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[International / GSM] GNex ROM Description Database


Android Enthusiast
Nov 30, 2011
Is there a thread on AF or a website that lists all the ROMs out there and the features of each one? I know there is a list of ROMs on AF, but it doesn't look very large, provides no description, and hasn't been updated in a while.

I'm running MIUI, but I think I'm going back to AOKP because it's so smooth. Any suggestions?
Is there a thread on AF or a website that lists all the ROMs out there and the features of each one? I know there is a list of ROMs on AF, but it doesn't look very large, provides no description, and hasn't been updated in a while.

I'm running MIUI, but I think I'm going back to AOKP because it's so smooth. Any suggestions?

Personally, I would suggest the XDA forum for your ROM question. I believe you can find the answer there. This list is made by an XDA member:
Galaxy Nexus Android Roms
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