By all means, if you can donate to any of their pay pal links then for sure do it.
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Forgive me for this Possibly being out of place...
In my earlier posts i was referring to a gamepad for android. I was able to retrace my steps as to what happened long ago.
Before i bought the Moga Pocket, i used an off brand wii remote.
I purchased this knock off item in my haste after seeing a friend using an official wii product.
Then i found out that It was to the understanding of many ppl that off brand wii remotes won't work, but after much Google-ing i found some a Bluetooth app from Google Japan that somehow connected to the off brand wii remote.
I also had to download a wii HID enabler and then finally a controller app. Then i ran the wii controller app, configured settings, activated Bluetooth just like any other Bluetooth device, sync and pair, but when it asked for a 4 digit password, i left it blank and hit cancel instead of ''leaving it blank and hitting ok'' like many online guides said. After trying this a few times i put the phone down in frustration ...
And voila!!! ON A STOCK ROM!!!
no analog, but good enough for me at the time!
then came the Moga pocket! I had minimal trouble pairing probably because i didn't remove any of the above stated .
I thought this had something to do with the fact i flashed warp OEM...or that i am a noob... so i tried noob ROM (which was also very sexy)...
but now I'm sure why!
i went back to stock with the info provided on this site.
I had the exact same problems until i repeated the above Process (minus downloading all the wii stuff... so just the waka Bluetooth and Moga universal drivers... my wii mote has died) and now Moga works again.
I'm going to go re root and then get my warp OEM back! I'm pretty sure it will work the same way.
The Bluetooth app is waka Bluetooth pair by Fixa. It's completely in Japanese but there's only a button or two.
I do apologize for rambling and possibly posting out of place.
I'll go sit in my corner now (with my super slick OEM ROM) XD
I certainly will donate soon!