Android Enthusiast
You're nuts.
You think the people in these places are some sort of phone-obsessed techno-wizards?! No. They're just people in a call-centre, with a database and a team-leader.
You people amaze me. You try to see conspiracy where there is none about some software for a mobile phone!!!
Not only that, but THERE IS ALREADY A SOLUTION whereby you take 0 minutes to update the phone yourself as I did weeks ago.
Good lord.
I'm nuts?
Do I think they are all techno-wizards? No. I know they work in a call centre and I know how call centres work, having been an advisor, a team leader and now project rollout manager to call centres. I know exactly how information is delievered to the advisors and the team leaders, and I know that it is released to them when it is ready to be released.
However, the fact that the T-Mob twitter account has information means that it is freely available within T-Mob other wise they wouldn't have it. They know that an update is coming so the advisors in the call centre should also know that an update is coming.
Nobody but you has used the word conspiracy in this thread. In fact I can't see why anyone would think there is a conspiracy. We just want some clear information on when an update released by Google months ago will be officially ready to be deployed on to our phones.
Just because it is available by unofficail means does not mean that we want to update it by unofficial means. As several posters have already alluded to in the thread, it may invalidate the warranty and T-Mob may not provide us with support should something go wrong with the phone later.
We don't all want to be on the bleeding edge. Just up to date with what has been officially announced. It doesn't take much for T-Mob to explain that they know about the update, they are configuring it for their network and it will be ready for deployment on DD/MM/YY. We're not suggesting they are hiding it or being deliberately obtuse. Just asking them to communicate better amongst departments and make sure all customer facing staff have access to the same information.