So which is it:
1- They (Apple) claim outright to have invented something that we had prior to Apple's claims, so Apple is a liar.
2- They announce something that existed before, in other products, that was not invented by Apple, but it is new to the iDevice and when Apple says this or that is new, idiots take that to mean Apple is actually claiming they invented it, when all they did was say it is new to their latest iDevice.
3- Press reporting is a freaking joke, Fanboys of the Android side abound, and Apple is accused of claiming that they invented something when in reality, they never made such claims.
4- Apple uses technology developed by others and some here blast Apple for stealing an idea. If you read the fine print and product documentation, they credit certain companies in the boilerplate. Like the use of certain Adobe components in their products. And people say, "See... Adobe had this before and Apple is copying them."
5- The web is filled with inaccurate information often driven by an obscene amount of mis-information driven hate and so much of it is incredibly inaccurate and people are too lazy to do further digging, so whatever Apple does is reported as pure evil or clever marketing or great innovation by people that have nary a clue either way; they have Google access and they graduated from the University of Wikipedia. The truth is NOT out there, Mr. Mulder.
6- It does not matter, regardless. We benefit from the innovation and all we care about is our products work and what the other side is doing does not matter.
Please re-read post #146. None of us particularly want to close the thread and/or dish out infractions. Please ensure that your posts maintain the standards of civility that Android Forums prides itself (and its members) on.
I can make two absolutely true statements: the iPad is the best tablet on the planet and the Zio is the best Android phone on the market.
However, I must qualify my comments and say when I bought my iPad, there was nothing else on the market and so far, the apps I require (like Pages) have little equal in the Android Market.
So for me, my opinions are actually facts. And your mileage will differ because your needs are not my needs, so an iPad might NOT be a good choice for some people. Then we argue. Pointless.
You cannot say I am wrong until I qualify my comments and explain why my whatevers are the best whatevers compared to other whatevers.
As for the Zio, it is a no contract phone and regardless of how much I use it, I know to the cent, what my bill will be. I know that if I stop using it, there will not be a huge fee.
It was more costly than the iPhone, too. That is to say, more costly than the $49.95 iPhone available as we e-speak.
I think there are too many blanket statements on the forums. People should qualify their statements and avoid considering them to be facts. You are entitled to your own opinion, but never your own facts.
And Slug . . . when I say "You" I do not mean You, Slug. Another problem with forums. You cannot easily use the word "You" without people thinking it is an attack.