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I need some prayers from all of you

My best friend, and my business partner's boy was in a really bad motorcycle accident Friday night. He was hit head on by a car. It cut the bike in half. He's broken his spine in 6 places, 5 in his lower back, 1 in his neck, pelvis is shattered, with multiple internal injuries. I've been helping Mercury with his Beta testing up til last week, but just no time. Sorry. If all of you would, if you can say a prayer for Damon. He's 15. Here's a link to his page.
I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to do this
Prayer sent out. Sorry to here the news. I am dealing with something similar (head injuries). My wife who just had my twins on Jan 7 just had a hemorrhage in the left hemisphere of her brain and bled out for over 6 hours. She is in Craig hospital and is pretty much paralyzed and just finally got off life support (finally). I am raising two girls by myself, they are 7 weeks.

So maybe we can do each other a favor and trade well wishes and prayers. I sincerely hope everything goes well for your friends son.

I do not mean to distract from your situation by presenting my own, but rather show some unity.

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My best friend, and my business partner's boy was in a really bad motorcycle accident Friday night. He was hit head on by a car. It cut the bike in half. He's broken his spine in 6 places, 5 in his lower back, 1 in his neck, pelvis is shattered, with multiple internal injuries. I've been helping Mercury with his Beta testing up til last week, but just no time. Sorry. If all of you would, if you can say a prayer for Damon. He's 15. Here's a link to his page.
I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to do this

Prayer sent out. Sorry to here the news. I am dealing with something similar (head injuries). My wife who just had my twins on Jan 7 just had a hemorrhage in the left hemisphere of her brain and bled out for over 6 hours. She is in Craig hospital and is pretty much paralyzed and just finally got off life support (finally). I am raising two girls by myself, they are 7 weeks.

So maybe we can do each other a favor and trade well wishes and prayers. I sincerely hope everything goes well for your friends son.

I do not mean to distract from your situation by presenting my own, but rather show some unity.


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My best friend, and my business partner's boy was in a really bad motorcycle accident Friday night. He was hit head on by a car. It cut the bike in half. He's broken his spine in 6 places, 5 in his lower back, 1 in his neck, pelvis is shattered, with multiple internal injuries. I've been helping Mercury with his Beta testing up til last week, but just no time. Sorry. If all of you would, if you can say a prayer for Damon. He's 15. Here's a link to his page.
I'm sorry if this isn't the right place to do this

Prayer sent out. Sorry to here the news. I am dealing with something similar (head injuries). My wife who just had my twins on Jan 7 just had a hemorrhage in the left hemisphere of her brain and bled out for over 6 hours. She is in Craig hospital and is pretty much paralyzed and just finally got off life support (finally). I am raising two girls by myself, they are 7 weeks.

So maybe we can do each other a favor and trade well wishes and prayers. I sincerely hope everything goes well for your friends son.

I do not mean to distract from your situation by presenting my own, but rather show some unity.


My friends and I will be keeping both of you guys' situations in our prayers. I'm very sorry to hear the news... I know things like this aren't easy to go through. I give you my best wishes and hope everything works out well.
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I'll try this
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I would like to start off by saying that I am very sorry to hear about the accident, especially the boy. He still has a lot of growing up to do, and with a major life altering event such as this could really mess him up for a very long time. My wife and I have sent a few prayers now in hopes that everyone involved would make a speedy recovery and can move past this situation. Now with that being said, I would also like to say a few more things. I don't want to come off as being a dick, cold hearted, or an a-hole or whatever your heart can think of.

Its great you setup a donation jar, as a parent and a human being I would of most definitely have done the same exact thing. Asking for a few prayers, I would have done that also, as well as asking for donations. However what I would not have done, is talk down about the members of this specific warp forum here on AF because you haven't received one single donation a mere two days after you posted your link. There was another member who shared his prayers, and his situation was pretty darn bad as well. There are people in america struggling now just as you are. Not all of can afford to give a money donation no matter how small the denomination. I know I myself am unemployed. I'm trying to find work myself to find a way to feed my wife and two children. I'm not the only one, there's millions more in my same position. And although I struggle, I did still find a few dollars to donate to other members. I made some time to beta test and contribute to the warp community. There are people here that donate their time and ability to bring us awesome programs and ROMs to the warp, but when they don't see donations they don't make a big fuss, they do what they can.

What I'm trying to get at here is you don't know who is, and is not capable of helping out. There are people hurting to take care of themselves, let alone trying to find a way to take care of other people. Mercury said he would be glad to help. Once he got paid. I'm sure there are others in the same boat. What if there were others in the same boat, needing to get paid before they donated. As of the post there was only 260 views, maybe people aren't reading this thread?

Look man I'm not trying to downplay the situation. It really has to be rough to be in your position and I really do understand your frustration, really I do. But please, don't put down our friends here on the forum because things aren't working out just yet. We are all in this together, like a family just like you said. A distant family. I will keep sending my prayers and do what I can, I'm sure others will too.

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