been receiving messages and showing me the "quick reply" popup, but not actually STORING them. So I've only got archived messages from before I restored the phone, plus the messages I've sent recently... but not received (another HUGE frustration #7). So I don't have her damn number. I go to her last received message and try to dial it. But Handcent doesn't show me the number the message was received from. So there are multiple numbers in the phonebook entry for this contact. Which one is it?! I have no way to know! I call the first one. Wrong number. I go to Contacts. HOME. Wait another 10 seconds. Still idling in the parking lot. CONTACTS. Another 5 second load time. I lost count of the frustrations. I go to the phone and accidentally tap the wrong entry. It starts dialing some random person. Phone goes blank because my hand is near the proximity sensor. I don't first think to hit the power(/end) button because that's Power, I want to END the damn call NOW. I mash the End button on the screen when it comes back up. It takes a second to respond... a second the phone (random mis-dialed person) is ringing. Finally hangs up and takes another 5-odd seconds to go back to the calls list where I started with the mis-dial to begin with. It's a good thing the glass on the front is so strong. I nearly pushed my finger through it. Also a good thing the mainboard is so flexible. I nearly cracked it in half.

So yeah, it's totally understandable how someone could end up smashing their Ally. It can be a really frustrating POS. Verizon just makes it about a hundred times worse with all the useless software they throw on it...
I damn near snapped my Ally in half this afternoon. Mostly performance-related frustration, but those frustrations were amplified by the reason I was waiting for the damn phone.

Let's see, I show up at someone's place to pick them up and there's no place to park, so I need them to be there NOW so I can just pick them up. I hit Exit on the navigator to get back to... well, whatever the last-nested app was, but I need to exit Navigator (and go back to that last nested app unintentionally) to get Navigator to close (frustration #1). It takes a few seconds to process the "exit" (frustration #2 while I'm stopped in middle of the parking lot). It decides to go to the home screen. So now I've got my falcon (wallpaper) staring at me while I'm waiting for the goddamn Handcent SMS icon to show up. Finally the icons show up like 10 seconds later. TEN SECONDS to load the damn home screen. The default Android screen with the 3D apps slider page. 10 seconds to load it, at least (HUGE frustration #3). I mash the screen to the side to go to the next page. Nothing, no response (#4). Slide again, again, again... (#5, etc) Finally it slides to the end (#6). Slide back, it glitchily jerks between slides. Tap Handcent. Ohh, it loads, but there are no recent messages. It's been receiving messages and showing me the "quick reply" popup, but not actually STORING them. So I've only got archived messages from before I restored the phone, plus the messages I've sent recently... but not received (another HUGE frustration #7). So I don't have her damn number. I go to her last received message and try to dial it. But Handcent doesn't show me the number the message was received from. So there are multiple numbers in the phonebook entry for this contact. Which one is it?! I have no way to know! I call the first one. Wrong number. I go to Contacts. HOME. Wait another 10 seconds. Still idling in the parking lot. CONTACTS. Another 5 second load time. I lost count of the frustrations. I go to the phone and accidentally tap the wrong entry. It starts dialing some random person. Phone goes blank because my hand is near the proximity sensor. I don't first think to hit the power(/end) button because that's Power, I want to END the damn call NOW. I mash the End button on the screen when it comes back up. It takes a second to respond... a second the phone (random mis-dialed person) is ringing. Finally hangs up and takes another 5-odd seconds to go back to the calls list where I started with the mis-dial to begin with. It's a good thing the glass on the front is so strong. I nearly pushed my finger through it. Also a good thing the mainboard is so flexible. I nearly cracked it in half.

So yeah, it's totally understandable how someone could end up smashing their Ally. It can be a really frustrating POS. Verizon just makes it about a hundred times worse with all the useless software they throw on it...
that sounds like my ally. i had made a bright spot near my back button cuz i pressed the phone too hard i guess and the screen does flex alot. the otherthing was i had like 2 pinholes in the screen where air bubbles would forum between the outter layer of the screen and the innner. i never had a phone do that before. my gf beats the hell out of her droid and the only thing that happrned was the camera button lost its gold color. lol my v3 razor lasted me 6 years. Motorola uses more metal in the frame of most of their phones which make them more durable i think.... i have only broken 2 phones in my life... my ally and my Motorola v60c(i fell down my front steps and smashed it, it kinda worked afterwords but i had to keep it together with 2 band aids lol). so idk i never had a real prob with moto, i just didn't want to get the same phone as my gf.
it didn't seem like he was trolling to me, he stated that he hated his phone so much that he smashed it ( his phone he can do whatever the hell he wants with it) and now wants advice on what other android phone to get. if that is how you took it then that is your own problem. my wifes ally is a POS, she has had constant reboots, at least 5-8 times a day and almost every time she turned it on she was greeted with a slew of apps that F/C on her. I flashed every ROM and kernel under the sun they have for it but none worked any better than the next. until I put Punisher's ROM on it and she hasn't had one F/C as of yet and it only rebooted once so far. with this ROM and A2SD she can actually play Pocket God on it just fine, and I was shocked! I don't know what he did but he did a hell of a job. this thing was so bad that she would practically be in tears because of it. maybe she just got a bad phone or something, I know not every phone will work the same but for the price of it I expect something that actually works like it should. I shouldn't have to root it to get it to work "good enough" I have the Dinc and I didn't have to root it to make it work like it was supposed to and it was only 50.00 more with a new every two. I do have it rooted because I like playing around with android and doing whatever I want to my phone. everyones experience with this phone is different and just because the majority of people do not have a problem with their ally does not mean that there aren't some bad ones out there. this is just my experience and opinion of the phone, yours may differ and if you don't like my opinion that is your problem.

I am not just replying to lightningdude;2047016, this goes to everyone who thinks he shouldn't have smashed it, the real pot stirrers.

I do not understand you're defense on this. This is an ally forum, where we actually use, fix, and get the most from our phones on a daily basis. NOT BREAK IT ON PURPOSE! I think you're missing the point of the arguments about the phone getting smashed. There are so many people on here that would have known what to do to correct the phone's issues. It could have been as easy as Verizon swapping it out for free. Or reflashing it to something better. There are always better alternatives to things other than breaking something. My ally is performing as good or better than any of my friends Android devices. But like it was stated many times, it wasn't any of our phones, but it still could have been put to good use by someone.
OK, this has gone on long enough, without anything positive coming from it. It shouldn't even BE in the all-things-root section since it has absolutely ZIP to do with rooting.

I'm calling upon a Moderator to close the thread from further posts and move it somewhere... trash can would be best. ;)
It's illegal in NJ too. Our E-Waste law just went into effect ealier this month.

Myfishbear, I'm your neighbor from South Jersey, live outside Cherry Hill.
It's illegal in NJ too. Our E-Waste law just went into effect ealier this month.

Myfishbear, I'm your neighbor from South Jersey, live outside Cherry Hill.
lol see that! illegal dumping is normal in nj.... didn't even know it at the time:D
i should have brought the pieces it to vzw and said it just stopped working in the middle of a call lol...
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